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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. The government has always published where the money goes. Read the budget. USAID did too. You were programmed in about two days. I am opposed to giving Elon more money.
  2. Cutting $25,000 from USAID to turn around and raise the debt ceiling $4 trillion and then give Elon $400 million for his awful trucks is a very odd form of fiscal responsibility. In other words, it ain’t happening.
  3. Another poster who doesn’t understand the difference between a media outlet and an analysis product, and has thus been programmed to be mad. Sad!
  4. Wow, it’s almost like the point of all the aid cuts wasn’t actually to help balance the budget! How interesting is that.
  5. I'm sorry "government purchases a product from a private company" is a challenging concept for you.
  6. They’re both products made by the parent, Axel Springer SE. if you want to argue that is “intertwined,” sure. They are not reliant on government funds. It’s the same thing as a Bloomberg Terminal. They’re both products made by the parent, Axel Springer SE. if you want to argue that is “intertwined,” sure. They are not reliant on government funds. It’s the same thing as a Bloomberg Terminal.
  7. You know what fixes this? Cutting taxes and increasing tariffs!!
  8. Because it’s a stupid question. I doubt you actually know what one of these subscriptions costs because you’re not in an industry that needs it.
  9. It’s a tool used for policy analysis, nothing more. Or would you prefer government employees be less educated and efficient at their jobs?
  10. Oh for Pete’s sake, do we have to go over AGAIN how Politico Pro is different from the media outlet?
  11. Ukraine should not cede any territory to Russia.
  12. That's right! The arc where she came back from the alien abduction.
  13. It was medical records from every single Federal employee I believe. Great episode, haven't watched it in a long time.
  14. I don’t see $15 million. As much as I like Cook and badly want him extended, that’s an awful lot. I hope the FO asks him to take $10-12 and reminds him that they need to upgrade a ton of other positions. See if he would take less to keep the “band back together” or not.
  15. Why do you want our government officials acting like 12-year-olds?
  16. Is Musk going to propose that we spend the money on digitizing every single one of these records? I mean that's fine, but it ain't going to be cheap.
  17. Which is, again, unconstitutional. The Executive branch cannot change spending allocated by Congress.
  18. Okay, I spent some time reading this deeply and learning about Ludwig. I offer the following observations: 1) The piece is well-written, but it doesn't offer any kind of baseline for what the metrics should be. 2) To that end, the piece does not say if these poorer voters overperformed for Trump or not. 3) There is great skepticism over the LISEP adjusted unemployment numbers and other metrics. 4) Economic data and consumer sentiment have previously been tightly linked. It's only recently that they have diverged. 5) Even using LISEP's own metric, unemployment hit an all-time low in 2023.
  19. So we’re not even pretending to want actual policy from Musk so long as we can Own Da Libs, huh?
  20. Woah woah woah. Why are you citing the filthy communist USAID-funded Politico? It’s a good piece. Luckily, Trump has many policies that are certain to fix all the pain the lower class is feeling.
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