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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. 😂😂😂 The depths to which you will go to rage against trans people astounds me. They competed in two different age classes. Are you seriously expecting a kid to beat anyone in a 30-39 year old age group? Give me a break. What are this person’s stats? Are they leading the league? Rage on!
  2. You want a king. Weirdo. Please explain why it’s good for a most powerful man in the world to depict himself as a king from the official White House media account. If you can.
  3. Yes, we know. You aren’t fond of women/minorities. We get it.
  4. He’s the goddamn president dude. He cannot be posting stuff about being a king from the official White House account. Have some decorum.
  5. You guys really are beyond saving, you know that?
  6. Yeah well if Trump keeps it up, he’s gonna learn what Sic semper tyrannus means really quickly.
  7. I’m perfectly fine with the cuts, especially for waste like the LCS program.
  8. The President should not be doing this. I don’t care if he’s “trolling.” We don’t like monarchy in this country. Make one of his idiot sons post it if he needs to have this out there.
  9. I personally think it’s bad for the official account of the White House to post art like this, but hey.
  10. If the firm did a good job obtaining those 400 applications from a diverse pool of people and those 95 were proven best, then fine.
  11. Very cool and normal that the White House is posting this.
  12. When am I allowed to react in the moment and when am I forced to wait months and months? Teach me, sensei!!
  13. You mean the morning when the Dow opened down quite a bit? That one?
  14. Oh wow, now we get to have NUANCE? There might be hope for you yet!
  15. Really cool stuff Donny! Also this is going to be struck down. Which it should. Because congestion pricing is a fantastic policy.
  16. You should have waited for 5-6 months to see how the entire situation turned out. That’s what I’ve been told, anyways.
  17. Reagan is rolling over in his grave watching Trump bow down to Russia like this. What a shame.
  18. There are at least nine threads on the first page of this board dedicated to hysteria over some “left wing” issue in the news. The second we push back, it’s suddenly “emotion and overreaction.” Remember your hysteria over the evil Chinese spy balloon of doom?
  19. Your “lowered standards” automatically being with the assumption that anyone not a white male is not fit for the job.
  20. It’s extraordinary unlikely you’ll ever accept anything because you are in a permanent state of “wait and see.” My guess is you KNOW this stuff is wrong and stupid but you don’t want to admit it. Im aware. Im simply breaking up the echo chamber.
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