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Posts posted by BuffAlone

  1. That 4th meant we missed out on Dak.

    And if he didn't have the breakout rookie year that he had,it wouldn't even be an afterthought. All told,I'm stoked to have landed Reggie AND Shaq. Should be great in McD's defense,for years to come. One less piece that's been missing. And yes,I think TT can play well enough,but I think we do need a long term solution at QB. One piece at a time tho...that plugs both need and value at position of need
  2. I honestly think we sign a vet this year,and by default go after a QB next year. If we're lucky,there shouldn't be qb starved teams ahead of us in the draft next year,as Cle and SF should get their guys this year,leaving us for the pick of the litter next year...im dreaming,i know. But it might be plausible to surmise that?

  3. Bill B's last couple of acquisitions off the top of my head were Gilmore, Cooks, Long, Bennet, Ealy, All 5 of those guys would start on the Bills.

    that group would start on MOST teams. But seriously, who can say that this off-season was not a departure from the Pats "norm"? And speaking of the draft,Billicheat hasn't dominated. He has as many misses as the next guy,imo
  4. Well Buddy Nix was put out to pasture after the draft. If something is going to happen I assume it would follow the same time frame. We will see what happens come May.

    we had our future GM waiting in the wings. We don't have that at the moment. Whaley should have,and deserves another year. He had added good talent to this roster. We Need a coach/culture to take over from there. I hope to God McD is the man
  5. He's definitely capable of being a Mlb in this D. Fast enough to chase,and deliver big hits in the run game. But can also play Slb. If we draft a starter at Wlb,this Corp can be good. I'm not sure where everyone lines up,but I'd say Wlb Rookie, P Brown Mlb,And Reggie Slb.That would be solid imo. Reggie has enough speed/instincts to stay on the field all three downs,but we need a true coverage Will. Reddick or Cunningham later in the first would be the best fit,while adding a second to pick up Godwin and a starting CB. Leaving Bpa the rest of the way....

    I'll be doing back flips if this happens

  6. Very tasteful thread. Thanks!

    Say what you will about being cheap,but have you seem all the endowments he set up to be given after his death? Never acknowledged during his lifetime, as he never concerned himself with some obligatory good word about his name,or his family name. He just did it,out of kindness and selflessness. And----he saw fit that the Bills stay in Buffalo! Rest in peace,Ralph. You were a class act sir

  7. I wrote alleged.

    on all accounts? No. Either way,alleged is just that. No more,no less

    I don't care what she did first short of drawing a weapon and needing to be subdued. A man doesn't hit a woman, that was a flat out boxers punch. And yes I said " about " the same level. Not the same but it's not far off. How much do you want to differentiate levels of scumbag?

    ok,but that don't make it child molestation I. Holy Shiite Muslim,man

    Beating women is not cool,at all. But molesting a child is a class (less) act all by itself

  8. No we cant. We need to sign somebody. We have 6 draft picks. We still need a WLB, CB, RT, WR, and maybe another S. And lets not forget we still need to add a backup QB at some point. And it seems we will want to run a 2 TE system based off who we are said to be interested in so that adds another position


    We are gonna need to sign a starter at one of these positions eventually we cant upgrade all these positions through the draft with only 6 draft picks

    trade back.gain picks,get a Wlb for 5-10 years. this is our window to do it.

    WR is done

    Rt is done

    Get our Wlb,and starting Cb this draft.add depth

    Next year,Rt and DL

    ' bless a top Qb falls in our laps

  9. The flip side is if we are gonna be a run heavy team, a 6th round pick on a guy who has high round talent is great bang for your buck, and Gillislee insurance. I would certainly take him late.


    Those are all facts, Jack.







    thanks,Jack. But I don't see Jack,except alleged, no charges filed,or discipline. That's a fact,Jack
  10. This guy is the voice of Brockport Men's Hockey so he must be credible right? I'm a Blue Devil Alum,I hope its true



    Got word that Zach Brown and the Bills are inching closer on a deal to bring the LB back to Buffalo.

    But honestly,draft the future Wlb this draft.its there for the taking

  11. Seriously this DB class is disgusting and we should pluck atleast two out of it. Get your offensive players early and starting DBs from there on out.

    would be a good notion, unless a top 3 Cb falls in our laps first round,whether we trade down or not. Then the whole draft board changes. This is the first year I recall such a whacky scenario likely to take place. There is a ton of talent/variety and plenty of holes on every team 1-9. It's gonna be a fluid,ever adjustable draft

    Should be fun

  12. Timmons replaced Jenkins for now and from what I read Kiko may move to Will depending on what happens, but it's either Timmons SLB Kiko MLB Misi WLB or Timmons Kiko Brown ...Kiko wants to stay in the middle but if goes to WLB then Timmons would need to move to the middle.

    they'd be fools to play Misi at Will. He's slower than Ragland.He played Sam mostly,and should stay there.And if they don't get a better option at Wlb,Kiko should move there,and either Timmons or draft pick should play middle. This is just opinion of course

    So if Zach does sign...what do you guys see as our starting linebacker core in a base 4-3 personnel?

    If he signs with us?

    Wlb Zach Brown

    Mlb Preston Brown / Rookie (Jarrad Davis)

    Slb Reggie Ragland

    If he signs elsewhere. ..

    Wlb First round draft choice

    Mlb Preston Brown

    Slb Reggie Ragland

    Or finally. ..

    Wlb Preston Brown

    Mlb Reggie Ragland

    Slb Zo Alexander


    Moreau is the perfect fit for this defense, and as a height/speed guy, is exactly what Whaley looks for in his prospects.


    If he's on the board in round 2, I'll be shocked if he's not the pick.

    He's definitely worthy of a second. The more I watch him,the more I like him. And you're right,he's got the size/speed you can't coach,but also the sense to be coachable. He'd be a good fit
  14. yea, but i don't think they want to put that much $$ into the LB core...they paid Timmons $12mil 2 year deal...ZB played much better and is younger then Timmons so ZB most likely would want $$ comp to that deal...plus they just paid Kiko good $$..so my thoughts is they won't want to pay the LB core that much...plus as Yolo says they play same position....I could be wrong tho

    doesn't Misi play strong? And Jenkins played Will? If so,Brown would just take Jenkins' spot,in essence?
  15. I think Ragland becomes a great linebacker with us.

    Me too! I was ecstatic to land him last year. I can't wait to see what the lineup is come September. He'd be a great Sam imo,but is also fast enough/instinctual enough to chase from the Mike. I can see alot of disguised looks coming from McD, unlike Rex and his declarations of disguise, that were way too complicated apparently. These guys will be able to pin their ears back,and go get the ball. Even if Zach re-signs,I'd personally still get a Will in the draft and let the best man win
  16. I think a true Weakside LB is a big need. And while he wouldn't be my first choice in Rd. 1, Peppers does seem to be a great fit as a SS/Will LB in McDermott's scheme.

    that is exactly what is needed most..Wlb,Cb. If we HAVE to go into the season with Hyde and Poyer,fine. But we need a Will,and Corner very badly. I see that as the top two picks. If we can trade back n get an extra second,I could see Wr also. Otherwise,add depth and continue to build on the lines
  17. I'm seeing LB as the pick. Whaley even said LB is the biggest need on defense for McD. I think he specifically said weak side LB.

    correct. It's vital for his D to function well. Trade down a few spots,pick up Cunningham or Reddick, then CB and S in the second.depth beyond that,and call it a wrap
  18. Foster is the best LB in the draft. He might be the best player in the draft.


    Raekwon McMillan ran a very fast 40 and played MLB here ... but he isnt elite like Foster. I think he will be a very good pro, however. No real weaknesses to his game. But I think a bit too similar to Ragland to pull the trigger before the 3rd. He will be gone well before that imo.

    Foster is great,no doubt. But he's not a better player than Garrett,Thomas,or maybe even Adams. He does not have that speed like Reddick. Depends on if we feel set at Mike with Reggie or Brown to even consider him at 10. We'd better upgrade our lb Corp if we grabbed a true Wlb,imo. Not that I wouldn't like him,but with the others we already have,my money is at Weak in the draft. Just my opinion
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