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Heavy Kevi

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Everything posted by Heavy Kevi

  1. Like to see Fournette get some snaps here. Especially if we're gonna put Murray out there.
  2. Gotta keep it together today and hope everyone heals up for next week
  3. Wow injuries getting crazy. Gotta hold them out of the end zone
  4. Could be a close game now with all the DBs out
  5. What? Did he just not want to reverse his own call twice? Smells bad...
  6. I am cautiously optimistic. I realize there is a chance we let the Steelers hang around in this one. I know the Bills defense can dominate them, but will they? Weather should not be a factor in the game, though it may have stopped some travel from Pittsburgh is my guess
  7. Lol I remember the refs making that ***** up on the spot and pretending they could flag the home team. Won't work again
  8. You think that was a dunk or something is my guess. But I stand by that peachicken rediculousness, just wait until every game is ppv. That is something to be outraged about. This? This is searching for something to complain about.
  9. What are we outraged about? I'm not getting it
  10. https://finheaven.com/threads/tua-asked-mahomes-for-his-jersey-after-the-game-embarrassing.382211/ 😱 I love finheaven. Post over there too (my name is Wild Bill on finheaven). Reminds me that bills fans aren't the most emotional, reactionary, schizophrenic fan base out there. And fin fan pain is just delicious. Miami fans are truly next level and attack buffalo fans more that Josh Allen (I mean who attacks their daddy?) They ban people for anything over there so I've gone through a few screen names. I do enjoy giving them a hard time about Wilkins and they seem to think it's weird too: Post in thread 'Josh Allen's "Victory Lap" Around Hard Rock' https://finheaven.com/threads/josh-allens-victory-lap-around-hard-rock.382108/post-9693973
  11. Man you are missing the point. This inst even a continuous job.... Just one day. So anyone who decides to go down and shovel for that price is happy to do it and get that wage. Nobody else is forced to do anything. But even so, they would have to raise the wage if people weren't doing it. All the laughing face emojis in the world won't make that change.
  12. It's not benevolence.... And I never insinuated as such. It's an agreement. It's at-will employment. At-will for both parties.
  13. Great points, WEO Have we really gotten to the point where at-will work for twice the federal minimum wage (and equal to ny min wage), is somehow cruel? I'm just not getting it. My feelings probably ruffle some feathers, but people in other countries LITERALLY (and not literally in the commonly used colloquial sense) are DYING and risking everything to get here for easy (I don't mean easy phisically, but it's non-skilled) work like this. Honestly it's a bit of a straw man argument... Nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. As mentioned above supply and demand is king. If there aren't workers at that price, they will raise it. So assuming the stadium gets shoveled, that means there were enough people willing to do it for that price, and everyone complaining about having to shovel doesn't actually have to shovel at all.
  14. For real. Von hadn't been productive anyway.... But in 50 mph gusts, Von might just get blown over
  15. I saw him going up and down the sidelines getting guys fired up last game. Pumping up other players. Encouraging the defense. Trying to calm Josh down after picks. Low energy isn't a term I would use to describe diggs 🤷🏻‍♂️
  16. Pretty sure the fish already have cold feet about going up to KC
  17. Yes, but.......... A punt can't score us points. Maybe the chance at 6 points is worth the 10 yards? And if it's 4th down, it's not Joshs decision to go for it (though he would every time). Ball is snapped. At that point, it's gonna be a 1st down, a touchdown, or a turnover. A pick in the EZ is significantly better than a non-completion I agree, except I WANT them taking the ball out. That's what happened on his second pick last weekend and the db got picked on by teammates for only getting a few yards out of the ez after the pick.
  18. Ok, so... I like this! I actually don't hate Nick wright. Sure he's one of the ugliest people alive, but aside from that he's just doing his thing. I always thought the anti Josh Allen stuff was just for clicks, but now that I've seen some of his segments, I think he just genuinely hates Josh. But he has been a pretty good sport about being wrong too, even if his back alley ketchup and mustard thing was corny, it was in good humor. And then to put up a poll like that, and knowing 100% what the outcome would be. Not alot of these talking head I could see doing that. Pretty funny.
  19. Whaaaaaat!? The phins? I think Cleveland or Buffalo are only teams that can realistically take out Baltimore, and it would take a 0 int game from Josh most likely.cleveland though has the best shot. Div rivals, sick D, and Flacco playing with ice water in his veins. Lamar is still limited and relies on huge WR separation, but I don't see Miami finishing a game in Baltimore within 14 points of the Ravens
  20. Your friend is dumb. They need a QB. It's cool to take a safe pick, but when you get the third pick and you need a QB, you take a QB; or you really fricked it up.
  21. I'm not complaining about the no flag, though it could have been called. And I'm not mad at the throw. That looked like an automatic TD, but Baker closed the distance really fast.
  22. This is actually my general observation from past breakdowns as well. He wants Josh to be a Tom Brady like QB but that's not who Josh is. Love it or hate it Josh is high variance in his play style. It's frustrating at times but you can't take the trot out of a show horse.
  23. It COMPLETELY stands to reason that a coach would be distracted while interviewing for other jobs. You ever interviewed for another job while working for another company? My guess is probably yes. Now how did you feel about your current job when looking for another? You aren't committed the same way. You are looking to the future. It's just like a WR looking at all the yards he's gonna eat up after the catch before securing the catch. Alot of times they drop the ball Screw that lol. Didn't pay the 6 bucks then (funny enough my bar manager had peacock and signed in on our TV's for the game to show at the bar), and I sure as heck ain't paying 6 bucks for ridgeway! Now, maybe $5.92 and we're at least in negotiations.
  24. It's allowed because TSW is the only place talking about it. I was gonna post a thread on it at the phins board to see what they say but I don't have permission to start a thread there
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