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Everything posted by HappyDays

  1. It took Daboll 10 weeks to figure out how to use Breida. Singletary or Moss would not have scored there, I can guarantee it. The offense we're watching tonight is for real.
  2. Uh, yes. I absolutely trust Allen to convert a pass to Diggs in single coverage more than I trust our o-line to hold a block in an obvious rushing situation. What offense have you been watching this year?
  3. Anyone still have a problem with punting on 4th and inches up 18 points? We're already back in the red zone. The always go for it crowd has gotten out of control.
  4. Our short yardage blocking has been awful this year... It was a good play call, Diggs just had an uncharacteristic drop. It happens. I swear people on here look for any reason to blame the wrong person for a drive failing.
  5. Haven't seen Breida in a while. I think that weird looking screen earlier was on him and McDermott is sending him a message.
  6. That may as well be game. Really liking the look of this offense tonight. New Orleans has a very good defense. This is legitimate improvement.
  7. I can't believe how bad Dawkins has been. I really hope it is just his recovery from covid.
  8. We scored 6 points on the Jaguars... Go back in time and implement this game plan and I promise we win that one. Every analyst has been saying the same thing about the Bills offense, it is too one dimensional and predictable. A philosophy shift was needed. If teams start respecting our run game the passing windows will open.
  9. That drive is why you run the ball. I wonder if Breida messed up the screen at the end of the 1st half and is now in the dog house because that drive was all Singletary.
  10. We're moving the ball better than we have in weeks. I'm not sure why anyone would be unhappy with this offense right now. We have awful pass protection, we have to keep defenses honest.
  11. The last play was supposed to be a pass into the endzone. Instead the right side of the line got beat in 3 seconds and the usual suspects are blaming Allen for not throwing the ball short of the sticks and blowing our final timeout.
  12. A large portion of this fanbase is ready to immediately jump on Allen for every offensive setback. It's sad.
  13. I've been very critical of refs this year so I have to speak up to give this crew some credit. They are letting both sides play. Only obvious penalties that affect the play are being called.
  14. Brees says the interception was a miscommunication on an option route. It has been a problem this year. I would consider removing those from the offense. The risk vs the reward is not worth it.
  15. I am past the point of blaming Dawkins' regression on covid. He needs to step it up. Mental mistakes aren't a symptom of covid.
  16. Look at us running misdirection plays. Whole new offense tonight.
  17. Come on Dawkins. Completely whiffed his block on a depth player
  18. Whole team is playing with a different energy tonight. They got the message.
  19. The offense looks completely different tonight. This is how you account for a bad o-line. Speed at RB and quick passes.
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