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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. You can have them back after you are proven to be sane. No nonsense.
  2. Oh sorry, three small children were killed by an ARMALITE rifle, my bad, makes a huge difference 🙄
  3. You guys will literally believe insane conspiracy theories rather than the simple solution that another psychopath loser had easy access to mass killing weapons Go curl into a ball and pretend you’re gonna fight the Ruskies or the British and you’re some great American hero. Then make it harder for said abnormal people to get said implements of murder
  4. Fine, don’t take the guns away. Bare minimum should be red flag laws where the SECOND someone reports you for obvious mental issues, all your guns go bye-bye for good. Please explain how the public education system created this?
  5. Anything Confederate should be relegated to a museum where we can point and laugh at the traitors who tried to tear the union apart.
  6. I disagree very much with the actions of school boards in California to lower standards, yes. What does this have to do with idiot Karen’s using this Florida law to ban anything they don’t like?
  7. Meanwhile republicans can’t handle seeing a naked man and decide to ban it the statue of David
  8. All our institutions are built on the reliance of people with specialized roles to fill those roles. I don’t want morons with room temperature IQ making decisions on the education of my child. The parent is a special snowflake whose feelings are hurt because her kid has to learn that racism exists.
  9. Then do it at the school board meeting. Why should it be pulled after ONE parent comment?
  10. “Insane agenda” is when you teach that Jackie Robinson experienced racism, amirite?
  11. Parents can have a say at school board meetings. They should not be able to delete parts of the curriculum just because it hurts their feelings, like this law allows.
  12. Would you trust your barber to repair the timing belt on your car?
  13. Hmm, would I rather have education designed by people with PhDs and masters degrees in child psychology, education, arts, etc. or Would I rather have education designed by Breighlynn, the high-school dropout mom of two with mild alcoholism and a belief that 5G towers cause autism?
  14. Reminder that parents are the dumbest knuckle dragging snowflakes out there.
  15. https://www.newsweek.com/florida-principal-forced-resign-showing-students-michelangelo-statue-1789976 Gonna keep hammering this until the fine GOP posters here explain how this is a rational decision made by adults
  16. Dion Dawkins is a replacement level player
  17. Can’t go wrong with some old fashioned magazine clipping random letters
  18. Sounds to me like he was happy finishing his career with Tampa and coasting.
  19. Then homeschool your kids and watch as they’re completely unadjusted to society when it’s time to fly the nest.
  20. Yeah, I realized a long time ago that “woke” was just the new “politically correct,” which was the new “satanic panic,” which was the new “red scare,” which are all just meaningless buzzwords for “stuff we don’t like and you need to be afraid of.”
  21. How did you guys get 17 more pages of discussion off no new updates since yesterday?
  22. Why shouldn’t they? Aren’t schools there to educate? Republicans are so pathetic and shallow. Party of small government, by the way.
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