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Posts posted by BuffAlone

  1. Yea those 3 receivers they signed really shored up the WR core.


    I could see them going any position outside of offensive line..... the only position that will make a difference long term for this franchise is QB which is what I'm hoping they do if a good one is there.

    Not ideal,and maybe not "shored" up,but they were PAID FA's. And we currently have 9 WR on the roster. If we go WR first, I will puke...especially since its either a broken necked,broken footed,or Goodwin clone. I Will be off the Whaley Wagon for good if that happens. We NEED a WLB,CB...period. Before anything else imo...unless Allen falls,at which point im still leary of injury reports

    And I wouldnt touch a QB at 10 either. Its TT,vet,Jones this year. Build what we can this year,land a QB next year.


    I'm fine with him taking the guys out to dinner. It's nice, period, and great PR.


    But I think the coaches and players SHOULD ignore our past. I don't think the team "culture" now has much to do with these all time greats he took out to dinner, nor do I think there is much, if anything, to learn from their "culture". Don't forget your helmet?


    We're the 4 time superbowl losers to the fans so far as "culture" and always will be until we aren't....but the players who have been losing the last decade, or recently under Rex, were babies in 1993. They don't know that culture. To them we're just another average to bad team, like a lot of others in the NFL who didn't lose 4 superbowls in a row.


    So I say, yes, ignore it. Bury it. Burn it. They'd be better off. JMO.

    Sports teams do this. I recall a Bill Buckner day,a Scott Norwood day. As well as the Bart Starr,and countless other "winners" day. Without yesterday,how does one make tomorrow? Its a good thing to embrace one's past. And good food. No harm,No foul
  3. I think they might have had so much info on Shaq from Rex's time spent at Clemson and relationship with Dabo, they may not have felt it was necessary. I also heard (Sal I think) that the FO still has a very string relationship with Clemson/Dabo, post Rex.

    I dont doubt that one bit. Whaley likes years of consistent production from top notch programs in top notch conferences. Cant blame him there. Homework has/continues to be done. Regardless of how...

    Every new coach has to do a song and dance with the characters of the past.


    Its becoming a traditional curse.


    Its like they have to pass the bad-luck and gray clouds to the new coaches and instill the Buffalo culture upon them.





    Its about LEARNING the culture,as to better CHANGE the culture. Its also paying homage.And learning to RELATE to a storied(allbeit not ideal) history. Should we ignore the past,or understand it to improve it?


    .........and possibly a few other teammates who are like......."why the f*ck am I here.....ME..... if the 2nd highest paid player at his position in the entire league doesn't see fit to show up? I got places I'd rather be too."


    As you very well know Bandit, that is the real issue.........not that he's missing stretching exercises.


    When teams win SB's the postgame interviews usually begin with the QB praising everyone for being there of every minute of the offseason etc.......that's believed by many within the game to be how you build a team and create the synergy and mental toughness needed to get thru a long season and come out on top.


    I'm not trying to make it out to be more than it is but let's not pretend it has ANYTHING to do with the stretching exercises. :rolleyes:

    Now if a player schedules a paid vacation for a Sunday during the season,that'd be an issue. But how many employers ask for volunteers to work overtime,and how many show up?? Its VOLUNTARY! Its not sending any other message than he wanted/needed thw day off. Its not a big deal people,until things become Mandatory
  6. I am so sick of the kissing up to these "Legends". Can we look into the future and leave the past behind?its not dwelling, its recognizing the efforts and achievements of former players. Ya know,like celebrating July 4th,the anniversaries of Pearl Harbor,etc,etc. Its Homage


    Do other NFL teams act like this with their retired players?


    Its hard to have a better tomorrow, if you don't stop dwelling on yesterday.






  7. But do we have a TRUE #2? Coaches say stuff, I don't always believe them. I still think we need more talent, numbers isn't enough.

    Keep in mind most of these numbers were paid in FA.Probably bigger monies than would be paid for a number 3-4 WR. If we do draft one,it'll be 3rd day imo. But if Chris Godwin was there in the third,I may have to jump on that.
  8. If hooker is there it's hooker. If not wr williams

    we have no need for a broken neck WR in the first round,if at all. We have nine WR's on the roster. And McD has said he believes the #2 is already on the roster. I'll take Zach Cunningham all day at 10
  9. I'm not a fan of Ruben Foster, especially not at 10... I think the best WLB is Zach Cunningham from Vanderbilt imo, again he's not a top 10 but I'd love him in the 2nd round for sure.

    I agree,and have been saying this for months. McD needs his Wlb. To go along with Rags at Mike. Cunningham has been my pick, but Reddick sure was fast,and has played safety.Cunningham/ Reddick at Wlb, Rags at Mike, and P brown /Zo at Sam would be a good lineup imo. And years ahead to hone their skill sets.
  10. Except learn a college playbook. B-)

    Good Grief lmfao

    That Atlanta team was a piece away though. They had their QB.


    RG3 had one of the best rookie years a QB has ever had. He should've worked out.


    I'm not focusing on one pick, I'm using it to illustrate a point and a pattern. If you think I think DW sucks because of just one pick or trade, you aren't paying attention.

    we gotcha,you dislike Whaley.This thread was about a breakout player,not the FO moves
  11. It cost 2 4th rounders. Our first in in 2016 and one in 2017.


    It remains to be seen. That wasn't what he was drafted to play.

    yes,it remains to be seen. Let's not forget he ran a 4.63 at his pro day.and has all the intangibles to be a good Mike in ANY defense. He can do most things exceptionally well,and excels at diagnosing plays and delivering knockout hits.
  12. You're right. We traded up for a need at MLB who fit the system of a coach who is no longer here, and in doing so, cost us 2 more players that could've contributed.


    Nice job Dougie :thumbsup:

    Lol!! Are you saying Ragland can't play effectively in a 4-3/nickel base???And let's be real...it cost us ONE 4TH round pick!
  13. Yeah, if the good player we didn't get actually sucked, it wouldn't have mattered. Good point.

    we could play hindsight all day....it don't change things. Obviously, we,and other GM's across the league felt as tho Ragland was a better prospect and had the higher grade. It just so happened that the 5th rounder got on the field and did well while the second rounder(that most had graded as a first)did not. I would take that law of average every single day
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