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Heavy Kevi

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Everything posted by Heavy Kevi

  1. He was reminding me of T.O. Well then he should have used his mouth to catch, because his hands sure can't.
  2. Yeah, yeah... Everyone gets your point. Ivory had a bad game. Unfortunately, your premise is flawed because Shady does not even resemble a "great RB" right now. So yeah, one game where Shady averages 3.5 ypc and all the sudden he's back? Touting 3.5 as if it were good, or even repectable. This thread would make sense if Shady actually was producing. Mccoy is done, and people saying 'start Ivory' are doing so not because Ivory is great, but because Shady is over with, over the hill, and his running style is no longer supported by his skillset. Ivory had a bad game yesterday, but if it were possible I would still trade Shady away and start Ivory (or whoever). If we aren't getting production anyway, it shouldn't cost 10mil+.
  3. I don't. Just somebody who has played some games and been on some rosters and has a strong grip to hold the ***** out of that clipboard.
  4. Anderson is just too old. I want a vet, but like I said 'slightly' younger. Someone who could survive a couple games if neccesary. If DA in the QB room is that important, make him a coach but father time takes his toll- whether you can afford to pay it or not.
  5. I would keep Barkley in '19 and swap out Anderson for a slightly youger whoever-is-available for cheap.
  6. Hey, the Seahawks made it with 7-9 before. Maybe now that the AFC isn't a powerhouse we could do something like that. No way we finish with 9 wins because Pats*, but 8-8 I suppose could be a remote possibility.
  7. We currently have the 2nd ranked defense amd the 31st ranked offense... Can't waste capital on the side of the ball that is already great/dominant at times when we need an entire WR corps, RB stable, and OL from the C to the RT.
  8. Look around, bro. The "punks" are taking over a hell of alot more than sports.
  9. Yeah, gotta agree with that... But I don't think it will take much to "carve out a role". Our WR room is so barren that I can't imagine that even next year there are 5 better receivers on the roster. Obviously he has to do something, I just don't think it's much. McKenzie and Zay are the only two so far that have done anything to justify their spot imo.
  10. Actually really like this move. We need speed, especially at receiver, and Deonta seemed to fit in here and I was surprised to see him go in the first place.
  11. I get your point here, but the NFL is different. There are only 53 spots on 32 teams in the entire NFL. Personally, I have a seriously badass resume, and if I were looking for work I would find it QUICK. In the NFL, you may never do what you are best at ever again. That has to be truly devastating.
  12. Really looking forward to how this all pans out. There is a good reason for hope. I believe there is a legitimate chance that McD will be a long-term coach in Buffalo.
  13. I live in the middle of a cornfield, so mice right after the harvest cannot be avoided... I tie a bit of butcher string through the opening on the trigger and then smear peanut butter on it (standard wood/spring kill trap). This will make sure you don't have a set trap where they steal the peanut butter (field mice are super tiny and don't always set off the trap). They have to tug on the string to get all the PB off of it, and subsequently die quickly. Good luck
  14. One of my favorite movies from childhood (I was born in 86) I saw this on thanksgiving on TV when I was about 8 years old and it launched a lifelong addiction to horror movies and Stephen King/Dean Koontz books. Furthermore, I really enjoy AC/DC, so if the movie had an impact on the longevity or popularity of them then that's great. On a sidenote, what the hell happened to Emilio? A few great movies in the 80's (and Young Guns), and then just disappeared. I wonder if he had made the switch (like Charlie), his career would be different?
  15. I agree with this. I could see one of the C's (probably bodine) returning as well. He hasn't been great, but may not be time to move on yet and we have alot of holes. RG and RT should be replaced no matter what.
  16. I thought we were going to draft him instead of EJ (and wanted us to). And here we are. I certainly don't think he's a world-beater but he should play until/unless we are eliminated from playoff contention; and it's Allen's team from then on.
  17. We are going to set a record for QBs getting killed in one year.
  18. Donations surpass 10k https://www.wivb.com/news/local-news/bills-fans-donate-nearly-10-000-to-foundation-after-getting-called-laughing-stock-of-the-nfl-/1579380158
  19. I think it's fair to say at the very least that Supreme Court openings/prospective openings bring out conservative voters. There are many other factors but I believe it's been more than proven. Your point about judges being unpredictable is true. There would have been many more conservative majorities in the SC if all the picks ended up being as conservative as was though when nominated/confirmed. And Obamacare is only popular because Trump isn't. It's a pile of trash and that has not changed, but you know propoganda on both sides determines the narrative and the liberal propo on this one have made it a binary decision: Obamacare or the plan made up by the evil repubs that want to take everything away and let you die in the streets? As far as conservatives voting against their interest, that point is taken, but with a different interpretation. I think it's more fundamentally what people want from gov't. Surely you remember JFK "ask not what your country can do for you, etc", and that really is where I stand. I don't vote for things/people because I want something or want to make my life easier. I vote for what I believe is in the long-term best interest of the country. I am a libertarian and differ with republicans on tons of issues (mostly social), and am far from a Trump stumper, but for the last few cycles it's about lesser of evils; and right now the biggest evil is the draw to a government dependent citizenship (in my opinion of course).
  20. Well those court battles are often brought in places with heavy liberal influence (as I'm sure you know). When Trump has something overturned by the 9th circuit, or the judge in Hawaii, etc you know which way it will go. You can underestimate the importance of the judiciary, as liberals always do, but my point that it brings out conservative voters is absolutely true. Now obviously the Supreme Court is the crown jewel of the judiciary, and that is somewhere you can't deny will have a real impact.
  21. Yeah I think the biggest story is this "historically unpopular" president did better in his midterms than many, if not most recent presidents with much higher approval ratings. It's about time that people recognize that what is now called Trumpism or Conservative Populism is really just a new name for the ongoing tea party movement. While everyone argues about racism, taxes, healthcare, etc, the conservatives and tea party are going to keep voting for judiciary appointments.
  22. Looks like two years of nothing but judicial confirmations and maybe infrastructure, followed by a Dem loss in 2020.... I think I can live with that. House is about to be even more of a circus than it has been. These idiots will crush their own adgendas.
  23. Yeah stuff like that is why I get that feeling. Hard to tell though, some people smile or laugh when they are embarassed or uncomfortable.
  24. I think his apparent dispassion is a mix of frustrations about the QB, frustration with himself for sucking, and all the while wanting to look like cool hand Luke. He strikes me as the "too cool" type who doesn't want to commit mentally or take his share of the blame. Maybe I'm off base but that is my sense.
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