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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. As opposed to what Donny had at Mar A Lago where anyone could get their hands on them, namely his coke head weirdo son?
  2. No, just a desire for small town idealism that is incomparable with a 21st century global economy
  3. MAGA stands for hopelessly outdated populism, isolationism, and the ideal America that never existed except in the minds of lonely old people.
  4. Styx warned everyone in 1983! https://youtu.be/uc6f_2nPSX8
  5. … no? We still don’t have a motive for the Las Vegas shooter even though more info is coming about that. Our point has always been “hey look another mentally unwell person with easy access to high powered rifles how interesting, maybe we should do something about that.”
  6. Do you ever post a tweet from someone that ISNT a far right wing grifter like Mindy? Yeah, we’ve heard that song and dance since 2016. You ain’t got ***** on Hillary and you know it. You wanna talk “politically motivated?” Ask why the FBI letter was released one month before the polls opened in 2016.
  7. Yes, Christians are just such a targeted minority in America 🙄 We have no motive for the shooter yet beyond that it was her old elementary school.
  8. Depends. I really don't want Biden to run again from an age perspective, but I'm not sure who could run if Biden continues his streak of approval ratings rising. I would really really like Jared Polis to run.
  9. If this was the case, it would have happened a lot sooner and for something graver than 34 counts of falsifying legal documents.
  10. Justice is blind, and no one is above the law. Keeping elected officials untouchable by the law is something that happens in African nations.
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