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  1. i think it might've been the tackle on the sideline before the touchdown. didn't look anything major but he looked a little bit shook up.
  2. in almost any other situation i would agree with you. the court of public opinion is an awful thing. but for me, people on the periphery should be impartial because doubt and calls of bs is what is stopping a lot of victims coming forward. that's just my view personally.
  3. maybe i didn't accurately express myself. i understand that's important to doubt accusations and onus is on the accuser to provide evidence. what im saying is that people not involved in the investigation shouldn't cast judgement either way until more information becomes available because of the impact of the expression of doubt.
  4. when you're part of the investigation, absolutely. it's a necessity to work from that viewpoint. but people not involved and picking sides and nailing their colours to the mast with no knowledge of the situation helps no-one. in fact, it can make it much worse. i'm not saying anyone here is doing that. i just mean in general.
  5. i don't think it's that. for me at least, it's just that this specific type of allegation has to be treated a bit differently due to the ramifications of the expression of any kind of doubt. it's not about instantly believing what the woman said at all, it's just that you also should not cast any doubt on the accusations. it's important to stay completely impartial.
  6. if an abuser wants his victim to perpetuate the lie and post good things about him, she will. guess what happens if she doesn't? these people fear for their lives. again, i'll stress that i don't know if that's what's happening here. i'm just giving examples of what often happens in these type of cases.
  7. you are completely underestimating the control aspect of domestic violence. nothing she has said before now can be taken seriously.
  8. so you won't believe a domestic violence incident occurred unless ESPN report it? bizarre
  9. "The girl allegedly beaten has nothing out there that suggests she was even beaten." this is what happens with domestic violence. abusers have such control over their partner that they can make them do whatever they want. "The girls in the pic dont even look like the same person" come on dude, seriously? in the first pic she's modelled up. in the second she's been beaten to a bloody pulp. "He has no history of this behavior" lol no kidding. if he did, he wouldn't be in the league any more. "the beaten girls IG has no reference to McCoy and her even knowing each other" ask yourself...if your partner was beating you, would you want to post a picture of yourself with them? "This is what is wrong with society...more than 90% of the stuff online is fake...its probably even worse than that...and yet people take all this stuff as true first before questioning it. I am dumbfounded how many people are jumping to the conclusion this is real with a complete lack of evidence this event even happened." by the same token, it's completely reckless to assume that it's fake. if everyone cries bs every time a DV victim comes forward, they'll never find the courage to speak up. in fact, she never did. her friend had to do it for her. i'm by no means accusing shady of anything yet, either. i'm just providing the counter argument here. let's just see how it plays out without leaning either way.
  10. just goes to show that you never know what goes on behind closed doors. horrendous accusations, probably the worst i've ever seen in terms of the different types of abuse he's being implicated in. the amount of people who are clamouring for any kind of evidence to show that she's making it up is pretty sad too. i hope it isn't true and i understand the scepticism to a degree, considering the type of personality he projects publicly. but that type of reaction is exactly what stops victims of domestic violence from coming forward.
  11. it actually is coming home. ???????
  12. Deon Cain Anthony Averett Tyrell Crosby Antonio Callaway Tarvarus McFadden Shaquem Griffen Bo Scarborough Troy Fumagalli Would be really happy with any of these guys.
  13. wtf i love josh allen now
  14. ive never been a fan. i think yarborough offers everything shaq does. id rather have a shot at a decent interior lineman or center.
  15. wonder if we could get a late third for shaq...
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