Dont think ive missed one in 9 years..i was gonna ask you the same lmao.So let me get this straight.."on pace " for 40% snaps is the same as 40% snaps?? I think not. He was limited in action, not because he had a putrid season but because of the Ryan clan's inability to use the players he had at the cost of his own scheme. Say what you want, but by no means did he prove himself a bust.Also, a 60% increase in coverage is not "alot" to you? You have the pretense of being a numbers guy, but that only pertains to proving your own theory, is that correct? Why the F*#! are you so down on such a talented kid? All you do is pull meaningless BS from your arse to try to sound like a knowledgeable tough guy.when in fact, you come across as a complete !@#$ who only finds fault in everyone other than yourself. I bet your single and live at home with mommy n i right? Probably not many friends??
I got news for ya, you are not the football guru you think you are.So try a different approach to sharing your thoughts on the team that we all love. And try to find positives in all things. Because frankly, you are a drag man✌