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Everything posted by Golden*Wheels

  1. man....these games always end up giving me heat attacks...still totally there for us.
  2. man...we need to get ahead of these fool and stay there. Can happen with the next two possesions.
  3. woof...a drive that could have been what a waste
  4. lets go Bills take that ball away from Baker
  5. Just make fun of his shoes. If he does wear stupid custom shoes "haha look at your stupid custom shoes" If he doesn't wear stupid custom shoes "Haha guess they put you in your place buddy, and no you won't be getting a game winner today either" dude literally wore (in a way) CLOWN SHOES. He may be the least self aware man in Cleveland.
  6. If you can't handle the gameday thread, just stay out of the gameday thread.
  7. come on Bills...I have a great Sunday going so far. Please keep it going! Is it too much to ask that we paste them???
  8. I don't think it would JUST be a result of that. I'd say it'd be a part of it. But I think he's also a better coach than we've had in a long time, and that would also be part of it.
  9. Ha! I think this was it, same game.
  10. Was that the Sean Taylor game where the Skins lined up on the first play with 10 guys and we totally took advantage of it?
  11. I mean when you put it like that...I legit had to stop and stroke my chin and go "Hmmmm. Huh. Hmmmmm". If he makes playoffs two out of three years, with the NON year being the hump year when he switches to HIS QB....that's pretty amazing considering the desert the Bills have walked through.
  12. The record is what the record is. Thank goodness. I'd have PAID for 5-2 after 7 games. But, IF you were a fan of one of the 31 other teams, what would your opinion of this team be? Take in the counter view as if you were a Browns fan or a (ugh) Jets fan. AND if I was a fan of one of those 31 other teams, I would say we're a team that can lose to absolutely anybody, and beat almost anybody, but that we are still a big step down from the top tier of the AFC. I'd view us a pretty unbalanced squad (D to O) and if somebody asked me if the QB really scares me....I'd have to say no, he really doesn't. If I was a Baltimore fan looking at a home playoff game vs us on Wildcard Weekend....I'd feel pretty confident. I'd say, we're still a team that is not ready for primetime, so to speak. Still, near the top of the 2nd tier of AFC teams...that's progress, and hopefully that arc keeps bending up. I ain't complaining!
  13. No worries Mango, and sorry if I came off rough. I really hate the idea that it's an average. Averages being so fickle at the outliers. I'd love if that very IAY stat was a count instead. Yeah, I'd still debate their definition of "long" probably but that's the key to me...how many times he pushes it downfield per season/game, not the average of each attempt. I'm gonna fall back on feel (always bad, no doubt) but it sure feels we take less down field shots than last year so far. With Josh I feel like that is playing away from strength. I'll see if I can find more to bolster (or blow up!), my feel.
  14. The point wasn't to try to "get you" on anything dude. I just made a simple correction you didn't seem to want to acknowledge so i wasn't sure you even got it. Lighten up man. Mangos are supposed to be island fruit, laid back and chill. I actually considered the further stats as well, then added a hope that there was (what I feel would be) a far more relevant deep throw stat. His air yards average being above the lower 2/3 of the league is still easily contrasted with the fact that he was #1 last year. Even if his average wasn't sustainable...doesn't the drop in position overall (on a stat where completions have nothing to do with it) SOMEWHAT indicate we're going downfield less in you rmind? (Again, I don't really like this stat for that, I'd do a count, not an average).
  15. Me too honestly. You know a guy is bad when "oh crap the 2nd stringer is kind of an unknown" is a scarier thought than playing the starter.
  16. Cardboard or pine?
  17. That 5'7" thing could maybe be the issue no? Not many teams feature a scat back type, nor start the game with them. Maybe McD is worried he can't handle the bruising.
  18. Is there a 20+ or 30+ yard throw NFL stat that ISN'T reliant on completion? Just attempts? I could see the IAY stat as useful as a count of long throws past a certain yardage, regardless of completion. A guy would have so many X yard throws in his year, X being considered a "long ball", then you compare that. When they reduce it to average I think it loses any relevance except year to year, for THAT Qb.
  19. I highlighted the same single line you put in your post that started this, see below, and that was all I really addressed. I pointed out that stat wasn't relevant to the point that "The issue isn't that we aren't trying. The issue is we aren't connecting on them". I did it nicely, and ti wasn't some kind of "gotcha" (I am just normally wary of new age stats so I was curisous enough to check the definition). Normally in the case of a statement regarding a specific stat, followed by a link to the statistical source, the statistical source reference is supposed to back you up. I don't think it does at all, even under your expanded explanation. Again, I am perfectly willing to consider the other stuff you presented. But I also read English as it is written, and assume sentences are related to each other as a point. That stat has nothing to do with us "connecting" and the way you wrote the post implies it does.
  20. Whether it is or isn't, you made the issue out as if it wasn't that we weren't TRYING, but that we weren't CONNECTING. "The issue isn't that we aren't trying. The issue is we aren't connecting on them. " Yet the stat you cited isn't based on the passes being caught. "IAY shows the average Air Yards a passer throws on all attempts. This metric shows how far the ball is being thrown ‘downfield’. " https://nextgenstats.nfl.com/glossary So the average being down 2 yards means just what it says...he's not throwing as far in the air on average, and that's not related to "connecting". We're not trying to go downfield as much, on average. I don't even know if that stat is a great measure of downfield play, being an average, but hey, I didn't bring it up. If that wasn't a sustainable # in your mind, that's fine. But that wasn't my point. Just that the stat didn't actually back up what you said. You want to keep bringing up other stats I'm happy to look at them but I'll have to make sure I know what they mean first.
  21. I don't know how much I put into such a stat, but in 2019 he was #1 in the league for the same metric...in 2019 he is #11, behind a lot of QBs of varying ability. Reading their glossary on the stat, it's truly intended, not completed. So not connecting shouldn't have his average IAY down two yards. Again, for whatever IAY is worth.
  22. It's like they beat the longball out of him, then told him IF he ever went long, that he better go LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG. I'll take the occasional 40 yard long "punt" INT over the turnover in the pocket. I'll also take the gamble on him running and getting hurt.
  23. I'd have been ok with it at the time. I think he'd have been a better HC the second time around. Plus...no Rex. So we'd have had that going for us.
  24. I wish I could see more of the field on TV....it sure SEEMS that at times he does have a lot of time to scan the field...to absolutely no result.
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