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Posts posted by HappyDays


    As always, Bill, I hope you are doing well, but I'll ask that you drop the straw man argument.


    I believe Gilmore is a very good corner (or at least was a very good corner during his time here), but what I (and many others) said over and over and over and over and over and over (etc.) is that "shut down corners" don't exist in the NFL.


    I appreciate that you don't like the guy because he was a 1st round pick at a position other than OL ;) , but you are too good to continue to build a case against a position that nobody ever took.


    Yes, it said an awful lot about Gilmore's play that Belichick decided to spend big $$ on him in FA. We're all hoping that it turns out to be the biggest FA flop ever committed; what's bad for them is good for us.


    I hope he continues to get spun like a top week in and week out...that won't change a thing about the quality of his play during his career in Buffalo, which was very good.

    Basically your take is that you were right all along about Gilmore, and it's just a coincidence that only now he looks as bad as people said he was? No one but you is going to buy that, no offense. He had a strong front 4 backing him up when he was here so he didn't have to do as much. Now he's in a zone scheme with a crappy front 4 and he's embarrassing himself on the field. It looks like all the criticisms people laid on Gilmore are true. He was not a "very good" corner. I'll say he did have one very good year when Jim Schwartz was here. But people put too much stock in one-year wonders like Gilmore and Watkins. Great players have consistency.

  2. Meanie -


    Some responses to you and others. I think you're absolutely right about the oasis, and it isn't a mirage. For me, that realization came last week. They proved last week that they are a good football team, a team that will play everyone tough. Jauron's teams played everyone tough, too, but they weren't a good team. They were just a worthy opponent. Last week the Bills proved they are a good team.


    Yesterday they proved they are a good team that can beat anyone. Not saying they're going 15-1. Teams will beat them. But this team is serious threat to be IN every game and to win a lot of them.


    Interesting comment about Shady. I think it's true. I think we saw it last week, when Shady converted two consecutive third downs. We willed his way to the first down each time, on plays where he ordinarily would have gone down. (I don't mind that he'goes down easily and runs out of bounds. He's protecting himself, which is good for his career but also good for the team. I want him on field, and if he saves himself, I'm all for it.) Shady strikes me as the kind of guy who's generally committed to the team but who could give up on the team if he thinks the team is all f***** up. I don't know if that's fair or not, just my impression. But last week and yesterday, I think we saw the opposite. I think we saw a running back who believes in this team and who's committed to doing his share to make the team a winner. What's really encouraging about that is that if it's happening to Shady, it's probably happening to other players, probably a lot of players. On top of that, now they're all seeing that buying into the team effort actually is winning football games. I find the whole thing very encouraging.


    AS for the folks who are saying that the offense is too conservative when the Bills get the lead, I have two thoughts. First, McDermott doesn't agree with you. We've seen it for four games now. He is going to run the ball and run the clock when he has a lead. He trusts his defense, and he will do nothing that will stop the clock. And he's so sure of himself that he isn't even going to run out of formations that THREATEN to pass. He knows that the opponents will have studied the films and will know that the Bills are running all the time, and spreading the formation won't change the defensive mind set.


    But I also think something else is going on. I think the defense is ahead of the offense. By all reports, McDermott runs a pretty simple defense. His guys already are playing it well. There will be wrinkles added, but the defense is on its way. They lead the league in points allowed. That's not true for the offense. The offense, especially the O line, is still learning. I gave props to the O line because for the first time this season they were creating seams for the running backs. I think that's evidence that they're starting to get how to work together in this new scheme. Tyrod's learning the offense, and except for Clay he's been learning it with new receivers. I think you saw that he's making progress on some of his completions yesterday. The long one to Clay and the TD to Matthews both were plays where he look comfortable with what was going on - he knew where he was going to find his open receiver. It's a setback to lose Matthews for a bit.


    I think McDermott is especially conservative when he has the lead in part because he knows it's naive to put a lot on the offense before it's ready. He's giving the offense time to develop. While it's developing, he's going to run the clock. In other words, if things go well in the season, I think the offense when the Bills have the lead will become less conservative later in the season.

    These are some damn good observations. Rockpile Review threads are the best Bills recaps in all media, bar none.

  3. .What does SMH stand for?

    Sean McDermott handclap

    He's playing how he's always played. It's our defense that's the difference.

    I don't think this is an entirely unfair take. He didn't become a new QB over night. But his passer rating average over the last 7 or so games is a lot higher than the 7 games before that. And his weapons aren't any good. I think what's being ignored is his accuracy was not as good last year as it was in 2015, and this year I think he got it back.

  4. KTG that isnt Taylor. He never throws balls up to his playmakers. He isnt willing to take a hit to get a pass off.

    He isnt willing to throw the ball to the te.

    He isnt willing to not tuck it and run it...

    I still see people "crediting" Taylor for throwing to the middle this season. It's just the offensive scheme. It determines where the ball gets thrown.

  5. Pierre Garcon played for Sean Mcvay in Washington and never went home with just one catch. From looking at his past two years, he had atleast 3 catches in all but 3 of the 32 games he played in, never one catch.

    At some point you have to think they don't trust him enough to give him those targets. They see him in practice, they know what he can do. Still very early in the season though. It's possible they're easing him back in after the concussion protocol.

  6. From what I've read about the game, and admittedly I haven't watched it, Sammy was shut down by their secondary. He apparently also backed off from a 3rd down catch because he would have gotten hit.


    Here's how I see Sammy. The way some Bills fans feel about Tyrod, that he won't throw the ball unless the receiver is open, that's Sammy. He's good at getting open and when he does he'll make the catch. But the QB isn't going to trust him 1 on 1 with the CB because he's never shown an ability to make a physical play for the ball. He isn't anything like Julio Jones or AJ Green. He is more like Percy Harvin with more size and a little less speed.


    Just my take on things. I know everyone has their mind made up on this so I don't expect to change anyone's opinion.

  7. As a final note... I'd pick a game where we get more than one offensive touchdown before chest bumping about the QB. He's been fine, but please let's just get a consistent season together before running around anointing anyone.

    After the Panthers game didn't you say Peterman should start? Not very consistent are you.

    Interesting take. Isn't it the 'Tyrod lovers' who claimed we could win with Tyrod if the D played better?


    The Bills are finally looking and playing like what we were promised at the beginning of 2015!

    Exactly. No one has ever said Tyrod is elite. But he sure looks better right now than Joe Flacco, Andy Dalton, Eli Manning... He is at the very least firmly in that tier, and that tier can win with a defense. What we're missing now is good playmakers on offense. That's the final piece and we can be legitimate Super Bowl contenders in a couple years.

  8. The passing offense is 31st in the league. Rushing is 16th. Scoring is 23rd. The offense has not been good. The Bills are winning because of the defense.

    We are leading the league in turnovers which is more important than we give credit for.



    I disagree. The margin of error is so small with a QB as limited as Tyrod. The Falcons were -3 in turnovers and were still just 10 yards away from winning the game because they have an amazing QB.

    Their amazing QB had the 3 turnovers. You know that's really important right? And a big reason that we won. 300 yards with 2 INTs is not as good as 200 yards with 0 INTs if you ask me. Not unless you're in a shootout which this game never was.
  9. TT made about 5 gorgeous throws that I never have seen him attempt before, let alone complete.


    For example, the two deep throws to clay, the Matthews TD, and the long Zay drop.


    Those were extremely accurate throws and a few under duress. He played an outstanding game.

    The one to Clay in double coverage while Tyrod took a hit was ridiculous. That's not a throw he would even attempt to make usually. Turns out on-field experience is important. He's still developing.

  10. White is a really experienced rookie (if that makes sense). He started a zillion games in the SEC and was more of s known commodity coming out. He was a "safe" pick and I mean that in a good way. He had a very high floor. We are seeing him play GREAT football. Tre has been doing that for a while.

    Scouts and GMs really overthink the draft.

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