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Everything posted by BuffAlone

  1. Isn't that EVERYONE'S rule? To go home alive?
  2. I thought this was as universally humorous as a fart?
  3. Luckily for him he dont play for the Packers!
  4. My only point is, now that he HAS been diagnosed, he should be able to use whatever means necessary to positively treat his affliction. Everything regarding his past becomes a moot point.With a screen name like yours, you should know that "If I spring a leak, she mends me" And her name happens to be Mary Jane in this instance👍
  5. I like the Rambo move alot. Kid played big in big moments. Another ILB? Im guessing they feel comfortable with the guys we have to play OLB then?seems more than likely a ST signing, but still....
  6. So, reward someone hired to protect and serve for not shooting first and asking questions later? Yikes! That just goes to show how lowly our society has become. No dig at you,sir. Just a reference to society in general
  7. So he was using recreationally before diagnosis, and suspended. All that changed after diagnosis. Now hw had a legit reason to medicate. At what point does one get the ok to take medication? Id say directly after diagnosis personally...
  8. He was diagnosed in 2015. Im guessing it didn't take him long to self medicate thereafter
  9. Just a thought, but licensed carriers take their gun with them EVERYWHERE. Grocery stores, church, you name it. It was legal and legally conceled. If it were Texas, there never would have even been a ticket issued.I hope that the fact that FA DT's were brought in today is more a reflection of his/others' play, and has nothing to do with this situation
  10. Yes, im aware he got busted for smoking pot in the past. That was recreational, and against the rules. Im not being had lol. My only point is now he has a legitimate right to have medicine that helps his condition. I understand the NFL's stance, and that their rules ultimately need to be followed. I just don't agree with their policy concerning it. At this point, it's a helpful treatment, regardless of his prior recreational usage.
  11. Throwing his life away for pot? The only thing laughable and shallow is that statement. Are you claiming that pot has no medicinal value?? #educateYOURself Im still not even sure what your arguement is. I never said he claimed to have a prescription. To me, thats irrelevant. Completely. He has a disease in which pot helps to alleviate. Therefore, as I said, he has a right to use it...period. Same as you might someday if you got that disease, or glaucoma, or a number of other diseases. Just because you are some old school, anti drug guy(which is your perogitive) doesn't give you any right to bash a kid for taking medicine. Same as heroin junkies taking methadone. So, you should get off your personal crusade on this topic. It wasnt the point, nor the proper forum for that. I merely said that he has a disease and pot helps.so he should be allowed to use it. Btw..in 2015 there were 17,500 deaths due to illegal/illicit drugs in USA 25,000 due to prescription drugs 30,700 due to alcohol Zero due to pot Of course these numbers are overdoses and not related to other factors, such as accidents or homicides, but maybe that can help you see that pot is not the hardcore schedule 1 drug that has been indoctrinated to us by Uncle Scam
  12. Ok? The point is, he's been a resident of states that are not offering med marijuana. He takes his own meds. He deserves to take meds for his affliction. What exactly is your point dude????? I agree. In this day and age, to ignore a simple, cheap, natural medicine is stupid imo
  13. Yes, i know.thats why i said" this aint about kujo,right"? We were discussing Henderson i thought?
  14. It really is. I prefer NC bbq
  15. No...the league should not deny a person from reasonable treatment. Ive often said...your boss can make the rules.this however, is absurd This aint about kujo, is it?
  16. How is it justifiable? What if? Just what if he IS innocent? He has been crucified for years.and his family has suffered too. I realize the Goldman family has suffered too, but what if?? I dont think he committed that horrific crime. Illuminati. Investigate the "evidence" yourself. Watch for every lawyer and judge, to make a hand gesture.like a triangle(womb)....cops on the scene too. Politicians...obama, etc. Strange brew they feed us.oh, and the earth is flat btw😄
  17. Agreed sir. And im sorry for your affliction. I suffer the same
  18. I seldom pray for KC's demise. This year is the exception👍
  19. I dont think he did it. Him and I, and 12 jurors make 14Dont know how to copy links. Watch OJ simpson murder trial hoax-the racial psyop exposed...published by Fakeologist Its on youtube
  20. That said, he shouldn't HAVE to quit smoking his meds! Its the safest, cheapest form of med available to him. I can envision him being the backup LT this year, when he returns. Dawkins the starter at RT, and Mills probably retained for insurance. Which means Groy as backup interior, and the rest of the non starters gone.only so many spots available...
  21. Just a thought but wouldn't a consumate proffesional help develop the WR's we have now? Thats production I'll take! Him in the slot as a chain mover/blocker, sammy and Zay outside, with Clay in the fold on 3rd n long would spread the defense enough to move the chains with Tyrods legs if anything else.If this happens, look for Shady to have about 400 yds receiving on screens this year. That will be fun to watch!
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