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Everything posted by Buffalo716

  1. When that guy body slammed McMahon he knew exactly what he was doing I guarantee you before that play started that guy just was running around at 100% not thinking he's going to kill Trevor Lawrence He was playing football at full speed
  2. Actually a hit is within the bounds of the game ... Even a helmet to helmet hit is not considered intrinsically dirty because helmets make contact on every play If he took off his helmet and started beating a player with it like Myles Garrett that's not part of football Playing at full speed and hitting a sliding quarterback even if you made contact with your forearm or even your own helmet is now a penalty... But it is certainly within the bounds of what happens on a football field If you think that's the first time that's ever happened on a football field your mistaken .. sliding quarterbacks get destroyed a lot Yeah but at the speed of the game the quarterbacks still occasionally get hit If you don't want to get hit you slide extremely early.. sliding late invites hits This is a fact
  3. I never said it wasn't a penalty But to say that quarterbacks sliding and getting hit is not part of the game is crazy My point is valid.. Jim McMahon getting slammed on his head is dirty This hit is a penalty but you cannot convince me that he came into the game wanting to kill Trevor Lawrence.. the speed of the game and the milliseconds of reaction created a massive hit And he may have four armed him in the face That does not mean he went in the game planning that which would be intrinsically dirty It happens in football unfortunately
  4. There's zero chance that he came into the game thinking I'm going to take off Trevor Lawrence's head It literally is the world's fastest game with huge humans
  5. There's no garbage being argued because nobody's pro spousal Abuse This is the most violent sport in the world.. the biggest fastest human beings are in car wrecks 80 plays a game As I said dirty is when Jim McMahon got picked up and dumped on his head after a play was blown dead.. that's intrinsically dirty That hit in a game where people are running around 20 miles an hour.. where it's milliseconds... Is not intrinsically dirty It is a penalty... The guy certainly did not wake up saying I'm going to murder Trevor Lawrence today That hit happens at all levels of football from high school to college to the pros all time It's a penalty within football... It would not have been a penalty 40 years ago That's why it's not intrinsically dirty... Picking up a player and slamming them on their head was always illegal He had milliseconds to react to a quarterback where everybody is flying around.. that's the difference Fine him sure, is it a penalty yes Saying it is an intrinsically dirty play is wrong because it happens at every level of football for a hundred years.. that kind of stuff happens in football unfortunately because the speed of the game
  6. 30 years ago Trevor Lawrence would be on jacked up And they would be celebrating
  7. Yes it is .. 40 years ago it's not even a penalty There's a difference between a penalty, in the world's most physical game.. where the speed is immense Vs waking up and saying I'm going to hurt someone with intent on the field When Jim McMahon got body slammed on his head after the play that's not within football... A player who is getting hit while sliding even if it is a penalty... Is within football because these are grown men running around at 20 miles an hour playing a dangerous game If you're afraid to hit the quarterback you're going to lose.. it's not like he had five seconds to react we're talking milliseconds
  8. It was dirty when that player ran behind Jim McMahon picked him up and dumped him on his head 30 years ago This was within the bounds of what happens on a football field over the last 30 40 50 60 70 years It was dirty when the hauschka was walking off the field versus the Jets and he got blindsided out of the play This is a penalty, but at the speed of the game it happens.. I don't think that dude woke up today and said I'm going to kill Trevor Lawrence
  9. Pff sucks They have great advanced stats and analytics that coaches can use.... Their grading system is completely flawed and biased even... It's a tool , not the bar that should be set Anybody who understands football doesn't need someone else to tell them what they see... Eyes don't lie typically... I don't need their arbitrary grade Take away the nuance and it's not hard to tell who is getting their ass kicked and who's doing the kicking typically
  10. 49r fans from East Amherst lol Makes sense
  11. The 60-70-80 were Just different People used to haul kegs into war memorial
  12. Most bills fans are meaner to each other than opposing fans Obviously that isn't 100% true but from the lots to the stadium opposing fans experience at the ralph is wayyy better than being an opposing fan in Philly or Oakland back in the day Those are places I would never go ... Generally bills fan give some lite hearted ribbing while being pretty good hosts... With a minority of real #######s Over the last 30 years I've seen way more bills fan on bills fan violence then beating up on an opposing fan... Flutie Johnson was causing fights in the 90s lol
  13. He was a bills fan... We scored... Everybody was high-fiving and hugging etc Some dude chest bumped another guy , and that guy bumped into the guy who fell down and get scrapped up I actually went to the first aid station to get gauze and bandaids for the guy
  14. Sean McDermott has had the same philosophy for 7 years He doesn't care that much about yards between the twenties.. as the offense gets closer to the Red zone his defense Tightens up His zone match defense has less ground to cover... And the windows are smaller ... Passing lanes and running lanes are tighter That's why we rotate the defensive line every possession basically... McDermott's strategy on defense wouldn't work if we ran a majority four or five lineman... They would be beat up by the fourth quarter The rotation... And the bend but don't break... Wears out other offensive lines by the fourth quarter Look at our goal line run defense... We are immaculate when we want to actually stop it... When our back is on the goal line Sean is stuffing your run
  15. I'm pretty sure there's 20 drunk Bills fans in the section who are willing to pummel another Bills fan to act like a white knight Most times when there's fights in the stands it's bills fans fighting others Bills fans... We can't even choose our fighting opposition correctly
  16. Ruben Brown had some faults but he was absolutely very good There's not many NFL players that started every single game they ever played no matter what team they were on 181 games 181 starts The NFL doesn't keep you starting that long unless you're doing something right... He never lost a competition for his job Was he the best guard in the NFL? No He certainly was top six for a decade... This is the franchise fan base that complains about Dion Dawkins and wants to kick him inside to guard when he's one of the best tackles in the world
  17. He a AP writer.. he's also a Hall of Fame voter and past president of the pro football writers of America
  18. When I went to the Bills dolphins playoff game The guy who was sitting next to me got accidentally bumped.. and fell down a couple of rows.. pretty scraped up Now the dude who fell was pretty angry when he got up... But it was very clear that it was an accident... If you literally extend your hands to shove someone I will call that pushing We all know what a classic push looks like... In a crowded place people bump into each other a lot which has more of a non nefarious sound because it's not as aggressive Now a fully extended arm with a shove is getting dangerous... My father always told me to avoid physical conflicts if I could Not because he was worried I'd get beat up lol but because he was worried I would mess someone up He always told me it's not about the punch you throw that hits them in the face.. it's after you hit them in the face and they fall down and hit their head on the concrete and die Now you're getting manslaughter
  19. Oh you mean the Kansas City fan base that does a mocking Indian war chant? The high and mighty fan base that literally mocks native Americans but sits on their high hog acting like they are honoring them lol Trust me when I went to Arrowhead and 70,000 started doing the chant, I stood up and let them all know that the trail of tears went through Missouri and displaced hundreds of thousands of natives And that you're not doing anything but mocking them and I was not holding back lol
  20. If it was literally just a bump and a child fell there's nothing that can be done .. accidents unfortunately happen If a grown man threw a child down the steps he'll be in jail in any state in the country sooner than later The bills certainly wouldn't cover up real abuse Oh I would kick him in the testicles
  21. Well that's your opinion And who's to say this family is from California? They could be from Ohio or Rochester and are 49ers fans At the end of the day as I said a real 49ers fan wouldn't care about meeting Josh Allen.. she would probably rather meet purdy... You know the quarterback of the team she roots for Just because Josh Allen is from California doesn't mean every single person in California has to love Josh Allen.. it doesn't work like that I despised Rob gronkowski during his career in New England and he grew up right down the street from me.. I didn't have to like him when he played for the enemy
  22. She's a 49ers fan at the end of the day I wouldn't want to meet Tom Brady if I got pushed down Gillette stairs lol There's a lot of things you can do if she really was push down the stairs but I don't see how a niners fan meeting Josh Allen and going to another Bills game where she was harassed would be what she wants She probably rather meet Brock purdy
  23. Pushing and throwing are wayyy closer than an accidental bump As you said mothers are protective.. and sometimes their perspective might be warped because of that protection Any child pushed down the stairs is also basically attempted murder... Which is wildly different than someone getting bumped and falling Thrown or pushed to a child is disgusting.. getting bumped and falling is completely different Yet we haven't heard from the bills or stadium security
  24. He clearly hits the pylon with the ball while in the air... Those talking heads live in the past and have bias There is zero chance Patrick mahomes is playing better than Josh Allen right now.. and football is not x + y = z It's constantly fluctuating.. Pat's great, he has plateaued and Josh is still ascending Josh has definitely taken the throne this season.. super bowls doesn't mean anything because it's the ultimate team game... Nick foles is not better than Jim Kelly or Dan Marino
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