I could be completely wrong but by him and Josh playing video games together, I think they have gotten close and probably understands how hard JA wants to win. When someone comes into a situation where they know everyone is trying to their best, I think stats are able to go to the side if they are putting up points. If the Bills stop scoring TDs and moving the ball then yea he should probably complain.
Not that it matters, but when I was in high school, we had a very talented athlete on my basketball team who was a year younger and new to the school. The dude is the best athlete I have ever known personally. Anyways, with him sitting next to me in one of my classes, during the second semester, I really feel he got to know me and I much I cared about the team/winning. It honestly seemed that he started to elevate his game during the second semester as he got to know me.
Ok so I know my story probably sounds stupid, but the point Im trying to make is that I think sometimes when people get around a good environment and see how important/trying to win someone is like it changes the way that person looks at things.