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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. If DeSantis had even a shred of personality he would beat trump easy. He has the excitement of steamed tofu.
  2. He used the bullhorn in recess. That’s perfectly fine. Keep crying. GOP continues to lick taint
  3. Who cares, ban the guns I think my most unpopular opinion is I really don’t have much respect for the teaching profession as a whole.
  4. Deflection is the immediate tool of the gun-poisoned mind.
  5. Executive order for immediate and incredibly strict gun laws. Kentucky has very very lenient gun laws right now.
  6. Kentucky has very lax gun ownership laws. He can figure out why the existing laws weren’t followed, as seems to be the case, and then sign stricter ones. This is a start.
  7. Your gun goes bye bye Maybe he will have the balls to do something about it now.
  8. There’s nothing to debate. People are getting gunned down in the street en masse and republicans will stick their heads in the sand and screech about a single paragraph written 250 years ago for muskets and a militia.
  9. “I can only feel like a man if I have 50 high powered rifles”
  10. Same. Went to private school for middle school, and we had a new science teacher. Middle aged guy. Super loud and friendly but we noticed that he was awful “friendly” with the girls, some of whom would stay after class to talk and joke with him. Three years later he was arrested for sexting and exchanging nude pictures with a 12-year-old who originally started talking to him because her parents were divorcing.
  11. Every single accusation is a projection. Every single one.
  12. What do you mean? Do I think that everyone has the same talents? No. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Many minorities, with similar strengths as their WASP counterparts, are not considered for the same roles because of race, gender, etc.
  13. Of course, I don’t believe in egalitarianism.
  14. I thought it was Sammy Watkins who believed in the lizard Illuminati? Zay Jones was the one who took some bad stuff and jumped out a window for Jesus
  15. This is literally the height of right wing comedy. Making up an opponent and then going “ohhh you’re so owned!!!” Also CatTurd talks about diarrhea quite a bit. Something weird going on there.
  16. Is there a consensus best one? I haven’t seen a sure-fire blue chip prospect this draft. Then, I haven’t really scouted much on the defensive side of the ball.
  17. I would eventually sell myself on it, but it would have strong “Giants drafting Barkley” vibes at first.
  18. We’re going to trade up and take Bijan Robinson and watch the board servers implode like the Death Star
  19. Don’t do crimes. The GOP is actively trying to get rid of Gen Z right wing voters so it’s only a matter of time until it’s thrown in the dumpster. “Lesser people” is an interesting way to put it
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