Biggest thing to come out of that game was that now Merriam-Webster has to change the definition of PATHETIC to “ 2021 Buffalo Bills’ offense playing Jacksonville “ and NON-EXISTENT to “2021 Buffalo Bills offensive ( and I stress the term offensive ) line”.
I’m thinking Archie Bunker’s chair should represent aging curmudgeon who rarely posts.
Looking forward to seeing it next to my avatar.
Now let me go kick some dogs and children…
Just read through this thread. Good stuff. Learning a lot about different players that I’ve never heard of. Really enjoying it. Thanks for the info, everybody. Please keep adding to it.
Very sorry to hear, RTG. I bet mom and Pancho are sharing some good drought stories and laughing.
Then I must be an older gal now because I love me some Bease as well. One of my absolute favorites. 👍🏻😁