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Everything posted by Buffalo716

  1. No you're not the first you're about the 10,000th person on that board to suggest that in fact half of this board has suggested moving him inside But he is a pure left tackle through and through he is one of the best in the world Any left tackle who is around 6 ft 4 could realistically move to guard but he is athletically top notch and has been nothing but a stalwart for Josh Allen
  2. Jason Peters is obviously a Hall of famer but Dion Dawkins is 6'4 with the wingspan of a 6 ft 6 person and he has crazy athleticism he is a freak tactician
  3. Except Josh Allen through the football and it certainly was not the first or second read
  4. I'm not trying to knock Joe Brady but every single coach on that staff played a part from the assistant coach to the running back coach And Joe Brady called about as many plays.. as Eric B did for Andy Reid and the Kansas City Chiefs.. it was not split 50/50 .. he called some plays throughout a game he wasn't a primary play caller https://www.nola.com/archive/steve-ensminger-explains-the-style-of-offense-he-wants-to-run-at-lsu/article_b45052a6-f847-5998-af79-193456f2ba5e.html He was clear right from the bat he wanted to spread you out for wide receivers and run rpos that was his goal.. that was Steve's goal Joe was able to see Steve's invasion and help implement it but it was not Joe Brady's offense
  5. Steve Ensminger basically created that LSU offense and was Joe burrows offensive coordinator and quarterback coach Brady played a part but he definitely didn't orchestrate and create the offense or call plays
  6. I'm not disputing that lol It's more than 99% of the world
  7. I am pretty sure this guaranteed under $200 Grand because when it's signed He doesn't have enough games to make a million dollars
  8. Buffalo just held the Josh Allen look alike contest You could probably get the winner for a hundred bucks lol
  9. Because it's super bowl rings
  10. Steve Tasker was saying the same thing They're literally almost exact color copies of the Patriots old uniforms yes I think they were just messing with them And yes Robert Kraft has an enormous giant head he definitely would get angry that the bills look like the Patriots FYI the bills didn't look like the bills yesterday we looked like the Patriots It's an exact color scheme white helmet red top white pants Do you know how many people yesterday thought the bills were in White and the Patriots were in red lol
  11. It obviously was a complete troll job at the Patriots We literally took their color combination from back in the day they literally looked like classic New England Patriots jerseys White helmet red tops white pants They definitely trolled the Patriots
  12. I said there's people who will judge him like media or other people in the league etc This place goes crazy over the smallest things LOL as I said if Trent Edwards or Jim Kelly started crying because a knee injury people would be judging him
  13. I'm not personally judging you you could have your opinion I'm just saying that objectively there will be people that will now start to see you as soft You don't need any more outside noise at the NFL level let alone people questioning your toughness
  14. I mean if tyrod Taylor or Nathan Peterman or Rob Johnson or Doug flutie were crying on the field because a teammate blew their knee out... We certainly would not be patting him on the back
  15. I was about to say I think that's a better Christmas gift for the Elvis impersonator Dude gets 6 hours with Josh Allen
  16. I'm talking about pure accuracy arm strength pocket presents awareness Tom Brady is not and will never be the best quarterback in my eyes He was paired up with the best coach of the last 40 years.. who gave consistent top defenses Tom Brady is certainly one of the best But there's zero doubt that Dan Marino is the best pure quarterback he would be throwing for 6,000 yards today
  17. Well I mean if you're a fan of football I'm pretty sure you realize they're in Kansas City Missouri But there's a lot of dumb people Dan Marino is the best pure quarterback of all time and he went to one super bowl never won one and was Jim Kelly's little brother But as far as quarterbacking goes he's the best ever even Tom Brady is not as good as a quarterback.. what football is is the ultimate team game
  18. Dude you know Josh definitely had him running routes And I think Elvis was more pumped to see Josh
  19. When I say pundits and media I mean like sports center talking heads and Nick wright Not an AP writer with a HOF vote... I do realize the media does pick the Hall OF Fame but it's a very select few with good credentials Not like a sports center pundant who just throws stuff at the wall
  20. My bad I don't know if I miss quoted you but I thought you were talking about the clip I posted of Dawkins with his hand chop
  21. He's been called about two or three times on that over the last 5 years
  22. Exactly as you said.. it spreads the line making it harder to disguise at the los Making easier reads for Dawkins and the rest of the line.. and letting dion have angle advantage
  23. Yeah he's not allowed to lay on top of them like a blanket but he's allowed to punish them
  24. I see you found it! It was a pretty good college football season but I've been super busy the last month so really haven't But it's college basketball and bowl season!
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