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Posts posted by Buffalo716

  1. wtf is up with Seamus and Cesaro offering handshakes to the Hardy's for????? 2 weeks in a row, that's stupid. Sorry, though, as much as i am glad to see the Hardy's back, Matt is looking completely unfit for the WWE.

    I think they are doing that handshake thing to make shemaus and Cesaro look like decent losers until they snap at payback and cesaro makes a heel turn

  2. I appreciate that.



    where ever he goes, it doesn't seem they will throw him out there his rookie year?




    as you said, some time to develop and adjust to the next level would seem necessary with the little experience he gained at the college level?

    I can see him coming in and not being a dumpster fire




    Sitting and holding a clipboard and learning the nuances of an NFL QB from the sideline is probably in his best interest


    Perhaps he sits a year or 2 and Comes out slinging like he did at UNC

  3. right here learning a thing or two myself along with you OldTime...thumbs%20up.gif


    stupid, no, not a good word to use there.


    you don't ask, you'll never know. some knowledgeable folks around these parts. ask, gain knowledge,


    I can dig that...









    thank you for that input. could be one of those guys with the natural "it" factor?



    so do you think his limited playing time/experience can be overlooked?




    seems I read today the bears are looking hard at him.

    His natural talent is undeniable.


    Personally, I would have liked to see him stay another year and develop, but when he has a chance to go top 10 it's tough to turn that down


    I hope he doesn't go to the Jets. I guess that means deep down I think he has some real talent


    He was the #1 dual threat recruit coming out of HS

  4. good stuff...bit-thumbsup.gif






    of those QB prospects in the upcoming draft, which do you see having a brilliant mind?

    Two QBs who seem to have very high IQs while on the football field are Mitch Trubisky and Nathan Peterman


    Peterman I think is a great backup prospect who can flourish into something more perhaps give the time


    And Trubisky just has a good feel in the pocket and spreads the ball around with ease sometimes


    I worry about all of them this year but those 2 have good football IQ and play the QB position pretty well

  5. A spread offense is referred to as such because it's object is too spread you out as much as possible pre snap. A lot of 3-4-5 wide sets. BUT spread team do not necessarily mean pass heavy. You can be a running spread team


    Air raid is an off shoot of the spread offense. But it typically features passing at a higher rate, over 70% passing,than most offenses. It is designed to get the ball out of the QBs hand instantly.


    The run n shoot was a offense designed around option passing routes and Their principles from a spread offense. In principle it's passing concepts are brilliant but you need a brilliant QB with a brilliant mind like Brady or Manning or Brees to pull it off

  6. ....sure this is old school stubbornness being older than dirt, but I am reticent about any first round investment in receivers, be it WR or TE, because I have YET to be convinced TT has the gray matter ability to process the field and find guys open that we do have...convince me otherwise,,,,,,,,,,,


    All valid points


    OJ Howard is a very good blocker in the run game. Adding essentially another tackle. Add 2 TE sets with Clay (who is also a very good run blocker) and we can mask our RT weaknesses


    It also allows us to spread clay outside on certain packages while keeping Howard inline as a blocker/checkdown/Recieving option where TT often turns too


    He is also too big for safeties and too fast/smooth for 90% of LBrs


    Complete package and nightmare matchup that TT shouldn't even struggle to find

  7. I like both of the top guys and won't say he has a higher ceiling than them. But my bigger point is so much more important what team they go to.

    I'm honestly not sure Davis/ Williams will have better production on our team than a 4th rounder who goes to another team. And this Reynolds guy plays with an edge.





    And the rest defensive players would be a great draft for me.

    I understand your point.


    There will probably be a handful of talented recievers on the board in the third and fourth round


    Those guys benefit the most also when they get picked up by teams with established great QBs like Pittsburgh, and New England or Green bay

  8. The thing is....when you get past your first round pick (and even then) it is a lot harder to predict what is actually gonna be on the board in those rounds....


    Lets say you dont take a pass catcher early......and it is absolute need......then there is a run on the position.


    Now your stuck because you decided to wait until the 4th round.


    Im all in on OJ Howard myself......

    If we go offense I hope it's Howard


    He would add the most versatility and upgrade our offense immediately

  9. This is why the talk of a receiver in the 1st round blows my mind as incredibly stupid. This guy might be a 4th rounder and if he goes to the right team, he could outproduce a top 10 pick. I got this from a Steelers site and they are awesome at evaluating WRs. I think this guy is a perfect compliment to Sammy.



    Honestly he's nothing like Mike Williams or Corey Davis as a prospect


    He's good


    But he's slight of frame with not much room for growth and he's not a burner


    Solid 4-5 round pick but his skill set is vastly inferior to the top guys and he doesn't have a high ceiling

  10. Yeah and all these experts on here think he can`t cover as good either. Duh...He started out as a corner there. Got bigger and stronger and moved to De. the boy can move.


    For sure


    He's just always played on the outside so he has never stacked and shed blocks like a true Mike Linebacker


    He might be better suited for a will backer spot

  11. I'm not a scout, but I don't see what everyone else see's in Foster. To me he looks like he's slowed down on the field because he's thinking too much. As a result, he seems to play smart, but reactionary football.


    On the other hand, watch someone like Haason Reddick play. That guy attacks the offense and just plays faster.


    Cliche to say this, but Foster has a higher floor, Reddick has a higher ceiling. But I'd take Reddick over Foster all day.

    They really are completely different players and positions


    Reddick HAS BEEN primarily used as an OLB and edge rusher while foster is a true Mike


    Reddick will never be a Mike Linebacker in the NFL IMO

  12. Owens won me over because he seemed like a real person that I might meet on the street or something. Whereas others in WWE I feel like they're beautiful, perfect wrestling robots sometimes that are not as relatable.

    If you have WWE Network consider checking out some of Shinsuke in NXT, especially his debut match against Sami Zayn (Takeover Dallas April 1 2016). Straight fire.

    If you're interested here's Nakamura/Styles in New Japan with English commentary (including Matt Striker), I believe it was AJ's last match there before debuting at the Royal Rumble weeks later. Presence is a great way to describe Shin.


    I do have the network.


    It's just that with work, and all my football related stuff I can only keep up with WWE storylines lol


    I did know of him though and im curious to see how they book him

  13. Good point. They hardly even let Ambrose have a competitive match with Brock, it was almost a glorified squash. Instead they gave that story to Shane McMahon in his match with 'Taker that night, the underdog who kept kicking out and gave the monster a run for his money. It was as if they see Shane as a bigger draw than Dean.

    I think we mostly agree that Ambrose/Owens have awesome talent and could be a bigger deal but the company hasn't completely gotten behind them. :)

    I'm with you on the Prizefighter gimmick for KO too, I was real into his work at that time. He's a lot better at that than playing a suit-wearing corporate patsy.

    Enjoy!!!!!!! I need to get to more live shows. Great move brother.

    Totally agree with you about KO. I didn't know much about him before he debuted but he won me over quick with his in ring work and great heel work


    I really don't know much about the king of strong style but I have a feeling he'll win me over quick. He has been around the world and has a great "presence" around him

  14. we have over 10 topics on this. It is better not to flood the board with duplicate threads. Do post but use the search to find that you could have put it in one of the other threads.

    There isn't 1 thread solely dedicated to Reuben Foster that I could find


    I was gonna name the thread Rueben Foster... He isn't the SOLE topic of a thread I could find

  15. I believe guys like Adams and Lattimore and hooker will be gone by the time we pick


    Realistically, looking through all the prospects who will probably be available I have zoned in on one guy that fits McDermotts D to perfection


    Reuben Foster LB Alabama


    This kid is the real deal and a playmaker at the LB position. Fast, rangy, strong as a bull with premier instincts


    He has great burst and instincts in the run game, coupled with hips that rotate loosely in pass coverage


    He absolutely smacked leanord Fournette in a way that he's never been hit. He brought the hammer and Fournette was the nail


    A true 3 down linebacker in the mold of a Bobby Wagner


    I'd love to have him

  16. 5.7 ypc average, best in the NFL last year. Go watch our home Miami game, fastest man on the field.

    He and Zeke Elliot are the only two guys that consistently get around the outside and up the sidelines. Maybe Jamaal Charles. That sets up the cutback nicely.

    Whaley's low tender was a ballsy move, he used it to set a benchmark for negotiations like he did with Groy. They'll work it out to $2m per year with incentives.

    Gillislee always looks super fast out there because he comes in after shady wears out the Defense


    They got hands on their hips and then TD Mike comes in at 100%


    He's got burst but he isn't the fastest player on our offense let alone team


    Love his game tho

  17. Owens got the title only when everyone else got injured/punished, was literally handed the title by HHH to kick off Hunter's money feud with Rollins, and played third fiddle to Reigns and Goldberg/Brock his whole title reign before dropping the title in a 1 or 2-minute match with no rematch, all while developing his undercard feud with Jericho. Ambrose spent Wrestlemania fighting Baron Corbin on the pre-show. If you wanna say they're above Miz okay, but they're not utilized as money-draws the same way as those other names I listed who stayed put. That's all I'm saying, that the 'Superstar Shake-Up' didn't really shake up the top of the card so it feels like empty hype. I agree if they wanted to get behind those guys they could elevate them as the talent is there.


    Side note, why don't they let Ambrose go heel? His heel promos with The Shield kicked ass.

    Ambrose's fight with Corbin was supposed to be in the main card and it got pushed to the pre show because he was drunk at the hall of fame ceremony


    I would love a heel turn with Ambrose, he needs a shakeup


    And KO is super talented and has been one of the best wrestler's in the promotion since he joined. His universal title reign was poorly booked because he lost his "prizefighter" edge when he became best buds with Jericho


    Lesnar also could've helped push Ambrose over at WrestleMania last year but refused to put on a good match because he dogs it when no title is on the line

  18. Guy is so cool


    They killed Revival's theme music with that remix.

    No real main eventers switched brands, I guess Miz if you consider him that...but all the top acts like Shinsuke, Styles, Orton, Rollins, Finn, Reigns, Cena all stayed put. I'm left wondering what the point of the whole thing was. And they had such goodwill with me after the awesome Wrestlemania week. shrug. I've just discovered the magic of Lucha Underground anyways


    Nikki changed hair colors in the middle of their segment!

    Kevin Owens and Dean Ambrose have definitely solidified the fact they can draw and be main eventers in the past 2 year's.. both get hurt by suspect booking


    Both them are above the miz IMO

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