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Posts posted by Buffalo716

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    I actually deleted the Stalin, Hitler thing because it was a bad example. I agree with you and was simply making the point that arguing over which group kills more people is a dumb one because law enforcement should be doing their best to prevent both.

    I agree and all killers should be in prison.


    I'm actually for the death penalty of killers

  2. Can an argument get any dumber? You're arguing about which group of radicals kills more people and seem to be implying the other side's not as much of a concern. It's like a holocaust skeptic bringing up how man people Stalin killed.

    Being conservative HAS NOTHING TO DO with the KKK OR BEING A NAZI. Leaning to the right DOES NOT MAKE SOMEONE A KILLER.


    It's rediculous. Being a conservative is adhearing to basic American Judeo Christian tradition. Anti communism, belief in a free economy. Conservatives stand by Israel, they aren't nazis

  3. Fair enough. I thought you were referring to the KKK and organized Neo-Nazis. I know somebody like Roof was a lone wolf..........But, looking back at your statement, you were not just saying the KKK, etc.


    Your last statement is not correct.


    There are many more deaths in the US since 2002 because of Islamic terrorism than right winged nuts.


    Those numbers are from 1 think tank lol.


    They said it was like 45 Islamic terror deaths and 48 right wing lol


    What about the pulse nightclub shooting in 2016 that KILLED 50!


    Those numbers are BS

  4. I believe they are using the preseason to work on stuff that he needs work on. And clearly he still needs it. But they are not going to put the roll outs and bootlegs on film. This is practice time. Maybe next week we see a little more given he is going to play 3 quarters.

    You wait 7 months to watch nfl football again and 2 vanilla pre season games makes you over think everything.


    I'm with you 100%. I don't even know if we'll see any advanced concepts in the preseason

  5. The only thing that is keeping me calm about the Bills lack of offense is that I can obviously see that we are playing very vanilla.


    We are literally playing to TT weaknesses... like the 3 step stick pattern... and we aren't using any of his strengths


    Which makes me think that maybe it is still glorified practice to the coaches. They just want to work out the worst chinks in his armor


    The first three pictures are of classic west coast play action rollouts and bootlegs. These are staples of the mobile west coast offense and we have employed none of these concepts. The third is specifically a curl , flat combination not necessarily PA



    The last 2 pictures are also staples of the WCO. They show the classic smash concepts. You can run it on a 3-5 step drop or on a rollout to maximize TTs ability. TT excels at throwing on the run and to the sideline so this route combination can be a big chain mover for us.


    We also haven't employed this concept much at all in the first two games so I suspect our offense of being heavily dialed back. Hoping for the best!






  6. Hey guys.. Golden Boy boxing is on espn 2 right now and after this fight is the main event.


    A friend of mine has trained and been with the fighter since the beginning. The fighters name is Alberto Machado and he will be a world champion one day soon.


    His American television debut is next. He is the WBO Nabo champion currently

  7. Jonathan Williams!


    In great shape, playing a lot faster and more decisive than last year, and about to be our primary back up behind shady. I really liked the pick when we took him and knew he'd be a good player for us.


    I fully expect a season around 130 carries for 650 yards and 6+ TDs.


    And we are gonna need every bit of that!


    1. I am not telling you to support them, in fact I support you going out and voicing your opinion against them. However, silencing a group because you disagree with their views is a dangerous precedent to set. Hence why the ACLU backed them in getting their permit.


    2. They are not my buddies, the fact that you keep saying things like that diminishes any valid point you may have. In regards to the armed men walking the streets, the police's job is to protect citizens, and they were there.


    3. Free speech does not kill people, supporting free speech does not mean supporting murder by hate groups, once again missing the point.


    4. Supporting the right to bear arms does not mean violating everyone else's right to live in peace.


    I am done after this because I refuse to keep banging my head into a wall

    W-w-w-w-waaaaiiiiit a minnittt! -Did somebody say something about Republicans here??


    Because I thought we were discussing white-supremacists, and the rights they shouldn't enjoy.

    White supremacists are losers.


    The media paints ALL republican/ conservatives as kkk white supremacists lol


    Which is part of the demise of this country.


    But you'll never hear me say a good word about neo nazis or scumbag white supremacists

  9. All of this left right fighting and I wonder if anyone stopped to think about 1 thing which matters...


    The democrat party started the KKK. The democrat party enforced Jim Crow laws.The democrat party used force and violence to keep African Americans from voting


    And the republicans freed the slaves


    Yet republicans/conservatives are racist... "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."


    Democrats are erasing history

  10. Even if they give it to him back due to Cena's interference or Mahal's shoulder being up, he still comes off looking like a complete buffoon, not a credible threat to take the title.

    100% agree


    Killed Corbin's character and he is no longer credible to me.


    A schoolboy roll up??

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