Try this line of thinking....Reggie Ragland, the SEC DPOY in 2015 was on his way to good things under Ryan's 3-4 defense until he tore his acl. Despite the fact that he is still rehabbing, and learning his second play book in as many years, in a defense he has never played before, he has moved up from third team reps to second team reps in 5 short days of camp. 5 SHORT DAYS! Alot has been discussed of his possible short comings(speed, instincts,liabilities in coverage, ability to be a 3 down lb'er) which may or may NOT come to fruition. However, there is no denying his production in college. Will it translate well in the NFL? We will find out. One thing is certain, he has moved up the pecking order, and there is still time to "master" his new role as the preseason unfolds. McD has said publicly that he brings a physical and emotional presence that we "need" on this team. I wouldn't write him off just yet based on some kind of personal dislike or vendetta.
There! Try that'll feel better...promise👍