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Everything posted by letsgoteam

  1. Am I missing something with Foliciano (I know I probably spelled it wrong)? He filled at C and he also was the player who would tell Morse when to snap the ball in certain situations (the tapping Morse on leg thing he would do). He is an enforcer as well and did he not play well too? I could be wrong, but it seemed even going back during last season that some (fans) were vocal about taking him off the field and not be a starter.
  2. For those dismissing Lee Smith and the value he brings to the team, I believe he would be (is?) the emergency offensive lineman. Because a lot of times didnt the Bills only dress 7 OL?
  3. I may sound like a broken record because of I have mentioned it before. It always seemed to me that the Bills running game would open up when they used McKenzie in motion and fake the jet sweep (or perhaps it was a read where he could get the jet sweep in some cases). Never the less, I always noticed that Singletary would rip a few good runs on those plays. Anyone else notice that or perhaps has evidence against it?
  4. I feel crazy for even thinking this is possible (but I believe it is!) but if the Bills did win the Super Bowl, when do they usually have the parade for the team? I would love to be at that parade but live in TN. Trying to see if its logistically possible, in an affordable way. Driving sure, but in the immortal words of Hank Williams Jr, " it dont take long to get there, when you're high and pressurized!"
  5. Oh ok thanks. I didn't realize he was older, for someone reason I thought he was younger. That is my bad.
  6. How is a Pro Bowl DE only worth a 5th? What am I missing?
  7. I would have to think everyone is happy with this deal. Team and player (if he gets hurt again he still gets $ and is protected financially) Im not an expert but treating players with decency is good to attract other players to OBD.
  8. I am always the worse about thinking how good the Bills will be every year, but I truly agree that this is a go for it year.
  9. Im assuming they have footage of every college game at their disposal. I think every team should be able to make selections based on game footage (right?)
  10. If the Bills win, the Clippers have to come back to Buffalo and be the Braves. ?
  11. My wife thought it was for the Chargers too, I agree this look like a logo from the original Tecmo Bowl, before the NFL team license.
  12. I thought I have heard about (one, some, Im not quite sure) high level qbs who liked to have some meat on them to better absorb the hits they take.I could be totally wrong, does anyone else remember hearing something like that?
  13. What are you doing if you couldn't live on 66,000? I mean come on. I guess if you live a very lavish and luxurious life style, you couldn't but 66,000 is a lot of money to live on and still have a high quality of life. Also, how were you bartending while in high school. I wasn't allowed to touch/serve beer in restaurants until I was 18. So best case scenario, you had one summer to this, unless you were 19 going on 20 as a senior.
  14. Not directly related, but living in TN and even though having friends who are Titans fans, I can't stand them ever since the Music City Forward Lateral. I was alive but not old enough to appreciate the comeback game. I will say its a shame for Houston that the Adams? Family (the Titans owner(s)) holds the "Oilers" name hostage from being used.
  15. I believe I heard that Richie was not going to be there. I do recall though hearing the pre taped commercials mentioning Richie though even after the fact. I dont live in NY. How much were tickets? Also, has anyone gone before, did you you enjoy it?
  16. Where does one find/see this picture? (Im not doubting you, just wondering ? ) NEVERMIND, I SHOULD READ THE WHOLE THREAD BEFORE ASKING THINGS!
  17. Plus keep in mind that there is no cap roll over for next year. (Right? Because of the CBA ending) If that is the case, spend away (in a constructive, conscience manner). Leave no dollar unspent.
  18. I loved Doug Flutie growing up, I was in 5th grade when the Bills lost to the Titans, so the perfect age for a kid to have a favorite player. I dont care what anyone says, 5th grade me (along with 31 year old me) says if Flutie would have started the Bills would have won the Super Bowl that year. I will go with that to my grave!
  19. I met in Cincy during the All Star Game in 2015. I am so glad I confused him for Paul O'Neil, and asked him to his face, "are you Paul O'Neil"?
  20. Should be three weeks!!! When Josh Allen was eating his turkey leg in Dallas, Tre swooped in, made a bird sound and took a bite of turkey leg!
  21. Two agressive calls but not when they were in the redzone!! LOL Lets go Bills
  22. After Allen ran for the 1st Down, you can just tell he was ready to superman his way to the endzone and they didn't give a single chance on 3 downs......
  23. TWGA!!! 4 Life! (Tre White Goalie Academy) Sweet pick!!
  24. For those who mentioned it, I would def. agree that is kind of a revenge/redemption game for fans for 2004 game. If the Bills win, I wont complain/think about the game any more.
  25. Wow CBS breaking out some The Bravery (a band) on the outro to the commercial
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