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Posts posted by BuffAlone

  1. 4 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    It can only work with :07-:10 seconds remaining in a half with the Bills inside the 10 yard line.


    Imagine the Bills are down 3, at the opponents 10. A FG would tie the game and send it to OT. There's :08 seconds to play so the Bills line up for the chip shot to tie. But when Corey Bojorquez takes the snap, he stands up and throws a TD pass to the eligible player who breaks off his blocking assignment. Touchdown Bills!


    The beauty of this play is if the pass is broken up, or dropped, it's only 4th down with time left, so they can try the FG again for real.



    how original. I bet Moorman would have made it happen.

    Are we trying for the biggest LAMP of the year award here? Can I go next?...

    Imagine, All the people,living living life in peace

  2. 2 minutes ago, KayAdams said:

    Buffalo was screwed out of winning the first two NFL championships in 1920 and 1921, so it would be poetic justice for the Bills to win the Super Bowl on the league's 100-year anniversary. ***** you, George Halas! You die of gonorrhea and you rot in hell!

    gonorrhea...that's old school. lets go with Herpegonnosyphilmidiahiv....

  3. 8 minutes ago, JESSEFEFFER said:


    For the record, the Bills have stated that the gator roll technique is what they teach to bring the QB down without landing on him with full body weight and drawing the personal foul.  Again, how would Garrett know the ball was out?  The ball is released almost behind his head.  

    I agree with the teaching point there. However, and this might just be my opinion, and completely off base, but man...the ball was gone almost 3 full seconds before the gator roll. To me, that is as borderline roughing the passer as I've seen. again, just my opinion

    11 minutes ago, jkeerie said:

    And you are entitled to your opinion.  It's a shame this whole thing happened...especially with only seconds left in the game.  It marred a solid Cleveland win.  I agree with Garrett's suspension, but not indefinitely.  It should be a finite number of games, even if it does extend into next season.

    I think the difference between finite and indefinite was solely based on the fact that he used the helmet as a weapon. that's borderline assault. If he hit him with the crown of the helmet instead, this could very well be a serious medical concern. and for the record, Ogunjobi is a complete punk

  4. Just now, jkeerie said:

    What game were you watching?  It wasn't a late hit and he wasn't driven to the ground.  Garrett shouldn't have swung the helmet, but Rudolph started it, then like a little banty rooster, kept going at Garrett.  Rudolph got off easy in my opinion.

    I just Rewatched it. ok...it was more like a spin takedown. Rudolph threw the ball. he was spun down to the ground almost 3 seconds later. He's not my QB, I have no horse in this race. But I Definately consider that roughing the passer. jmo

  5. 29 minutes ago, JESSEFEFFER said:


    I disagree with that narrative.  The throw was made with Garrett within a step.  He was so close, within inches actually,  that Rudolph could only make a push of a throw.  There is no way that a defender in that position can know if the ball was out unless he can see out his ear hole.  He did wrap and then take him down late with a gator roll but, again, the defender could not know if the ball was actually delivered.   That's the way to take a QB down without landing on him with his full weight which would be a penalty.  Garrett hits the ground first and Rudolph lands on top of him and then is rolled to the side.  They are then face to face.  Rudolph has played an awful game, just gotten rag dolled to the ground and takes exception to it and for some reason attempts to remove Garrett's helmet.  Mayhem results.


    I'll bet the Bills defenders have problems with Rudolph too.  He seems like that kind of player.

    we agree to disagree. I watched that play many times. the ball was out 3 Full seconds before Garrett threw him down

    17 minutes ago, whorlnut said:

    Completely disagree. Go back and watch. He tried to rip Garrett’s helmet off first. I’m not even sure how this is debatable. 

    yes...he grabbed him by the facemask. Why? because the ball was LONG gone before Garrett threw him to the ground. I've watched the play a dozen times. it was a late hit/roughing the passer. Rudolph took exception to it and jerked his facemask. Thats what happened. even Ray Charles could see that

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  6. 1 hour ago, whorlnut said:

    Rudolph started the whole thing. Should have gotten at least a game. If he didn’t react by trying to take Garrett’s helmet off, none of that would have ever happened. 50k is getting off easy IMO...

    he was hit WAY late. then drove to the ground. Then reacted. He didn't deserve a fine at all, let alone a suspension! ridiculous

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  7. 16 minutes ago, Kiva said:

    What mindfulness teaches us is that we cannot control the past because it doesn’t exist. The only moment we have is now, and that moment will be gone is a flash. 

    However, Life is in constant change and history can greatly empower our mindfulness, because at any one time had a slightly different path been taken or a decision swung a different way, the entire course of history would have been different. 

    This knowledge is where history and mindfulness complement each other, because we know that we have power in that moment, right now, to make a positive change- to create our own history. 

    If we use history as a map for modern living, it becomes too easy to label, judge and make perceptions of others.  Much negativity is a result of people holding onto history rather than living in the moment. 

    you can't change the past. but you can learn from it, and grow from it. And if you don't, see Einstein's definition of insanity?

  8. 7 minutes ago, Ramza86 said:

    Seeing how this season actually have playoff implications, if this going to end up being a big issue for us going forward?

    McD said yesterday that he is impressed and comfortable with Ford at RT in Ty's absence. Whether or not they choose to have another combination at that spot (Bates I assume) remains to be seen. So no, I don't believe we are in "trouble"

  9. 3 minutes ago, JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS said:

    OK guys, we are 6-2 woohoo!  So why do so many Bills fans act like we are a terrible football team, edging toward implosion?  Some of the posts today absolutely drove me crazy.  I swear some of you are Russian trolls.  


    1. Just stop with the "barely beating bad teams" posts.  24-9 is a convincing win.  Redskins are not a good team, but that doesn't mean we are going to win by 100 points.  We had many missed opportunities, but at no point were the Bills not in control of this game.  The R-words never led and never scored a TD.  In the end we won by more than 2 TDs.


    2. We are 6-2 halfway in.  6-2 x 2 = 12-4.  Maybe we drop an extra game or two, but we would have to totally implode not to earn our way to the playoffs this year.  That would be the first time we EARNED our way to the playoffs this century.  Think about that.


    3. Haters cannot have it both ways on Daboll.  He drives me nuts because he outthinks his own self doing the unexpected at the worst possible times.  But here's the thing: we collectively criticized him going into this game as not pounding the rock enough.  And this game, he pounded the rock …  a lot, and successfully.  Yet, somehow, this became a liability late in the game with lots of "stop running on 3rd and 1" posts.  Gore is getting those calls and we want Singletary, I get it but at least Daboll is finally running the football!  Baby steps, sheesh.


    4. Last night I saw upon the stair

        A little man who wasn't there.

        He wasn't there again today

        I hope he never goes away!


    5. Still so many Allen-cant-get-it-done posts.  He was 14-20, 160 yards and a TD with no INT.  Those aren't great stats for fantasy football, but for NFL football it gets the job done.  His job was not to score 50 points, it was to score more points than the other team.  And once again, he made plays when it most mattered.  And he is learning not throw INTs playing hero ball, throwing it away if he has to.  And OK, I will admit he needs to hold onto the football better when he runs.  But there was at least one put in Barkley post . . . SMH.


    6. Booing your own team is never classy.  I cant imagine it is helpful, either.  Better to circle the wagons and support the team.  Even online.


    Bottom line: By now you all know I like a good snark, and we all have fun with "any given Sunday" and "its hard to win in the NFL" tropes.  But it is true that in this league, almost any team can beat almost any other team if they have a good game and/or get some lucky breaks.  We won another game today, and are one win closer to earning a playoff spot.  




    I agree with everything except #4)

    • Haha (+1) 6
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  10. 11 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Wait a second. When you say "they knew about this for five years" are you suggesting the Skins knew it was cancer and kept him in the dark? 


    Unfortunately things are missed every day in the world. Agreed with the part about family and what's really important, but after the thing is growing on his head at some point you'd think he'd see a second doctor. Dermatologist, something. 


    Cripes I just googled "lump on my head for three years getting larger" and skin cancer is numero uno.


    In related news, I'm a bit of a hypochondriac and am now certain I have skin cancer.




    get well soon ?

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