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Everything posted by Golden*Wheels

  1. I have a fever dream where our Ed and the D line wrecks their re-worked O-line, basically exposing them from game one and showing every team they should just roll over that line, leading to a long season for the Jets and Darnold. We win and they spiral into out and out panic mode about their line after game one. Kind of a best case scenario dream I guess. Watch it go the exact opposite.
  2. Every sports fan i know, Bills or not, remembers him stripping Lett in the Superbowl. But if you said "Biscuit" or "K-Gun" to them, they'd likely have no freakin' clue what you were talking about. Legends are all relative I guess.
  3. Probably because like running with the bulls or holding a firecracker so long it blows up in your hand (often involving alcohol) jumping through a table is just a dumbass thing to do. I don't know that it being lesser by degree or comparison to another dumb thing makes a difference. It's just stupid*. *Said by a guy who did tons of stupid ***** when he was younger, and still occasionally does. But come on. Some stuff in the Bills lot is about what I would expect to see at an ICP wrestling event.
  4. And it didn't take long., and he wasn't that great to begin with. But I still think his mobility makes him the best short term spot starter, and I still think he is quite a change of pace from Josh, even though Josh is indeed mobile.
  5. Just based on his mobility factor. I think that is hard to adjust to short term. That's also why I think it is at best a flash in the pan advantage.
  6. I think Tyrod would be a good back up as he is a major change of pace, both from what WE do and what most NFL qbs do. Yeah that is hard for our guys to adjust to as well but I tend to think it is harder on the other team. Now, that advantage, is there is one, lasts all of maybe two games. Once they prep for him....meh. But as an IN game replacement, like Josh hurts his hand Q1? I think it'd HAVE to be Tyrod. As a more than 2 game solution? Well at that point it doesn't really matter IMO. They'll all be exactly what they are. IMO only Tyrod has the kind fo game that throws anyone for a loop, albeit only temporarily.
  7. I was kind of thinking this myself. Philly sure wanted Shady back for a while.
  8. Any channel with it on, with the sound off. Ever since they stopped tipping picks I see no big reason to choose one channel over another really. The coverage is all the same stuff to me.
  9. Yeah, I think it's fugly too. Shoot I buy NOS Bills hats on eBay. That used to make me feel better when I really didn't want to give Ralph any more dollars for a while, but I realized you can find some cool old Bills stuff on there, brand new.
  10. They got a playoff bracket for these accolades or what? Who are the Wild Cards? Be in the running for the Superbowl (that is, make the playoffs). That's what matters. 9-7, 15-1, get in.
  11. My only embarrassment, if it can be called that, having to do with Bills gear is how much I have of it. Do I need 7 Bills Starter jackets (listen, they are dirt cheap on ebay and I LOVED Starter as a kid) or that helmet phone I just bought for my desk? Nope. I'm in CT. I rock my Bills hat and jacket every day. Come at me Pat-bros. I've heard it all.
  12. I think it would be pretty interesting to have all three major Qbs of that draft in one division. And I ain't afraid of no Josh Rosen.
  13. holy moly and we have to face them next year, of COURSE
  14. True but I''ve seen southerners react to weather we all think is a normal in say, March...they act like it's snowmageddon.
  15. I agree with this. I've often thought Miami gets a lot of guys who I think go there for nightlife first, football second. With Buffalo, you either came to play, or came for the money. Beaches and babes weren't a factor.
  16. Winning will help but only Pats like ring-cases are going to be actual decision changers vs. bigger contracts or nicer weather or both. Wins vary wildly year to year. I assume the weather on Miami beaches is always nice.
  17. 4/5 got them rust belt blues. Oh and, winning some more games would help.
  18. I wasn't even sure Neubs was on this board. Neubs, where you at man?
  19. Believe so. I still remember what Troy Aikman said at the same time...he said the offense Chan ran for Dallas was prehistoric then, what would it be now (meaning 2010)? Troy, you ain't all wrong buddy.
  20. I would totally agree here. I assume the other who Buddy says was "close" had to be Cowher, as wasn't he the one the recommended Gailey after saying no thanks? I doubt either was ever anywhere near actually coming here.
  21. Man we used Larry Centers fairly often and I still felt we should use him more. Dammit Drew...why are all your short passes 100mph???
  22. Holy crap. My brother in law told me I had go watch the press conference, that the dude looked like he was on drugs. I am over here peeing my pants watching it. And it doesn't look, or make much sense as (this isn't his first HC job or interview) like nerves to me...looks like somebody trippin out or who just came back from the eye doctor. Or maybe, right at that moment for the first time...he really realized he'd agreed to be the HC for the Jets....
  23. Any of the three NFC East teams we...you know. I have wild fantasies, Miss Cleo style, that someday we win the superbowl in the same year we play the entire NFC East. Super stupid, but I still get a little extra excited for September every four years....
  24. Best of luck big fella. Thanks for the years, and the loyalty.
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