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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. Yea I mean when your other options aren’t much of a threat it’s easy to quadruple team him.
  2. Odd coming from a political side which wants to ban transgenderism, abortion, gay marriage, etc. doesn’t sound very personal freedom to me.
  3. Baby steps. Like, really tiny baby steps. But progress nonetheless.
  4. “You cannot be this dumb” coming from the guy who thinks Nazis were socialists lol Since when do Nazis have to be white? Also no one cares about “illegals,” your fear mongering about the border is so 2016. Let them come. Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks wasn’t there just for comic relief!
  5. I'm sorry you're so easily programmed. Can you explain how they in any way believed in socialism, the notion that workers should run the government and workplaces? https://www.britannica.com/story/were-the-nazis-socialists "Were the Nazis socialists? No, not in any meaningful way, and certainly not after 1934."
  6. Oh you don't say? Well now it's obviously a George Soros-funded CIA psyop.
  7. A minority of people in office use the filibuster to prevent passage of legislation.
  8. Yes but they won’t have weapons that can kill 30 people in five minutes. Yawn. We’re still taking your AR-15 away. Your poll is also a pretty bit outlier per the 538 averages. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/ Both are about guns. The other guy went off about trans people, AKA the Republicans’ topic of the month.
  9. Given that the majority of the country supports some kind of gun control, at minimum, we shouldn’t have any issues crafting some policy.
  10. It’s almost like many gun owners have a gigantic inflated ego and are really complete cowards (see the entire Uvalde police department)
  11. Most likely a tiny population and quality mental healthcare available to everyone. You know, the thing that Republicans keep cutting?
  12. Serbia had a mass shooting. Within days, the people mobilized to advocate for a gun ban. Interesting how that works when you aren't completely brainwashed into pretending you're John Wayne fighting the bad guys.
  13. Communism will never work. It's an outdated, obsolete ideology clung to by weird revolutionaries and outcasts. Just like libertarianism.
  14. You can keep and bare a .22 or a nice pistol. Your AR-15 is going away. It's going to happen one way or the other. I'm sorry to hear that happened. The AR-15s and similar military-style rifles are still going away. You can defend your castle with a shotgun or a rimfire or something else.
  15. Where were all the gung-ho "da gubment's gonna take mah gunz" Kurt Russell wannabes, huh?
  16. You can keep your .22, Rambo. "A well-regulated militia" is often ignored.
  17. I can't believe I missed this in March. Mr. Danny "DA DEMS ARE HIDING THE MIRACLE CURE ARREST FAUCI" Lemoi is dead. Family members say his heart was twice the size of a normal human heart. He took ivermectin every day and swore that Fauci et al were suppressing its miracle healing powers. El oh el. https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3mb89/ivermectin-danny-lemoi-death
  18. Wtf is this even supposed to mean. Can anyone translate libertarian brain rot for me?
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