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Everything posted by Bongo

  1. This. I think we’ve been reading our press clippings a bit too much.
  2. Indica or Sativa? 😉
  3. Biggest thing to come out of that game was that now Merriam-Webster has to change the definition of PATHETIC to “ 2021 Buffalo Bills’ offense playing Jacksonville “ and NON-EXISTENT to “2021 Buffalo Bills offensive ( and I stress the term offensive ) line”.
  4. &($($&@“: what the -:/:(:&&@ No (:&@/( £{€}> do you think I am? 😉
  5. Thank you sweet baby Jesus. Ertz watch is over!!!
  6. Sorry Chandler. I kid, I kid. Couldn’t resist.
  7. Thanks again, everybody. Especially tempaccount for the really generous offer. I think we’ll give the Bullpen a go. Go Bills!
  8. Just me and my wife so that’s good. But are you saying it will be hard to see the game, Ethan?
  9. Thanks everybody. Much appreciated!
  10. Looks like Cheerful Bullpen is the main recommendation. If anybody is going to be there Sunday night, let me know. I’ll probably see you there!
  11. Thanks MGK
  12. Going to be in Portland this next weekend and wondering if anybody has recommendations for a good place to catch the game besides my hotel room?
  13. I’m thinking Archie Bunker’s chair should represent aging curmudgeon who rarely posts. Looking forward to seeing it next to my avatar. Now let me go kick some dogs and children…
  14. I don’t care. Just don’t call me late for dinner. And if I end up with “late for dinner”, I keelll ya. 😁
  15. Going to be there myself. Hope it is like the 2019 game when we took over the stadium. Good times, good times…..
  16. Just don’t spread them too thin or you’ll leave voids in the coverage. 🥁Ba dum dum. We’re here all week folks. Don’t forget to tip your waitress. 😁
  17. Is it a tile contractor’s convention? 😉
  18. I would have guessed Mr. Bombadil.
  19. Titans game because I live an hour and a half away, it’s a Monday night game, it’s the day before my birthday and I already have my tickets. Pumped!
  20. That was fun. Did a 3 round version. Focused on the big uglies. Got Jenkins, Dickerson and Shelvin as well as 2 fifths next year.
  21. Just read through this thread. Good stuff. Learning a lot about different players that I’ve never heard of. Really enjoying it. Thanks for the info, everybody. Please keep adding to it.
  22. Exactly! Who knew she was so on the Ike train. Toot toot.
  23. Very sorry to hear, RTG. I bet mom and Pancho are sharing some good drought stories and laughing. Then I must be an older gal now because I love me some Bease as well. One of my absolute favorites. 👍🏻😁
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