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Everything posted by Golden*Wheels

  1. My entire family freaked out. FREAKED OUT. I have apparently trained my mother in law as a Bills fan very well as she was instantly worried about how much time was left!
  3. Yes but--I have to say I'm also just not up for getting into a new board. This place is very nice, don't get me wrong. I like this board a lot. But I did my tours on BBMB and I'm kinda just meh about the whole scene now. I liek to see my old virtual friends though, it's nice to share an old in joke or an old fight! I have this weird theory that maybe the BBMB had to die for the Bills to make the playoffs! Let's see what happens today!
  4. I loved the BBMB. Great place full of mostly great folks. Had lots of fun conversations, both Bills and NON Bills related. I'm gonna pour one out tonight for all my homies from the real hood.
  5. I was also having a rage fit for a minute when I saw this.
  6. On PFT a lot of Pats fans did seem to be taking the Belichek approach, but I was surprised how many others basically said "if the refs did their job and called PI on the previous play he'd have never done it" or blamed the (admittedly bad) Offensive PI call on him early. As if that made it totally ok. I know fans make excuses for their team but I was like damn..this is sad.
  7. I'd be ok seeing Matthews, Jones, and Benjamin as our tops (with someone else throwing them the ball). Matthews I think has suffered due to Tyrod, Jones has his own issues he seems to be getting through a bit, and with Benjamin it's just too early to say. OTOH, as long as it doesn't limit them elsewhere, I'm also fine if they bring in a FA.
  8. OMG that's right. I believe we were discussing whatever the latest flaming table/idiot slides off a 2nd story railing/dizzy bat incident was. You and me dressed to the nines would be the bees knees buddy. Forgive my memory. I'm suffering from BBMBPTSD still. Damn I miss that place a lot.
  9. Oh crap. I don't. And now I'm sad. My BB.com memories are fading......
  10. Yeah this day is kind of looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong. I keep starin' at the clock. It keeps not moving.
  11. hearing on WFAN they may be looking to trade Jarvis Landry too. I'd normally snicker at that idea but...Ajayi.
  12. I laughed when I read some Raiders press this morning and someone pointed out Hauschka had half as many tackles as Mack, and forced a fumble. Bills kickers killin' it!!!
  13. Yeah....he doesn't seem like a Bills kind of guy. I'm glad to see guys like Holmes making plays, and to see Zay making catches, even if he disappeared again a little bit later...very nice.
  14. That was boring? Why was I yelling and jumping around so damn much then?
  15. Maybe nothing. Hard to say. Relocation to Canada is probably the only thing that would even make me consider it. At this point football wise, I'm a degenerate gambler, chasing the last 30 years of bets.
  16. Nice morning today, isn't it?
  17. Congrats to White, great start.
  18. Not sure this dude is ever going to get over himself.
  19. Boomer made a big deal of him stretching too on the radio a bit ago. But he was fine with players kneeling or whatever. Seemed an odd line to draw to me.
  20. Well this certainly fits with his New Yawkah TV wanna-be deal-making gambling-sharp persona. Still, kind of shocking.
  21. Honestly I'm chasing bets at this point.
  22. Larry Centers or London Fletcher, though the latter may have been a LITTLE bit of a star?
  23. I pretty much agree with this as well. Concussions are easy to "stretch out" medically because few will ever kill a team for playing it safe with someone's brain. I don't think the above is the most likely scenario but it is totally plausible.
  24. I thought week 1 was pretty safe, and that seemed nice because at least I could get one decent, hopeful weekend out of the season. Now it's like...hmmm.
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