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Heavy Kevi

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Everything posted by Heavy Kevi

  1. Bolded pretty much puts the thread in a nutshell... Even if Whaley "blocked" this from happening, I don't really care nor do I think Christie would even have been able to make any type of marked difference.
  2. I would argue that they don't "call it like it is". There is penty of bad to actually report, and I don't have a problem with real information. The problem is giys like Sully who write everything with a massive bias of hatred for the FO and team in general. The media thinks we want to hear their opinions, so they deliver them as if they were news. It's that type of misleading context that undermines our franchise (and in the long run, their own career). But it's easy to feel bad for a profession being replaced by twitter. They are becoming obsolete and they know it, so their idea of fighting for themselves is "click bait" headlines to get them some page views. It is what it is.
  3. Right. If both Carp and Christie were open to this, it would have happened. You constantly hear about players working with ex-players, players on other teams, outside trainers, and ex-coaches. Nothing wrong with that, and nothing a GM can do to stop it. And I can understand Doug not wanting an outsider at a closed practice. And if I'm Carp, I might not want help from a player from a era past trying to change the way I do things. It's not like Carp is a rook or anything close to that. Idk what the reasons were, or who stopped it from happening, but I have a hard time believing they wouldn't get together if they wanted to.
  4. Yeah I have seen a bunch of media outlets and posters talk about the cap and "getting to 90" within cap restrictions. I get it if posters don't understand that the 90 never counts against the cap, but a "sports journalist"? Come on... That said, I doubt many people need to be convinced that the Buffalo media is a crapchute, as is most all media at every level.
  5. I fully expect WR or DB with that first pick. If it's not a DB, I would say you outlined a fairly likely scenario. I think McCoach's vision is a long term plan, and that will impact alot of his decisions. If he has faith in Seymour, he probably feels good about DB right now before FA and draft. If he is not so confident in KS, he will probably urge Doug to get him that early DB. I will also add, in a deep class like this, we could grab WR at 10 and take the best DB that slides into the second round. This 2nd round guy could step in and start if he win a competition with KS. It would not be a good idea to "pull a Sammy" and move up to get the top prospect in a deep class, it just doesn't do it from the value standpoint.
  6. I'm not broken up about NRC really. Cover corners are cheap and the draft class is deep. I have no doubt we will sign a bunch of low level FA DBs and probably spend 2-3 draft picks on them as well. You know Whaley fully expects to get a gem or 2 in FA or draft. I don't know if they will be better than NRC, but I don't think the margin is big enough to really impact the defense much. When you get a new coach, why not get some guys who fit the system to replace low-mid level guys since everybody is going to be new to this defense anyway.
  7. Could have been awesome if it actually blasted him though... walking away with a bloody nose would really be the icing on the cake!
  8. I didn't know Walsh was available. Be happy to have a good young kinger like him. Folk though if the cap implications aren't prohibitive. He has been good for a long time.
  9. About frickin time for Carp to get cut. Very interested to see where they go now for PK. We let Gould walk right past us. What about Folk? I am not sure about prospect kickers this year, but would be happy to see them get a promising rookie. Keep that cap nimber nice and low, and I can't imagine anyone being worse than Carp has been for the last 2 years.
  10. Glad everyone has enjoyed this contest. I certainly enjoyed hosing it... ...and I don't think I have ever taken a pic of a dog mid-poo before. First time for everything! Thanks guys.
  11. It's Giveaway day, and the results are in. The Poop has spoken. I, 19.... I, 19 Congratulations, TakeYouToTasker, you have won this installment of Dog Poop Bingo! Here is the selection process, Xena in the I, with a 19: Thank you all who entered, and thanks again to SDS for having us...
  12. Well yeah I only care about their availablity on the field. Saying mean things got Ritchie in trouble, but he has shown the ability to stay focused and I have no worry that he will get suspended again. Hardy can't help himself. He constantly fights with teammates and loses his head costing his team big. I still think there is a massive difference between what got RI in trouble vs. GH, but we will have to agree to disagree about thinking RI is just as bad as GH though that really is neither here nor there. Personally, I don't understand what is so wrong with not caring about the "person" behind the player outside of what it means to availability. So what I want to tune in and watch the best football players play football. When I hire someone to pave my driveway, I don't care if he's a multiple time ex-con herion junkie outside of work, I only care about how well he does blacktop. And I certainly hope people judge me as a Chef by my food and not if they like me as a person... Well I guess now I know what your criteria is. I'll file that one under "C". And participation trophies are not some "societal shortcoming", but they are definitely a sign that society no longer value toughness. You can keep trying to make it seem like I am wrong because you don't agree if it makes you feel better though.
  13. Typical bs? I mean it's pretty obvious the world is changing in that way. You know as well as I do that 20 years ago, the "Martin incident" would be a non issue, expected hazing etc... If that makes me one of the "crazies" by your definition, I am fine with that. I am not arguing Richie is man of the year by any stretch, but he is not on the same level as Hardy. Ritchie can keep his head down, work hard, and succeed. Hardy cannot.
  14. I would say no. So many big differences between the two situations. Hardy is locker room and sideline cancer with a piss-poor attitude. No proper focus, studying, or effort. Richie was "made an example" out of as the world shifts to thin skin and participation trophies. It is what it is.
  15. Well that board was so active. And most of the regular (non-troll) members had been around for a long time... so when you see guys you know over here like I did with Bills_Chick you jump on. Personally, when the link didn't work (to bbmb) I looked at the other boards to see if there was a thread about it. And when you google "buffalo bills message board" the first results are bbmb, amd the next 3 results all bring you here. Once the bbmb thread here started rolling (on the stadium wall), it was a lighthouse in the darkness.
  16. Hey, I could get on board with that!
  17. And the immigration continues... Welcome aboard. Lots of guys over there at Billievers? Gotta be close to 200 over here by now...
  18. I will agree with that for sure! I'm doubt many boards would welcome an established group with numbers in the hundreds. I'm sure many of them hate us right now, but the reception has been great. Gezz, we even got heckled by the town heckler a few hours into landfall. Great stuff. Hopefully most of us will assimilate and become productive members. When in Rome.......................
  19. I think I might know who you are talking about... ...or maybe that's Dingbat I'm thinking of. Appreciate the welcome... and that's the reason for this GAW. Good luck brother.
  20. Totally agree on Zach. Put him on the weak side and thats one less position to worry about.
  21. I don't think they cut him, but he won't have another big year imo just because he will see decreased snaps. I don't see a whole lot of Preston and Ragland on the field together besides obvious rushing situations.... but I could be wrong.
  22. I like PBrown and think he could be productive again but I don't think it will be here. LB's in this scheme are better suited if they have speed. We already have Ragland (who's obviously going to play), so I don't think there is room in this defense for 2 slow guys. That puts Preston as the odd man out imo
  23. Can't possibly be involved. People have been telling me for years he has no impact on decisions despite evidence to the contrary. I don't care how many times posters, Chris Brown, Terry, or Kim say that Russ isn't involved... I won't be comfortable until he leaves the organization altogether. Unfortunately I don't see that happening. Anyone constamtly making big decisions for the entirety of the drought should have been let go at the onset of the Pegula Era. I don't believe in positively reinforcing negative behavior.
  24. I think I am going to settle in before hopping over to the PPP... but I actually am really looking forward to it. Moderators here seem very fair, but more than that there isn't the "us vs. them" mentality over here. Everyone checks each other and the mods don't have to step in as much.
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