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    Niagara Falls

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  1. How was there no flag for that Commanders guy shoving the eagles player?
  2. Leave the families alone and focus my tax dollars on the criminals, how about that? I get that your side equates all brown people as criminals, but maybe you’ll be able to figure it out someday
  3. And until then, we shall take their poor, huddled masses and give them a better life. Hegseth’s issues are well-documented. Knock it off. Catholics have a duty to help the poor. Go read up on Saint Maximilian Kolbe or any other saints that protected the poor from prosecution One day it’ll click with you, one day!
  4. No, THIS is what’s going to happen: I absolutely hold the position that a man defending his family from an ICE raid is self-defense. Good job!
  5. Labeling poor families seeking freedom and peace as invaders is disgusting and anti-American. To your second point, This would result in the collapse of economic institutions worldwide and mass chaos.
  6. Self-defense in the face of tyranny sounds good to me
  7. Inviting families seeking a better life and who will contribute to the welfare of the nation is America First. Because immigration is a net positive, especially as birth rates fall worldwide. Well if shooting someone else is murder then certainly you’d condemn Rittenhouse’s actions. I’m glad to see a smidge of ideological consistency.
  8. Do you then condemn Kyle Rittenhouse?
  9. As above, families of four seeking shelter and stability from their war-torn nations pose zero threat to the United States.
  10. MAGA in a nutshell! You're quite on brand.
  11. Were they trying to throw a 5-year-old in the back of a C-130? Then no.
  12. "Ahhhh science! Scary!"
  13. It is. A small family seeking a better life in the US is of no threat whatsoever to the nation. Trump's little gestapo can go pound sand.
  14. Yep. I'm absolutely locked in. We showed the world why Lamar is a fraud, make-a-wish MVP. Now it's time to show the world why KC isn't the Goliath people say they are.
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