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Everything posted by letsgoteam

  1. I mentioned earlier if CMC has a serious injury, then it was on a play that arguably should not have happened. No flag on the INT, then 9ers arent running another play on offense.
  2. Looked like the ball was leaning forward (when he corraled the snap) when he kicked it
  3. I think he was grimacing before the hand thing too cause of the snow
  4. To paraphrase, he was saying (and might also have to do with how the Bills had everyone tight on the LOS) that it may seem like a great idea to stack the box, but in these conditions it is also a great way for the RB to break it for 60 yards.
  5. Thats why the Bills havnt loaded the box, what CC just said.
  6. I dont mean to keep replying to all your posts lol all the runs are making that clock boogy
  7. I think he has made a big difference for the team on and off the field.
  8. So this may mean nothing, but did he just high five someone with his left hand!
  9. lets stack as many points as possible!
  10. Season altering (for SF) depending on the CMC injury
  11. lol I love how much it is snowing when the announcers were saying it wasn't going to snow again until maybe the second half
  12. After I heard that saying, there is nothing more truer!
  13. I would pay extra to have just a full stadium & field only audio. I do not want to hear any announcers.
  14. Ron Paul is also in play!!!
  15. Why would CNN go against K.H and say those things? Are they trying to distance from her?
  16. Wow, people were worried that these counties wouldnt be voting because of all the issues surrounding the hurricane. I have spent some time during my college years in Yancey.
  17. arguably, it would deploy the dreaded field goal of death Jets dont have to push it for a TD and win, since they can be more conservative and just tie it up.
  18. its because you know the outcome. Josh Allen plays other worldy, as Bills lose late in the 4th qtr in way you have never seen happen before.
  19. Just to confirm to everyone who might not know, an uncovered tackle was not his fault, even if its called on him
  20. As soon as they were tackled on third down, I told my wife that they would miss the FG.
  21. Can we fire both McCantHandleIt and Bass
  22. Maybe McCantHandleEndOfGames wont have any time outs to call on defense. (the only bright side)
  23. I'd settle for them to hire him as an advisor for halves/end of games. A 4 minute coach...
  24. Can we start a separate thread so we can keep bashing McMessUpEveryEndofHalf ? Please? I'm ready for him to be fired. The Bills would get the ball to start the half and make it a 17 pt game...
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