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Everything posted by BuffAlone

  1. Try this line of thinking....Reggie Ragland, the SEC DPOY in 2015 was on his way to good things under Ryan's 3-4 defense until he tore his acl. Despite the fact that he is still rehabbing, and learning his second play book in as many years, in a defense he has never played before, he has moved up from third team reps to second team reps in 5 short days of camp. 5 SHORT DAYS! Alot has been discussed of his possible short comings(speed, instincts,liabilities in coverage, ability to be a 3 down lb'er) which may or may NOT come to fruition. However, there is no denying his production in college. Will it translate well in the NFL? We will find out. One thing is certain, he has moved up the pecking order, and there is still time to "master" his new role as the preseason unfolds. McD has said publicly that he brings a physical and emotional presence that we "need" on this team. I wouldn't write him off just yet based on some kind of personal dislike or vendetta. There! Try that buddy.you'll feel better...promise👍
  2. I IMPLIED NOTHING! Just stating a fact. Its you who are IMPLYING he is/will be no good
  3. I dont think he's full speed just yet, although he has moved up to 2nd string reps....
  4. Absolutely love hearing how good his camp has been! Two good shoulders might be bad news for offensive lines this year.The season can't start soon enough!!
  5. Well, he was the SEC Defensive Player of the Year....so, there's that. That's not an indictment on him to assume he'll be no good, is it?
  6. I guess I've come to the right place then👌
  7. Is that allowed here?? 🙈🙉🙊
  8. That's a pretty fair assessment IMO. At the least I think he will be solid, with a nasty, energizing style of play. I certainly don't see anything that points to a slow, throwback bust that can only play in a 3-4 for the 70's Steelers. All in all, not bad for a 2nd round pick.Nice Read. Thank you for that. A few things tho...by every other account it WAS his instinctual play that put him in proper position, as he doesn't have elite speed to react. Maybe its a bit of both. Also, we will be playing more zone than man.so that should benefit his perceived strengths regarding coverage duties. Im ready to see this kid play👍
  9. Umm...I was merely responding to the Humber thread. You then brought up Zay and I just mentioned where Cunningham was available in relationship to our pick. Thats all. Love the Zay pick. Loved Cunningham. But we are gonna have to make due with what we have this year. I certainly dont feel like it was a losing situation....just wish we could have gotten a better option at Wlb. Understand?
  10. He's been running with the two's. Maybe you're not as conversant on coach speak as you think?
  11. Maybe because he played in 10 games last year and has 2 good legs? Nobody said he cant master a "simple 4-3".He will have minimal at best chance of not mastering his defense. And when he does, and is comfortable on his knee, he will flat out ball!Also, Shaq has played 4-3 and thrived. Reggie only a 3-4. Its been 5 days of practice. Gimme a break with this nonsense....
  12. Yes, acclimate. Not struggling to master. He's a smart cookie. The biggest challenge for him is his own confidence on his surgically repaired knee. He'll know the D.He'll succeed when given chances, and those chances will increase with the more confidence he gains. The kid is a gamer. It will be fun watching him grow as a player, regardless the position he ultimately winds up starting/securing. I can't for the life of me figure out why some folks have already written him off when we have yet to see him play a game ....
  13. Where did you hear that? As quoted by whom? Ive never heard that he is struggling to master anything. In fact, Frazier said he is a highly intellectual and instinctive player. I call BS on your fake assessment
  14. Rules are rules, whatdya gonna do...And they are put into place for good reason, too👍
  15. Great stuff! Im wondering who starts at Wlb myself.Im hoping Rags comes along at the Mike and Brown goes out to play weak. May be our best configuration this year in base packages
  16. McD just said in this morning's presser when asked about Ragland... "He brings a physical and emotional play that need on this football team. We're working to get him up to speed." Its gonna be fun to watch as he gets his legs back under him😊
  17. I never said anything about Zay. I was, and still am, very happy with that pick. I only stated that I was on thw Cunningham bandwagon and had hoped to draft him John. Im well aware that we only had "x" amount of picks.However im still not sure that WR was a bigger need than WLB. Established FA WR's are always available, as this offseason showed. I dont see alot of capable WLB's in FA. ....
  18. Yeah, i believe he was there for us at the Zay pick but gone before we traded up for Dawkins IIRC
  19. He started the season finale
  20. He was closer to 280 when drafted. I guess your ignorance is in mid season form already! BWAHAHA
  21. So will ANY of our lb'ers succeed this year? Who sits atop your depth chart? In your expert opinion, who is the top 3?
  22. Personally, I was on the Zach Cunningham bandwagon
  23. What you are saying,now, i guess?
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