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Heavy Kevi

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Everything posted by Heavy Kevi

  1. Well put. He took a beating early but rebounded in spades.
  2. That's about the size of it. Schedule is brutal.
  3. Look, I don't love the players doing this. I am deeply patriotic, however; and am happy to see people voice their opinions. I was protested a few weeks ago at a womens march in Seneca Falls NY (because of my NRA t-shirt) and it made me so proud to be an American. Idk about everyone else, but my real issue with these particular protests is that I feel like it's misappropriated. To me, the flag does not equate to crooked cops, white supremacy, or even the government that they wish to protest. America is the collective, and is what gives you the right to protest, and I just wish they would protest the things they are actually concerned about. Certainly does not affect my viewership, but I am sick of hearing about sports on the news networks, and sick of hearing about politics in sports broadcasts.
  4. Whoa. I thought the Bills board was incoherent. Not much actual football being discussed over there, but they are mad.
  5. I haven't been a big detravtor or anything, but ninetheless I don't see a reason to "eat crow". Tyrod has had games as good amd better than this. His problem is consistency. I'm not sure you can disprove that in 1 game. Also too early to know anything really about McD. Team played hard today, but still some time management questions at the end of the first half. An improvement? Absolutely. But definitely not a form of vindication.
  6. The differences that he was going to the ground without being tackled, White didn't contact him until he was already falling on his own accord, and so he needs to complete the catch all the way to the ground.
  7. Came over to ppp to see whats up.... Same ****. What is it with the left, yelling racist everytime they disagree with something? Boyst is making a legit point. These people are ON THE CLOCK, and don't have the right to grandstand on their employers dime if the employer doesn't like it. Boyst says "monkey", and the sheep can't wait to cry "racist", even though it clearly was not. And people saying Trump opressed speech...lol learn about the subject. Him suggesting that he thinks owners should fire people they have the right to fire is absolutely not against any law, nor does it fit in anyones legitimate definition of oppression. So many people acting like victims these days. Moreso than real victims generally act. It is the alertist radical lefty's who are actually trying (and somewhat succeeding) shutting down the 1st amendment. See Berkley, Antifa, etc.... He's not your average president. He's not that good at it, he's not that smart, amd not very strategic...... he can be ignorant, impulsive, and gruff, but he is not breaking any laws. But you guys can continue to cry wolf, but don't be surprised when the townfolk stop listening.
  8. Wont see me complain about cold and snowy. I can't wait. Those are the best days of the year. Serenity and calm. Plus it keeps all the fair weather babies, and "green" prius drivers in their houses, more room to play around with the 4x4. There is nothing good about 90 degrees. Seriously. I "B word" when it's 85 in July.
  9. Doesn't seem like much of a "dig" to me. Cheerios are good for your heart, the Bills not so much.
  10. Yeah, decent offense would be nice. If Shady is able to rip off a couple decent runs, it could change the complexion of the game, and he is probably our only chance. Taylor's arm isn't going to do it, but his legs might help. I have serious questions about dennison now, after seeing some of the same head scratching bs we have seen for years. Like stretch plays with an 85 year old, 350 pound rb...
  11. Ego. Every coach wants to prove "his way" is better. You think Rex, for example, wanted to keep Schwartz so that everyone could say it was Schwartz' accomplishment? No, he wanted all the "glory".
  12. You can call it lack of brains if you want, but I will never be on board for taxpayer funded stadiums. Sales tax this, business revenue, that: I get it. But principally it is wrong. Some people can't pay their mortgage, or struggle feeding their families, but they still pay for a stadium that will make multi-billionaires even richer. Fundamentally it's corporate welfare in an industry of super rich elites that don't need the money.
  13. Misdirection. Play action bootlegs, draws, cutbacks (shady's specialty), screens. Still, I am worried about this one. We don't seem to have the "edge" anywhere. And the 3 point line, well, I don't know what to make of it. Seems like an odd line but apparently vegas has faith in our defense.
  14. Yeah, I can't say it any better. Maybe he should pull a Pryor and play WR for us.
  15. Obviously the pats get special treatment. That is WELL documented. Plus, exact same thing happened in GB, but of course they did not pick up the flag despite McCarthy going buck wild. Brady is the poster boy, and the refs do everything they can to keep it that way. The pats might as well wear stripes too.
  16. Fair enough. And the space needle in Seattle, bbq in KC or Texas, etc.... Still gets long in the tooth. I wonder if it's just the same vid clip. I never paid enough (any) attention to the person doing the flipping.
  17. So true. So predictable. The only thing they know about Buffalo is it's cold, team sucks, niagara falls, and wings. I have never understood the filmographical interest in wing tossing in a plain steel bowl.... but every single primetime game we see it.
  18. Marcell Haynesworth Only plays well when he cares. Was funny to hear one of the announcers Sunday say he had "one of the worst outings in the NFL week 1". Just about sums up the state of the franchise right now, when our supposedly elite all-pro doesn't care at all. Worst of all, this is not his modus operandi. It's relatively new.
  19. I, for one, am freaking sick of it. Enough of this summer weather in September. September is supposed to be the best month- NFL starts, business slows to reasonable levels at work, the rotten children go back to school, and it cools off. Not this year, there is no NFL in Buffalo and it's hotter than satan's asscrack. But yeah, we will probably wear our whites at home... lol. Probably the first time in awhile besides the "white out" farce a few years back.
  20. I was pretty excited for Roman. It was the reason I was optimistic about Rex. I even thought Dennison might be a good fit for us. Obviously he was the consolation package for not getting McCoy, but I thought he would adjust to Tyrod. But yeah, your point remains. The predictability of an OC only 2 weeks in should not be so obvious. We are in a catch-22, we can't get top coaches (or FAs) because we suck, and suck because we can't get good coaches (or FAs). Lest, the cycle continues. I do hope McD works out, but for the sake of all that is holy, can we get an NFL offense?
  21. Yup, and any college level or better RB would put up similar numbers in that system. And hes only good with TDs. 3.4 YPC this season so far.
  22. Totally agree on Tyrod. He just needs to freakin throw it sometimes. Reminds me of Trent in that regard. Throw it away, give a receiver a chance to make a play, whatever. But we can't afford sacks or 2 yard qb scrambles when we are in a 2 min offense. Also, 3 and outs are essentially turnovers, so in my book he had plenty. Rather have him heave one up with a chance at PI or something. Just 3 and out, 3 and out, 3 and out. It's brutal.
  23. I agree on many points you made. I do not understand why Zay would be going to the sideline though. Ball was snapped with :13 left (if I remember correctly), and they still had a TO. They are not going to have time to run more than 2 plays anyway, so you would take that TO after the catch had happened, if of course it had.
  24. Yeah, I believe they will draft one next year. Probably in the first 3 rounds, I'm just hoping it's not round 1.
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