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Posts posted by Buffalo716

  1. Maybe you should start a thread on our absolutely terrible OLBs we have on this team right now. If you want to talk about a weakness, that it. Stop trying to make it an issue with Preston Brown when he's not the issue.



    Our defense is going to ride or die with Preston.


    I hope he proves me wrong and is the best

  2. Again Preston is better hence why starting and why Ragland demoted to third team

    Preston has much better range

    Better in coverage

    Experienced and played very well in 4-3


    I get it you want to get better there. Just trying to tell you that isnt Ragland. If anything Ragland should be playing behing Lorax at this point. Then he can use his rush skills.

    Vallejo is the guy to watch ar Mike in the future

    Thanks for being polite and I understand it's probably not Ragland


    And Preston is our starter... wish him well!

  3. And that means what? The good old probowl qualifier

    Hmmm Hughes needs to be replaced too never been a pro bowl caliber DE

    ok pro bowl means nothing but originally it did. It was for all stars of the game. I'd just like A MLB with Bobby Wagners game. Why is it wrong to admit Brown is slightly above average? He isn't an all pro

  4. And you know all this based off a very good rookie year the only time he played in a 4-3 you can tell he isnt good enough?

    I am just wondering how long fans will use the Knee as an excuse the reality is the Arrow is pointing down for Ragland

    I hope Preston is Ray Lewis. But he isn't . He is also physically limited like Ragland.


    I never said HE WAS TRASH. I said I wanted upgrades at LBr for years. Because we need it.


    Where does Preston Rank at the MLB level? Not top 10 or 15 right now.. but I'm called delusional because I want a second round pick to beat out a 3rd.


    I just WANT THE BEST. And it's still gonna be a weakness

  5. mow I've figured it out. Your just dilusional. You have an issue with Brown who has been the only solid LB we've had in years because you have a hard on for Ragland.

    It shows

    Really cus I said If Ragland sucks he sucks.


    Preston Brown as never been a pro bowl caliber linebacker , fact

  6. He was really good in the 4-3 yes he was.

    He had a good rookie year.


    We also had the best Dline in football and a great secondary. If your talking 11 guys on the field , he was 9,10 or 11.


    He wasn't bobby Wagner as a rookie

    i don't know what team your watching but Brown has been the best Lb we've had for years now.

    Again, your thinking Ragland was going to replace Brown, he wasn't. He was supposed to work along side him. Now that we only have 1 inside LB it doesn't work.

    Regardless what you say, saw, see with Ragland, the guys is working with the 3s right now. I wouldn't get your hopes up that he's going to replace Brown.

    Again, this isn't a knock on Ragland. He's not suited for this defense.

    Best we've had doesn't mean good enough lol


    He isn't London fletcher or takeo spikes


    He's not a pro bowler. He is a slightly above average football player

  7. what don't you get???

    He was drafted to play alongside Brown as inside linebackers in a 3/4 scheme. He's not suited to be in a 4/3. To think he would make Brown who has been at the very least solid and at times very good. Who's also better suited to be a 4/3 MLB. If you ask me you are dilusonal about Ragland and what he could be.

    He was faster than Preston and tested just as well if not better in some. Preston had better 3 cone drill


    If Preston was able to play 43 mike it's not crazy to think Ragland could


    FYI Preston has never been very good. He has always been the weakest starting link on the defense since he arrived

  8. So you don't think.... But Rodak who is there every day and sees whatever interaction there is between McDermott and Ragland, so he writes something that states that Ragland isn't doing that well and he's a rat. Wow. Amazing how no one is supposed to write anything negative about the Bills a team who hasn't been to the playoffs in 17 seasons and most people on a national level have ripped the hell out of him. But somehow you've figured out that Rodak is the problem.


    Maybe you should just stop following the team as Jack Nicholson once stated " You can't handle the truth!"


    Have you honestly read his articles for 4+ years? He is worse than Jerry Sullivan. He loves the pats and hates the bills

  9. If he Doesnt Dominate thursday (specially if playing against 3rd team) it just continues his downward trend

    No I agree.


    He makes his impact on the field. Thumping people where he was the hardest hitter in college.


    If he looks out of place and lost then que the cut or trade talks

  10. he is right. RR doesn't fit the defense at all. he's a 3-4 inside thumper. pray he is the only guy who doesn't fit the new defense. losing only one guy to the new coaching scheme would be a bargain

    Can't we see him play before we crown him not good?


    That's all

  11. When Shanny got to San Fran Walsh had already retired but they were still runninh lots of his concepts and basically those same concepts are still there in Shanahan / Kubiak / Dennison's offense.

    Now you are right that this scheme is not just Bill Walsh WCO but the timing routes absolutely have their roots there.

    100% agree with the timing aspect .


    That is what everybody takes away from Walshs WCO... pure timing /rhythm routes


    Beautiful thing to watch when done correctly

  12. I don't get this. Brown has been solid at the very least. He's better suited to play 4/3 LB than a 3/4 so I expect him to have a bounce back year. He was 2nd in the team in tackles and didn't miss a game last season.

    What don't you get? I wanted an upgrade at linebacker and we drafted a kid in the second round. I was hoping he'd be a stud.


    It hasn't panned out. Last year I was happy when we took Reggie and hoped he'd be our starter


    And it didn't pan out. That's all. I wanted better linebackers

    I also hate the negatively always. I'll be skipping over your posts from now on.


    I don't even know who you are


    And I'm a homer. I never trash the bills

  13. Well if they can get something better theb by all means Ragland is not Untradable. Then again not many on this team that are untradeable.

    If i can get say a better fit for a 4-3 over Mis cast Ragland then by all means he could be moved.

    Say Jets call up and say hey we both have mis caste players. Darron Lee for Ragland you have to take that

    If we could get a legit 43 will backer I'd be cool with it


    But not a 7th or 6th round pick

  14. Never once called for a trade from him. However Preston is better and hopefully back in a 4-3 he shows why everyone forgot about Kiko.

    Also Vallejo is someone i am interested in at the Mike in this defense at some point.

    I wasn't specifically saying you called for trading for him. Rodak did. Even before the first pre season game. He didn't even wait till after he got torched

  15. And yet he can't beat out Ramon Humber?

    Fans should really temper their expectations from A player from Alabama with motivation questions that was also just demoted

    Well if he isn't good it's just another wasted second round pick..


    Let him play and see if he's trash before you call for trading him. I don't think he's a savior at all. I just wish he was good enough to beat out P Brown

  16. Yeah, I parked there for the Thursday night game last year and left with some cuts on my legs from cars popping glass beer bottles as they were leaving the lot. Not my favorite spot. It was an absolute disaster leaving that lot.

    Looks like Vietnam leaving the game


    Ashes and smoldering fires

  17. you seem to think I'm dogging on Ragland. I'm not. It's not his fault he's not fit for the 4/3. Just like how Brandon Spikes wasn't suited to be anything besides a run stuffed.

    It is what it is. Trade the guy while you still have some interest in him. But if you keep trying to put a square peg in a round hole your going to make potential trade partners think your trading him because he's terrible.

    Good football players can play in any scheme.


    If Ragland can't adapt he's not good period. McDermott believes he can adapt and has said so


    Brandon spikes was clearly only a 34 run stuffer... Ragland on tape plays way faster than Spikes and has a better 40. He was faster than Preston as well. He is definitely not pegged JUST AS a 34 mike.


    If he had football talent he could transition to a 43 Sam or mike

  18. I don't think he is either, we will see Ragland tomorrow probably quite a bit unless injury is still a concern

    Tomorrow is his chance to sink or swim.


    Maybe he's been working with the 2s and 3s a lot because A) still getting legs under him. B) About to see a lot of time with the 2s and 3s in preseason. Heavy reps to see how the knee handles

  19. I didn't read the whole thing. The title and first paragraph is correct tho. Ragland is not suited to be a 4/3 LB and it's shown so far this camp. we should trade him before he starts to look terrible to everyone else in games. While we still have even the slightest of trade value.

    Or he is still progressing from a knee injury.


    It's not 1 article it's 100 articles with nothing but negativity on the bills


    I don't think McDermott is giving up on Ragland

  20. What was so horrible with what he wrote? It wasn't that horrible, and if he isn't a fit for this defence it's not a horrible idea to look into a trade.

    It's quite possible he doesn't look like he will be a fit because he hasn't had the time on the field, or it's possible he is one of those guys that doesn't fit a 4-3

    Constantly negative garbage.


    It was our 2nd round pick a year ago...


    Maybe we should trade rodak


    He is the farthest thing from an unbiased writer

    Well he is the Bills writer for ESPN so chances are if it's about the Bills and it's on ESPN then he wrote it.

    I just get lists of articles side by side with a title.


    I didn't realize it was espn till it opened... I just hate the negativity always

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