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Heavy Kevi

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Everything posted by Heavy Kevi

  1. I hear all of that, but will Shady still be good by the time the rest of the team catches up? Unlikely. I certainly don't know, but perhaps Kyle, Lorax, etc were to keep the cap manageable. They don't have to overpay to get to the floor, and then next year they are gone leaving plenty of money for the 3700 draft picks. Just a thought.
  2. Dear Tom Brady Eat **** and die
  3. Oh, Yolo... Your glass is always half full. I just don't have it in me anymore.
  4. Calls 'em like we sees 'em..... I wouldn't be talking about it if the Bills didn't make us talk about it. And it's not like we made it up, just watch a media "talking head" reference the Bills right now. It's all "trust the process", "you have all those picks", or "you will be happy with Darnold". Definitely the fans fault though.....
  5. Searching for the old bbmb :yeahthat: , but to no avail. So I guess I will settle with: Yeah, that>>>/\
  6. Thanks for the tip. "Thank you so much for the opportunity, Sean. You truly are the real deal. I would try hard to make the team, but I just trust you so much that my faith will get me through" SUPER BOWL!
  7. More like "Total eclipse of the heart" If anyone around here remembers Bonnie Taylor
  8. I'm going to tryout for WR later. McBean said they don't normally do this, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and now they are open to 30 year old fat guys with very little playing experience.
  9. Why keep shady? This team is done, a fork handle sticking out of the uni's. You hang onto Shady until a contender wants a rent-a-star to get them all rings. If a team thinks they are 1 Shady away from a title they will give up something worthwhile for him (ala Bradford when Minny thought they were good). This year is going to suck anyway. I love Shady and he is clearly our best player, but he will probably cost us a few draft slots since the tank is in full swing. Doesn't look like the FO planned this particular circumstance, but maybe the stars are aligning and the football gods want to give us a QB for drafts-mas.
  10. Really, I see tons condescending posts to this same exact point every year. Hell, I used to be the optimist and post things like this too. Telling people to be positive or to just expect them to be good because.... reasons. But experience has taught me something.... The Bills suck in preseason, and suck in the regular season too. I wouldn't say I'm frustrated or angry about it, but it is clear and obvious this will n9t be a good team. It's great to be positive and stuff, but history is a pretty good predictor of the past, and not this demi-religious type of blind "faith" that they will be better in the regular season. Nothing has indicated that. Now, they might be OK, but there is an awful lot more evidence to the contrary. Then again evidence must not matter much to a religious person (that's not a shot at you, just an observation).
  11. What!?!? IF, and it is a huuuuuge IF, Taylor "shows he's a franchise QB", he isn't going anywhere. Franchise QBs DON'T change teams unless they are yet to show it, or are in the twilight of their career. It just doesn't happen.
  12. Shaw is as credible as anyone else around here. Dude is a generally fair and accurate critic, and a quality poster (which are increasingly hard to find). I would argue that our regular seasons do resemble our preseasons. Also, even if you don't want to believe it, penalties are concerning so far this preseason, and that is supposed to be the hallmark of McD. I would also argue Boldin did look old on that play. Seems reasonable to me.
  13. Good point. But if we were to trade him, we should take picks, maybe including a LB prospect that fits the 4-3.
  14. Especially since most people (myself included) would not recognize KE in street clothes.
  15. Don't be guilty. The NFL is notoriously a "what have you done for me lately" business... ...what have they done for YOU lately? I will continue to watch them (always), and will happily spend money again when they put forth a product worth paying extra for.
  16. Don't be that guy. Who cares, honestly? You just want to correct people, and it's not a good color on you. I'm not even going to get into the hilarity that your "phonetic" spelling of Hochuli isn't even the correct pronunciation. I'll give it a shot (hok-you-lee), at least it's more accurate than your "correction".
  17. Ritchie is "don't **** with me" crazy. Perhaps a rage-a-holic. Exactly what you want from an OL, and the bullying scandal left him a blackballed victim of the times. Running around naked and telling cops to shoot you is "crazy" crazy. Like mentally unstable, don't want you handling my millions kinda crazy.
  18. I picked 6-10 but I am not particularly confident in even that at the moment. Tyrod is starting to look like Derek Anderson's rise and fall. But the "good year" was 2 years ago, and we didn't even make the tourney. Honestly, I think I would consider any trade offer for him as long as cool ranch doritos were involved. But I get the whole bag. Maybe a conditional 8th round pick, could become a 7th if he throws for 5000 yards. Freaking out or seeing a steady decline over 3 years?
  19. So, what you mean to be saying is that you watched a Bills game... ...par for the course. It's easy to complain about calls against us, but it is obvious that small market teams without a franchise pocket passer don't get the calls. I am numb to it by now, and one of the most important factors in a game is who is the ref. Jerome Bogus or Hackuli mean we clearly will have to beat the opponent plus a horde of zebras.
  20. Hilarious how many people are going full-blown high school lunchroom drama with this completely innocuous news. Obviously McD and Beane had talked about possibly trading SW since Rams had been calling about SW for months. McD didn't know before the game, but was informed directly thereafter. Moreover, his and Terry's opinions were brougyt in, and the trade was made once everybody was on board. Relax, fellas. Beane is the GM, and it is obvious he wouldnt move on this without McD's blessing. Who else do you think was going to put in the legwork on a trade? Anybody screaming bloody murder is either specifically trying to be dramatic, or is an inane alertist without much scope of understanding.
  21. I talked to the "NFL Sunday ticket specialist" Does not much matter to me what other people's experiences were or are, I have had continuous bad experiences with them. Unfortunately, nobody else can touch their programming. And, yes, eball.... No matter how you slice it, that's too much freakin money for 1 day a week. You say 15 bucks a week, but another way of looking at it is 15 bucks per day of service, since that doesnt cover sunday nights, mondays, or thursday games.
  22. Called yesterday, and rather than offer any type of discount or "free" service, they cancelled it. And I even had to threaten to not pay (debit card just expired and they didnt have new card info yet) just to get it cancelled, as last year I called to cancel but they did not cancel and by the time I realized it was "too late" and there is "no record" of me trying to cancel it. Fine with me really, as I am in the Bills market, but I have never had a good experience on the phone with DTV in 8 years. They don't do what they say they will, leave you on hold for entirely too long, and just try to up-sell rather than solve your problems. Not to mention $250 for football programming is 1st degree highway robbery as far as I'm concerned.
  23. I fail to recognize the correlation between trading away 2 recognizable young talents and positive marketing. Signing Boldin, ok... That could be construed as marketing, but that's not what people are talking about.
  24. The supreme court has ruled, and reaffirmed, there is no exception in the first amendment for "hate speech". These kkk neo-nazi guys are a pile of ****, and I think they should be shot (my protected opinion), but we don't get to decide what other people think or say in America. The rally did not get shut down because of speech, it got shut down because of violence. Unfortunately, many people, pundits, and counter-organizations are trying to blur the distinction and make it seem as if speech is in itself violence. It is not.
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