without a doubt the browns coaching staff is a joke. But just talent alone it would have been crazy to have those two guys. Shoot they could've went barkley and allen and ran the ball all over.
at the time im not sure that's a crazy take. The browns were set up for success and so far they butchered the potential they had. Could have had barkley and any of the QBS in that draft. Imagine barkley and lamar. hindsight tho
Watson with all those wrs is scary. If they hit on a few deep balls its tough to beat them. WIth that said that's the team allen and the offense is going to have the most success against without a doubt. plus we have way better coaching than they do. Just need our secondary to do a good job.
if they pay shaq, Jordan phillips, and tre this year or next that 90 millions starts to go down pretty fast. Good problem to have with all this young talent