Throwing his life away for pot? The only thing laughable and shallow is that statement. Are you claiming that pot has no medicinal value?? #educateYOURself
Im still not even sure what your arguement is. I never said he claimed to have a prescription. To me, thats irrelevant. Completely. He has a disease in which pot helps to alleviate. Therefore, as I said, he has a right to use it...period. Same as you might someday if you got that disease, or glaucoma, or a number of other diseases. Just because you are some old school, anti drug guy(which is your perogitive) doesn't give you any right to bash a kid for taking medicine. Same as heroin junkies taking methadone. So, you should get off your personal crusade on this topic. It wasnt the point, nor the proper forum for that. I merely said that he has a disease and pot he should be allowed to use it. 2015 there were 17,500 deaths due to illegal/illicit drugs in USA
25,000 due to prescription drugs
30,700 due to alcohol
Zero due to pot
Of course these numbers are overdoses and not related to other factors, such as accidents or homicides, but maybe that can help you see that pot is not the hardcore schedule 1 drug that has been indoctrinated to us by Uncle Scam