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Posts posted by BuffAlone

  1. 1 minute ago, gobills1212 said:

    I dunno, im no cuomo fan but was impressed w how he handled this as opposed to 'the top' and now when people get on cuomo for something they dont like I just stopped to wonder if the dude is really as bad as people say or if f-cuomo is more of a catch all

    he put covid positve people into nursing homes. he had no medical stockpiles. NYC and NY state was taken care of in asctimely a fashion as possible

    • Like (+1) 2
  2. Just now, gobills1212 said:

    Im assuming you are just assuming it's cuomo? He isnt the only person in charge in nys fwiw

    I'm aware. but if we're being honest, it starts from the top down, right? In every aspect of this country. 

    1 minute ago, bmur66 said:

    Could you possibly ever believe the title of this thread was something you would ever imagine even in your craziest dreams a year ago?

    NO! I'm too old to wish time away, but 2020 can go ***** itself

  3. 1 minute ago, Augie said:

    Look, I’m NOT for anyone showing up and creating unnecessary difficulties, but, hypothetically, if someone DID show up....security might be lighter than usual.....and you just might be able to sneak in and get near wherever that train horn originates from.....and possible permanently disable that ******, there just might be some free beverages in it for you down the road. Hypothetically, of course..... You could possibly drink free for the rest of your life, hypothetically.......  🤷‍♂️

    very valid point lol

  4. 1 minute ago, WotAGuy said:

    I heard they are going to get that couple from St Louis to guard the stadium with their guns.  Keep yer distance rebels. 

    they had every right under the law to act the way they did. I won't be violating any laws so I'm pleased to accept their brand of justice. I'm no rebel. I'm the vast majority of law abiding citizens protected by the constitution of the United States of America.


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  5. 2 minutes ago, Logic said:

    Were you invited?

    As to your second question: If the peaceful protest breaks no laws, i.e. walking down the street carrying a sign and chanting a slogan, then yes, there's a difference between that and trespassing on private property and drinking in public. Additionally, the fact that you equate protests for social justice as being the same in level of importance and legality as drinking outside a football stadium (on private property) makes you look silly.


    I didn't equate anything, Logic. Nor did I imply that I did. I asked a question and everyone wants to assume that I'm politicizing a valid point. If people don't understand that very basic difference, and wish to classify anyone who dare ask an alternative question based on the grounds of "social justice", then THAT is the exact reason we are so divided. and that, Sir, makes YOU look silly. jmo

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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  6. 1 minute ago, Logic said:

    If you go try to drink on private property, you're not "law abiding", you're breaking TWO laws.

    Grow up.

    if you are invited, is that still breaking the law?

    3 minutes ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:

    It’s amazing how people are arguing basic laws and regulations 


    no one  is allowed at the game.


    if you want to test the laws you deserve what you get. 



    what if it's a "peaceful protest"? Is there a distinction?

  7. 23 minutes ago, FLFan said:

    Most people do not need signs to tell them that they have no buisness on private property when not invited.  It would seem pretty obvious to me that when the the policy is no fans are allowed at the game, and no tickets are distributed, people should stay home.  Apparently that is a controversial concept for some.  

    dont assume anything is controversial because a simple question was asked. This goes beyond no fans allowed on stadium grounds. they are closing Abott Rd as well. Try not to limit questions being asked, whether they be deemed stoopid or not. without question, how are people supposed to know, understand, or rightfully debate? If they were hosting the Oscars, all would be well, amiright? They didnt even shut down streets in NYC for that event. seems odd to me. but I digress. It was simply a question I asked for the sake of being educated, not a political stance

  8. 6 hours ago, dollars 2 donuts said:

    One of my best friends from school in the early 90s was a huge Jets fan.  An almost annoying "J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets" fan.  There were four of us; one from New York (Pete), one from Miami and one from Detroit.  


    Football debates were a-plenty, but it was the tale end of the Super Bowl years so I was very comfortable in making the case for the Bills.  "You guys rebuild, the Bills reload.", was a frequent retort.  


    After school ended we each went back to our respective homes and stayed in contact, but never as much as we should.  I was glad to say that I was at each of their weddings which were truly blessed times.


    Pete called m in April to let me know that he had been diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer back in January.  He had kept it very quiet.  I was the first of our friends to know.  During this same conversation he let me know that given the medical lock down as it was in New York City treatment, or at least the treatment and care he was looking for, which included the presence of his wife during this anxious time for him, could not be had.  He knew what the unfortunate writing on the wall was and wanted to finish out the time with his family.  


    In our last conversation he wanted me to know that he loved me very much, and that I should let the guys know he loved them, as well.  I returned the sentiment, sheepishly and inefficiently because...well...you know...it's never enough...words, I mean. 


    I was careful in my discretion afterwards in checking up on Pete, out of respect for his wishes.  His lovely wife called late in June to let me know that after having to briefly be resubmitted to the hospital due to complications my friend.   My good friend.  My brother, had passed on.  


    I won't forget the final story as told by one of Pete's children during his funeral eulogy that earlier that month when their priest had stopped by to ask Pete if it was OK to do last rights Pete had said, "Well, I was baptized,  received first communion, confirmed, and married all in the church so I might as well run the table on this!"


    That's Pete.   That's so Pete...the guy could make you laugh on his final bed.  


    I told our group of friends in a text last month that I want to talk Bills/Jets football, but my guy is gone and I don't have anyone to talk to about them.  


    In retrospect I believe that post was a lie...I just wanted to talk to me friend.  The good thing is, though, I do still talk to him and I do still hear him. 


    He was 51, with a beautiful wife and four wonderful children, and he will forever be my friend.


    So please forgive this Bills fan on Sunday, because among a group of friends and family at an outdoor Bills kickoff party "J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets!" will be howled from my pipes at least once.  


    ...but don't you dare expect this will be a regular thing, Pete...I can hear you laughing at me already and telling me I've finally come to my senses.  


    And thank you for being a great friend...a great everything, really.

    My best friend, who just turned 43, died of a massive heart attack in July. Born and raised in wny, he never swayed from the 49ers as "his team". secretly tho, as evidenced by our multiple Bill's game attendance, he was a lifelong fan of the Bills. I was fortunate enough to be able to drive 4 hours to his home just to watch my brother root for the last superbowl. And I watched his expressions throughout the game. very back and forth as it was. Im praying that we FINALLY get that Bills/49ers Superbowl this year....that we all wanted so badly in the 90's. Godspeed to you and Pete

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 45 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    Well, I'll tell you for sure Sunday night, because I haven't done it before, but I think you're incorrect.   There are two levels of Gamepass - one that lets you watch only replays of games, and the more expensive plan that lets you watch games live in real time.   The expensive plan isn't available in the U.S., as I understand it, because DirectTv has an exclusive deal - they are the only ones who can show all the games live on Sunday in the US.  But that exclusivity doesn't apply in Europe, for example.  If you're in Europe, you can pay the NFL about $200 and you get all the games in real time.  That's why you need a VPN that offers you a server located outside the country - the NFL recognizes the server as not being subject to DirectTv's exclusivity.  


    I go to all the home games, and about four or five others are on my local TV.  So I had four games a year where I had to go to sports bar.   But this year, no home games for me, so I've got 12 or 13 games that aren't on locally, and I'm not going to sports bars.  I'm only 100 miles from NYC, but I don't even get the Jets game this weekend, because I live in Connecticut and the Patriots will be on.  I actually was planning on driving someplace in New York State - it's two hours to Albany - every weekend and taking a motel room to watch the games.   This VPN route is a LOT cheaper and a LOT more convenient.  

    thanks for the info!  Being in central PA I'm gonna need to figure something out. I've managed the past 5 years, but barely. and likely not securely.  I'm gonna look into this. Thanks for more than just a bland answer Shaw! Appreciate it Sir

  10. 52 minutes ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    I honestly think that push the Jets all over the field. They take advantage of that trash secondary and pump balls to Diggs. I said 31-10 and feel like it may not ever be that close. The Jets will get a little better as the year goes on but there is an enormous talent gap between the 2 teams.  Add the Bills continuity in a abnormal offseason and it is a recipe for a massacre. 

    I agree. Why focus on the run against the strongest position group the Jests will field Sunday, when they can just decimate a depleted secondary. 31-10 seems just about right to me

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. 3 minutes ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:

    Pass to Diggs  DEEP 

    If I had Alex Trebeck's voice, I would say"The Judges will allow that"😀

    20 minutes ago, machine gun kelly said:

    Buff, this thread was doomed to turn into a spoof from the start as it is too much fun, but thanks for doing it.  I know coming from a I can’t wait for the season start, and was done the last couple of years.  If anyone wants serious answers great.  If anyone wants to keep sending comedy, even better as I’ve been laughing for almost an hour.

    Scratch that, 19minutes.  Just felt like an hour been laughing so hard.  

    It's all good brother. I think EVERYONE is ready. We, here at least, all have one thing in common...Go Bills!

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