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Heavy Kevi

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Everything posted by Heavy Kevi

  1. Call me crazy, but I have a bad feeling about the fish game. I don't know ahout a sweep, but them getting 1 would not surprise me.
  2. I'm shocked how many voted for a dome. I would have guessed the vote would be something like 185 No vs. 20 Yes This is Buffalo, but there must be a bunch of fans from fair weather areas. I just can't imagine watching that game and being unhappy with it.
  3. This. Ya me too. Was at that game with my buddy who's a Pack fan. He has told me that me high-fiving Bills fans right in front of his face was almost too tough to handle. Insult to injury, I took $100 from him because I bet him we would pick off Rodgers. Great day.... Even though my ribs were stolen right off my smoker during the game. Bastards.
  4. Maybe they do rest Tom, and the Jets will get a win. So what?
  5. It gets everybody excited. All the halftime and postgame shows were having fun with it and recounting their snow games, etc. Snow is the ****. Football in the snow is even better! One of the benefits of living in WNY for sure.
  6. I don't even understand this point of view. I guess to some people football is defined only by high scoring offenses. I think that is sad. We did have at least 4 plays of 20 yards or more... More than your average game. Especially with our #2 and #3 QBs playing.
  7. Trash product? Fun game, enjoyable and memorable for all. It wasn't like a video game, but this is what separates football, they don't wimp out at the first drop of rain or flake of snow.
  8. That game was awesome. Can't believe people don't like snow games. Just because the teams didn't combine for 70 points?
  9. This is Buffalo We play in the snow.
  10. You must be a blast at parties. It's a long stretch from standing up for yourself or teammate and "thuggery"... That Gronk hit was not part of the game, it was after the whistle and you could make a case for "assault" if you really wanted to. So let me put it this way, if that happened to me on the street, and I subsequently retaliated, even the courts and cops would call it "self defense". So it's only thuggery if in football? And guess what.... Two wrongs may not make a right, but what's to say getting back at him is wrong? Oh yeah, that's your opinion, because to me it feels so right. I do watch Boxing, MMA, and hockey, but I don't need the NFL to turn into a fighters league, I just want our team to turn into a TEAM that cares enough about each other to defend their teammates like a brother when sucker attacked out of nowhere. If you can't even defend yourself and team, I consider that to be wrong, and much more disgusting/reprehensible than retaliation.
  11. I got 50 bucks to add to the bounty ☠️
  12. When it comes to Brady, I submit we go with the "hurt him" defense. I don't care if the field looks like a laundry basket with yellow fabric, we need to do the right thing for humanity. The world deserves to see the end of the great evidence destroyer.
  13. I would agree with the Orton thread because it made it so far even though the premise was just hilariously bad. Entertainment-wise it was top notch. I also believe that thread set a record for the number of times the word "extrapolate" was used.
  14. Thwy nees to be smiggled in. That takes real commitment, that I don't have.
  15. https://open.life.church/resources/2329-dangerous-prayers Maybe? Would explain OPs "bold prayers"....
  16. Keep trying. Good QBs generally play for a long time. Keep trying to find the right sauce. That's also what the Sabres should do. Settle in with Eich, keep the players that play well with him, and keep tinkering until you have a good gumbo.
  17. Well that's your opinion to have, but you said you wanted to give them them the benefit of the doubt early on, and my argument is that it still is early on. Also, I'm not buying what you are selling about saving cash. Maybe with Ralph, but Pegula doesn't need the money, not even a little bit. This is not his livelihood like it was with Ralph, it is his hobby. Just before buying the Bills, Terry sold a piece of property for 4.1 Billion so he would have liquid assets to buy the Bills. Somebody who can make a couple small shifts in his other business and yield several billion is not worried about a few million here and there on a football roster. He wants a championship he just doesn't know how. I would be willing to believe incompetence before nefariousness in this case. I agree with this. Separately I will argue that all the turnover is because we keep changing coaches. Time to settle in with McD and give him a real chance.
  18. Well I wouldn't say Iive in fear of it at all, quite frankly mostly I just don't like alot of tech, but will avoid if possible as well. Social media is to blame for alot of our problems in my opinion, and I prefer a real life to a digital existence... But that's just me. I also realize they could find me if they want, but I like to think of it like running from a bear. You don't have to outrun the bear, just one of your buddies.
  19. I'm blind or intentionally argumentative? No. I'm being sensible. You say he traded speed for this and that, that's an abridged version. All the trading in draft, preseason, and season accrued draft picks. The players are just so we have someone to roster this year, and since the draft picks have not even been used yet, you are still way too early on judging the job. It's the plan, and you have to let it play out before you pretend to already know the outcome. I'm not just some McD fanboy, and I have concerns, but realize that judging it now is foolhardy. We let him tear down the roster, and that is already done, so now we have to allow him to rebuild and spend all that draft capital. We absolutely need to let this play out rather than punctuate his tenure because we weren't patient enough to give him a legitimate chance. I don't care who you are, you can't judge "roster building" in less than a year. You just can't.
  20. You are putting the cart in front of the horse. There is absolutely no way you know the things bolded, because nobody knows yet. His "roster construction"? Hasn't even done it yet. He had a garage sale, and hasn't even got a chance to spent the money. Like him or hate him, you don't get to judge a "roster construction" that hasn't even happened yet. And the "kid just isn't good"? Come on now, you think 30 minutes is all you need to evaluate a qb? I have no idea how Peterman will be, but you don't either. You present premature opinions as if they are certifiable facts.
  21. I think it's all the accrued L's over the years. Media has nothing to do with it.
  22. It's safe to say we can rename the sci-fi genre something more fitting... Like future non-fiction. Forget Nostradamus, the Mayans, and Christian prophets, the real prophets are people like George Orwell People should be wary of tech for sure. All I have is this smart phone, no computer, no other internet, or smart homes, locks, or smart TV. I even took the Onstar gps off my truck. This site is the extent of my "social media" exposure. I like the fact that if I throw my phone out, I go dark. If there is one benefit to tech and social media, it's that it is such a large volume evidence/information bank that government uses it because it's a point of least resistance in finding info, so (perhaps) you can fly under the radar by eschewimg it. At least that's what I tell myself.
  23. Dang, man... I would have happily given you some peanuts for a 60's SS... But I was -3 years old in '83, soooooo...
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