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Posts posted by BuffAlone


    Would it be a stretch to take him if Hooker, Adams, Davis, and Williams are gone before 10?


    His measurements and combine numbers are Kam Chancellor like..

    Yes! That would mean Foster,Thomas,Cunningham,Reddick or Lattimore were available

    As I said 2 months ago, he's going to blow up at the combine and go a full round ahead of where his actual performance says he should go.


    It's time to start looking at NC State's Josh Jones as a potential option in R3 IMO

    not a bad option if Hyde is FS.and we get better value in the second rd at any position of need other than
  2. Maybe he'll have some off the field issues that will drop him to 44. Assuming that doesn't happen. I would hope he is a guy the Bills would take if they were able find a trade partner to drop back to the mid-20s (which i know all bills fans are clamoring for, who doesnt love a trade down).

    boy I don't know...he's got the God-given stuff,but top 44 is borderline imo. I think that's just about where he belongs. Of course,talent and need are variable. I'm not spending a top 20 pick for him,but id not be surprised to see him go that early. He's a very good player
  3. Might we replace him with Zach Cunningham?

    We seem to have more urgent first round needs. WR and CB/safety.

    I've been telling people...Wlb is the most important player in a McD defense. I'm not sure if that translates to a Frazier D,but all signs point Wlb,Cb,S in the draft. Toss in Wr,and a little depth,and that's a wrap
  4. It (allowing professional athletes to smoke pot)is a tough line to draw. We, obviously, do not want to see them using pre-game as it will effect the on-field product immensely. Allowing it is also a terrible message to youth, who are highly impressionable and look up to these athletes. The current state of legalization in a number of states does, however, create a massive grey area that opens the door to the players unions.


    If it were up to me, I would continue with current ban. This is based on societal effects. I smoked habitually for 14 years of my life. I might have it once every 4 months these days and probably less often. Since cutting it out of my day-to-day life, I have turned my business around, my home life is greatly improved and I feel better every second of the day that I don't smoke. Based on this, I feel confident in telling my children that, despite being enjoyable on occasion, marijuana use isn't something that improves your life. It will waste away many days in which you could have been productive. The medicinal effects of THC make it a positive option for many, but employers need to have a cut and dry rule in place. There are effective and legal alternatives and, while playing professional sports, these are the ones the athletes should utilize.


    And, Martavis Bryant is an incredible talent who needs to get his head out of his ass. If he didn't get suspended again, I'd look upon it as a miracle.

    as for the message to the kids,parents drink alcohol and take prescription narcotics, drink caffeine,smoke cigarettes,etc. All of which are way worse on a human body than pot is. Its exactly the societal implications that you speak of that keeps it illegal,frowned upon,and as some poster stated...ghetto dwelling. Until it is seen for its value,and used appropriately, moderately,it will continue to be looked at in a society point of view as a bad thing. Again,I think nobody should go to work drunk,or high. But prescription drugs are fine,accepted,the norm in society 's eye....?
  5. Could you imagine a stoned out of his mine rg or rt that is on the filed trying to block for a running back. How bout someone on the line that is supposed to be protecting the kicker as hes getting ready to kick a fg? No employer in this world is going to alter their stance with whats wrong or right when another persons health is involved.

    no. You should not be under the influence of any mind altering substances while performing your job duties. I'm simply saying,it needs to be addressed somehow. Just like alcohol,you don't go to work drunk. Same as should be with pot,imo

    ...that's it principally in a nutshell.....NFL is a workplace, a HIGHLY paid workplace.....employment is a privilege and not a right just like our jobs......THEY set the rules just like our employers.....and if subjecting to random drug testing outside of the workplace is a condition of employment, it's is the employer's prerogative...and I certainly agree about the Henderson mess appearing to be medical without knowing what the protocol is to get one's employer to accept its use as medical.............

    yeah,they really need to revise their stance on that imo. I mean hell,how many states is it legal for recreational use now? Let alone medical. So,federally it's illegal. Statewide,its legal. Yet you live in a state where it's legal and an employer has the right to supersede state law. Again,you're right,its the employer's perogitive. I just question the logic. In several states,if you fill out a job application,it states that drug screening will not be performed for pre-employment,nor held against any applicant,as it's legal in said state. So the argument about the company perogitive seems very gray. Why can any other job in said state not require the testing,while the nfl refuses to abide by state law? They need to fix that mess somehow....
  7. ame="BuffAlone" post="4284745" timestamp="1489328530"]


    so then explain how when he was brought back, he was immediately placed ahead of EJ on the depth chart with no football player inbeteeen?

    I don't know what to tell ya,I'm just the messanger.But,id assume it was a coaching decision? Also,where did you see/hear that Cassel was automatically advanced to #2 upon his return? As you said yourself,there was no football in between,so how does a QB come back from being cut after three days,and out play anyone to automatically deserve a promotion? ?


    Did you see any of those 4th and 1 opportunities on GW drives that he choked on this year? Granted they were against division rivals like the Jags, but still.


    What did Bill Parcels say again? You are what your record says you are? He has a record of having an average record in the worst division in football history.




    I don't have any problem with other opinions. I don't have any problem with people smoking pot, really. If the NFL changed the rules, I might roll my eyes but that would be about my whole reaction.


    I do see what pot does to people and I am realistic about it. Some people get all defensive about it and put pot on some sort of creepy pedestal. It is a guilt trip about breaking the law or just doing something they shouldn't and they lash out. That behavior needs to be seen for what it is....which is either just a bunch of BS to project, or a cry for help.

    again,its just an opinion. And like everybody,people will defend their opinions. That doesn't mean it's a cry for help.By any means. People have been self medicating since the dawn of time. For each,their own


    He meant me, not you.


    I'm not a fan of pot and Ryan loves pot. He calls me a pot troll to help keep his guilt in check. At least that is how it seems. It is ok with Ryan if you have an opinion on pot, as long as it is the same opinion as him.


    WRT Luck, I don't quite get Ryan's addiction there. I have merely pointed out the wide gap between Luck's can't miss and Hall of Fame shoe in reputation and his results on the field. Luck has been brilliant and he has been inept as well. The aggregate results 6 years in is an inability for a supposed dominant QB in an era of QBs to consistently win the worst division in the history of football. As a result my opinion of him is that he has thus far fallen short of expectations. If Luck had an altar, Ryan would be there praying right now.


    Oddly enough, I think Ryan and I share opinions on more things than we diverge. Not everything else, but most things. It is when i differ with him that he attacks.

    we all have different opinions.on every subject. That's a human trait. Personally, I support its legality for multiple reasons. But again,the rules dictate you take a drug screen pre-employment,and often throughout. So I agree,if you want a job,and wanna keep it,you should tow the company line. Henderson's health is a whole separate issue,as it's medical and not recreational. Just my opinion

    If you can't give up the doobie for a multi-milliondollar job and career - then you sir are a giant dousche bag loser and deserve to be kicked out of the NFL.


    Character > talent - unless you like hanging out with chit heads and ghetto dwellers

    only chit heads and ghetto dwellers smoke pot? What's that make pres Clinton then? That's quite a derogatory statement! Ghetto dwellers....smdh
  11. matt Cassel beat him out for the backup job. Whaley then cut him. They bring Cassel back on a cheaper deal, probably because Rex complained. Cassel goes back to the 2, then Whaley trades him. Then you have week 17 of last year. Why would you not just play Jones in that game? They did everything they could and more to force EJ. It didn't work. No reason to feel bad.

    cassel did not beat him out. He was acquired to be the starter.EJ was supposed to ride the pine,but was forced into playing before he was ready. Week 17 was his last game day audition,to see if he had progressed enough to warrant a back-up role on a new contract. He failed. That's that. Good Luck to him tho.Always a class act
  12. Everybody has to come to EJ's defense here like the guy has it so bad. He was over drafted by about 4 rounds. Therefore got all kinds of publicity and also got paid more then he deserved. EJ Got handed job after job here without ever earning any of them. He was out played by every QB that we have ever had on our roster, yet still never was cut. Had players released undermining our depth chart, just to keep him on our gameday Roster. Has had excuse after excuse made for him since day 1. Has high school level footwork and probably the worst accuracy I have ever seen for an NFL QB (not named Tebow). And through out all of this, nobody has ever been able to say anything bad about him without the "nice guy" police jumping in.


    EJ is probably a good guy. It's funny how that's just a given in any one of these conversations, Eventhough I seriously doubt anyone on here actually knows him or could know that for sure. Nobody wanted him to fail. We are all diehard bills fans, everyone on here hoped he would be great. The guy was given more opportunities then his skill set deserved, due to complete incompetence from our front office. I really don't understand why we are supposed to feel bad for him? The guy should have been taken in the 4th or 5th round and had the investment been in line with the performance...would have probably been let go long ago. The way I see it, the guy got more then he could have asked for based on his ability. I don't feel bad for a guy that got paid millions of dollars despite never improving. That is soley on him. I feel bad for the fans that were sold a bill of goods and had to sit through wasted time and forced attempts to get this guy on the gameday roster.

    wasn't EJ forced into action due to injury? Also,I'm not sure our roster was undermined by keeping him,hoping he developed,as he was on his rookie contract
  13. There is a wiiiiiiiiiiiide gap between "good" and "better than Watkins". Bryant is somewhere in the middle of that gap. He is also addicted to pot. Major risk.

    according to him,he's moved away from LA to keep away from his pot head buddies,and hasn't smoked pot in 8 months.On a side note,pot is non-addictive. There is no drug they give you to ween yourself,ala heroin,etc. It doesn't make you Ill to go without.We all know it's an illegal substance in the eyes of the nfl,but times they are a changing

    It sucks but seems like TC is where we see a lot of the big injuries to start with. Get all excited about TC starting and next thing you know we have lost a starter for a month or 2, sometimes the whole year. It happens to every team I know, but that's why depth is sooooo very important.


    Hopefully we can make it through TC without any big or major injuries and get off to a good start to the season.

    I think we're overdue for a fair shake from the injury Gods lol
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