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Posts posted by Buffalo716

  1. They had radar guns in Ruth's day?

    They had ways to measure speeds. Babe was easily over 90+


    They say Walter Johnson reached 99 on an army base and they could measure the velocity of bullets there

  2. You're over rating Clay big time IMO.


    All around he is very polished and a very good tight end.


    In line , split out, route running(finding holes in zone), blocking. He is definitely a good one to have

    All around he is very polished and a very good tight end.

    In line , split out, route running(finding holes in zone), blocking. He is definitely a good one to have

  3. Truly it seems like if we dropped one of today's greatest (say a bo type player) into a sports landscape 100 years prior to their time. They'd skate through every competition on every front.

    It's just the most real way I've been able to picture it through a relatable lens.

    I'm not always sure about that.


    Wilt chamberlain would have dominated any era.


    Babe Ruth threw 95 and was the most feared hitter and I bet he'd still be great today


    Some transcendent athletes are just that... transcendent

  4. I don't think I saw that on there, also didn't think Florence int return was either. And 50 plays since 1999? Lord that was almost 20 years ago lol, a lot can happen in 20 years. My favorite is the Freddie run which put us in position to beat the Brady ran Patriots in a meaningfull game, the only one I can remember us winning that mattered. The Monday Night football highlights vs the Cowboys was great as well, but we all know how that ended. One of the most disappointing games I ever watched


    I can understand that. Still great to see for the ones who are not boycotting lol

    Freddie actually caught a quick slant on that play and ran it too the 1 yard line

  5. Always loved bob woods.


    He's a good one.


    Besides being 6'4 or running a 4.3 he does EVERYTHING you want your receivers to do. He sells his routes, he has tenacity, great blocker, Yards after catch and yards after contact. Smooth in and out of breaks.


    Haven't even got to his soft hands yet.. gonna miss him

  6. ...is there even an EXACT HOF vote criteria or does it solely depend on which way the inept, voting urinalists' nylons are knotted on Vote Day?........ever wonder why the actual vote BY NAME is a big hush hush?....gotta be hanging chads............

    Besides playing favorites I believe the criteria according to the HoF itself is to make sure the enshrinees are the finest the game has ever seen. Meaning the best and PUREST football players


    You should be able to take a HoF who played in the 2000s and drop him into the 50s game and he would still dominate or the 70s or 30s


    Same goes with guys from the 20s and 30s like Jim Thorpe. He would have been excellent in any era


    Drop Otto Graham off in the 70s or today and he'd be close to a 70% passer with Atleast 35 TDs yearly

  7. Oh, I get that-- but he's still hard to wrap my head around.

    I've even heard he won awards at ballroom dancing and was a great billiards player.

    I just don't know how to transfer all those data points into a tangible person. I guess in some ways that underscores how one of a kind he was

    Yea I heard the ballroom dancing as well.


    To put it simply he was just the perfect size of speed, strength and grace for sports


    Not overly big and powerful yet not too small and scrawny.


    Let him be an all American and HoF football player. A pretty good baseball player in the dead ball era. Batted over .300 his final year and was great outfielder. A really good basketball player


    And a transcendent decathlon athlete. I've only heard stories from my grandparents as well but he is easily one of the best athletes of all time


    He was his own track team :P

  8. I almost typed "bo and Thorpe" but it wasn't as impactful as simply bo!

    Plus, I have no real reference on Thorpe other than he's always sounded fascinating as an athlete


    Ran a 10 second 100.


    4:30 mile


    220 in 21.8


    440 in 51.8


    Long jump 23.6 ft


    High jump 6.5


    Shot put 47.9 ft


    Discus 136 ft


    Javelin 163 ft


    880 in 1:57



  9. This team is talented enough to win. The offense is talented enough to score points and play well against anyone. It was built to beat you up and take away your will to play.


    Grind it out, grind it out, then hit the big play


    Of course we aren't built for TT to throw 500 times a year. He isn't that kind of QB. But behind a good offensive line and handing it off to shady McCoy we can win games and score points


    Limit turnovers , and win the TOP battle And hit 2-3 big passes a game and this team should have more success than failure. TT just has to be a competent driver of the vehicle

  10. I always get curious how these will turn (and this one was unique!)

    There seem to be a few camps in most:

    The guys that do a single thing better than anyone else (Bolt as fastest)

    The guys that proved they could do 2 different things at a professional level (MJ, Deion)

    The guys that do all the things very very well but in a freakish body (big men that move like world class smaller guys: Lebron)

    And then Bo

    Whoever said Jim Thorpe was on point.


    American gold medalist in decathlon. All American football player. Pro football player. Pro baseball player and even had a small stint as a pro basketball player


    Man could do it all

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