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Everything posted by letsgoteam

  1. I will agree with this too. I dont know if Haack is the answer or if they should find someone else, but Bojo was awful at holding. Bojo's bad holds go back to his time with Stephen Hauchska(spelling is wrong, I'm sorry).
  2. Were you the first person who noticed it? I remembered after the blocked punt that someone warned about it in the pre season.
  3. Your point about the Miami game reminds me, I wonder what the narrative would have been if the Bills scored a TD on that drive where Moss fumbled after catching the swing pass, that he turned into what 8-10 yard play before he fumbled.
  4. Atleast it wasnt the same old generic announcer. It was interesting but fun. I think he had a good time today.
  5. I thought it was Dawkins who was sick. Did DW get sick too?
  6. Agreed, never make a star, angry. They will go off...
  7. jeez elbow to the head, all good on a sliding QB...
  8. lol I meant the quick little reply thing on the right.
  9. The message board needs a "hope" (like prayer hands emoji or something)
  10. I wonder if Tremaine is cramping up or needing iV or something heat related?
  11. Is Tre affraid to lay a hit on the QB? So I realize he isnt "affraid" but hopefully yall understand what I mean.
  12. The strangest thing is the GB preseason game, everything looked like business as usual. I know it was pre season, but it looked like how they played last season.
  13. Lots of bad football on both sides
  14. I agree, but I think JA has been too much of a hot mess to get that call this year. The whole "you gotta earn it" thing from the refs
  15. god gunner is what I believe his position is.
  16. I also think if they convert that first down on that run, (and not get that holding call), then maybe they would have opened up the play calling too.
  17. Maybe Sean thought they would go for FG?
  18. His 4th down calls feel like what happened for the Bills against Pitt.
  19. bUT StAR iS tHe WoRSe FoOTbAlL plAYEr EVAH!
  20. It's either grounding or a fumble. As I type they call the penalty. Thank you!
  21. Man, I wish Tua's ribs would feel better...
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