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Posts posted by BuffAlone

  1. 4 hours ago, BobChalmers said:

    Greggo Williams is one of the biggest %%%%%%% in the history of NFL coaching.  All bluster and bully - ZERO in his background to back it up.


    As soon as anyone half as tough as Mr. Miagi shows up, he gets put in his place.



    Greggo never played ball himself, and never coached at a high level in college - the perfect background to be a loud mouth "tough guy" - who coaches his players to play dirty and injure their opponents.




    Don't hate on the military - they are real men making real sacrifices.  Greggo is a bogus POS.

    never do I hate the military

  2. Many plays to choose from. The hurdle. His abuse of Kiko Alonso (and so many others)in the run game.the Dallas game.even last year's playoff game. It starts with his drive and will to win. How he's playing this year was "best case scenario" for me. Evolution into pocket passer.Of all his plays, the first down against Dallas on a 4th down fumble did it for me. This feels so nice!

  3. 2 minutes ago, mattynh said:

    I have not seen this discussed much.   The Bills scored at the beginning of the 4th to go up by 7 points, 23-16.  A 2 point conversion makes it a sure 2 possession game.   Hit the XP and if the Raiders score they go for 2 to tie, if you miss the XP and the Raiders score they go with the XP to tie...


    A minor nit in the grand scheme of things this year but I see no argument to not go for 2 there.

    I thought the same thing. If ever the analytics say go for 2, that(I imagine) would be the time to do it

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 7 hours ago, NewEra said:

    He’s never received an MVP vote.....but never overlooked? How does that make sense?


    that is the definition of overlooked

    he's never recieved a vote? at all? This I did not know. I mostly meant he is not overlooked in the public perception. To never have had a single vote is kinda crazy.He's had some stellar years

  5. 21 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    He was their entire offense.  What is more valuable than that?  When else has that happened?


    He was clearly overlooked for Brady that year.  No serious argument could made otherwise.  He has zero MVPs.

    He definately deserves one/some. I'm clearly not saying otherwise. What I AM saying is that he's never been overlooked. And cannot be this year either

    He's always in the conversation. Deservedly so

  6. 1 minute ago, Mr. WEO said:


    I mean he's not often  in the conversation nearly as much as he should be.  In 2017, for instance, he scored 37 off his team's 38 TDs---and still didn't win the MVP.



    MVP is more than scoring. Wilson is, nor has ever been, overlooked.  He deserves more attention no doubt. But never overlooked

  7. 3 hours ago, MJS said:

    If we are relying on a slot corner to be a significant part of our run defense, we have problems.


    Corners can help out, but their primary job is coverage. The run defense needs to come from the dline and linebackers.

    obviously. my point is Taron is better vs pass than vs run. Rams took advantage. And Miami. We play mostly nickel. Everyone  knows it.And we have a weak link

  8. 33 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    I think taron struggles in coverage in the slot 

    he does. But LA also abused him in the run game too. I'm almost a fan of putting Jaquan Johnson at safety and Hyde to nickel with Norman taking over for Wallace. We'll see. But our run D has been bad. Hell, so has our secondary

  9. This is a finely tuned machine. I wouldn't change anything. But if you choose to, Some say "burn the whole thing down".Although I disagree wholeheartedly. personal attacks...strike. violations of warnings.. strike.All needs an individual voice. All need a coordinated and functional hearing. I know you and mods are busy, but what's FAIR is fair. Jmo Sir

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