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Heavy Kevi

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Everything posted by Heavy Kevi

  1. 37-34 Bills in a thriller
  2. With the exception of last year, Josh always "gets up" for the phins game. I expect no difference this time. I don't know who is going to win but I can be sure of a few things: 1. Fins ain't puttin up 70 again 2. We're not losing by 50 3. These QBs won't be sitting down with backups playing at the end of the game (unless Tua gets concussed)
  3. Core competency. I talk about it with my staff all the time. It's great to excell and move into a new position, but we can't forget or leave behind our core competency. I own 3 restaurants and am currently building out a 4th... And I still cook every day. As good as I like to think I am in business, my core competency is cooking and managing a kitchen and I'm the most value to my own business when I do that. It also gets you respect from staff (or players in Sean's case) when they see you leading from the front. I have been very lucky to maintain an amazing staff but you can't hold on to people if they don't respect you or believe in your justification of authority. Sean is doing what he's best at, which also makes him a better HC and I'm sure the players feel he is more "in it" with them as opposed to them being "in it" for him. My $.02 anyway...
  4. It's true. And it's good for Sean to "dance with the one who brung him". Core competency. It's everything. He's a decent head coach/locker room guy in general, but it's nice to see him get back to what he does best. And quite frankly it might make him look like alot better of a HC too.
  5. Line will move because they will get lots of money on the fins. It's not really about who wins or injuries in this case, it's about where the money is going and Vegas making sure their bets are hedged Honestly happy to see fins blow their load today. We left tons of points on the field and still won by 34
  6. Lol yup. Unfortunately things that von say mean nothing at all. I don't think he's dishonest, he just has an undying optimism and it makes him wrong, not a liar. Remember after the injury? Couple days later on his podcast saying he'll be back in 11 days. That was around Thanksgiving last year and we're still waiting. O'dell? Dhop? Von is just projecting his wants into the air hoping they become reality. Hopefully Hyde and Floyd don't have the same affliction.
  7. It's not about helmet to helmet hits. It's about the player being visibly impaired after a hit, ie wobbling, stumbling, shaking head (shaking it off), etc. It's true they pay attention to those hits, but if a player doesn't exhibit symptoms of a brain injury they are not pulled.
  8. The UNC (stands for something like unaffiliated neurotrauma consultant) is who pulls players off the field to the tent. I don't believe they can be influenced by a team. I'm sure after all the shade they got last year for not pulling Tua, etc makes them more likely to pull a player. Not sure why adams was barking but I would be shocked if bills personnel effected that visit to the blue tent in any way
  9. This reminds me of Fitzpatrick. He always started the year great, but by the end of the year his body was so tired from throwing everything into every throw that he started throwing poorly (this is my layperson take anyway). My guess is Tua is in that boat. If he manages to actually stay healthy for a full year, we might get to see if he has the juice to make those plays for an 18th game.
  10. Murray's got juice today. Keep feeding him
  11. Hopefully Josh sees this, and then is reminded of Mahomes mvp and SB ringS The formula is there Josh, just follow the recipe.
  12. Agree with most of this except bolded. Daboll may have been the only one so far, but you can't make that statement because we haven't tried. We moved Josh's buddy QB coach to oc and that's it. We know McD and dorsey can't get through to him and that's ALL we know. Maybe the next OC, or the next HC can (and there will be other OCs and HCs), but we can't say with any confidence that "nobody... can get through to him" The first person we put with Josh did get through to him. The second didn't. Hardly a "welp, Josh be Josh" type situation. The 100% certain thing right now is Josh is the most important person in that building more important than McD, beane, Terry... Everyone. 5 years from now most of the players will be gone but Josh will remain. It's on coaching, management, and ultimately ownership to put competent leadership around him with no regard for anyone else's feelings or job security. If (when) McD likely replaces Dorsey after this year, if he can't find a suitable replacement, it's time for McD to go. If beane doesn't properly address McD when it's time, beane needs to go, etc. I like McD and beane but there is NOBODY who should be immune from accountability. You have a unicorn QB that needs structure. Give him that structure or get TF out of the way for someone who can.
  13. Josh just needs a good OC, not even a great one... But that OC needs to be able to hold Josh accountable. That's what he's missing right now. Discipline. He's all over the place, this is wild hero-ball josh. We need coaching that can reign him in. I also agree his relationship with Dorsey is probably too casual.
  14. Is it possible we both lost the war? Aaron is done probably forever and the jets got what you get when you put the oldest player in the NFL behind the worst oline. But it's also clear that Josh needs a sea change in coaching to be effective again. It's pretty obvious nobody is holding him accountable and pushing him. Idk if that's OC or the whole shabang, but it showed itself last year, and is quite clearly bleeding into this year too. I would say the Phins won the war... But playing jets D and Bills D 4 times I'd be surprised is Tua makes it through all those games.
  15. PFF picked us?! We're doomed!😱 Seriously though... Anyone picking the jets (or phins or pats) at this point is either a homer of that team, a hater of the bills, both, stupid, or not paying attention. Defending champ gets the benefit of the doubt. Even in fightsports, draw goes to the champ. But somehow a 368 year old Rodgers with potentially the worst OC in the league is are owners of the AFCE? I'm not buying that *****.
  16. Indeed. I agree with everything you said there. My point was to show an extreme case, making this situation seem not-so crazy. Most of the times I say off the record, it's just that. But mistakes happen. I even like the guy and now I'll sometimes say "Bill (that's not his real name), tell me you won't print this" In my experience, off record comments generally provide context to the writer, giving them information that even though they can't share, helps frame the situation so they understand the nuance. Beane's (potential) comments certainly "fit the bill" and I would not be surprised if this a true story (and now more than 1 poster has confirmed hearing it)
  17. I mean, sure... In theory. I know lots of media members (mostly newspaper and radio) and guess what? They are normal people. And normal people don't always follow the rules (whether unwitting or not). I have literally said "off the record" to reporters before and the "off record" comments were PRINTED on the front page. So yeah, I don't have a hard time believing this is feasible. Whether or not it's true is another conversation entirely. As a society we like to pretend certain professions (doctors, lawyers, reporters, etc) are above the fray, and have integrity; but time and time again we are proven foolhardy in that inclination. They are normal too, and a blanket "if this, then this; because rules" argument doesn't really move the needle on if this legitimately happened.
  18. So we're not allowed to say out loud that we dislike someone that [happens to be] female? That indeed sounds sexist, but not in the way you are alluding to. Your post is more divisive than pretty much any other post in this thread.
  19. Both points are valid... Especially about Josh's breakout '20 vs '21 and '22. But I keep thinking about 2 things when it comes to this: 1. There was much talk about last year that the deep throws were easier on Josh's elbow, and that's why they went deep so much and became one dimensional down the stretch. Add in the Kincaid pick and what should be a significant amount of 12 formation, and it seems to me the coaches know this and are trying to adjust. 2. Josh has acknowledged that and said this year he wants to take more of what the defense gives him, and do more things that traditional pocket passers do. Josh's inclination is 6 on every play. That is pretty hard to deny, but I think he wants it bad enough to adjust. I certainly dont know, but if I had to guess, Allen's air yards per play are going to decline significantly, and his comp % will rise by at least a few percentage points this year. I will disagree with the blanket "Josh is the problem". I think of course he needs to get better, and I don't know that he's "the best weapon", but he's certainly one of them and he needs to find his identity beyond "huge arm, jumps over guys".
  20. This is interesting. And quite frankly a great idea. Not entirely unlike trubisky signing here a couple years ago. Play for peanuts on a good team and hope someone who can pay you sees you succeed. Tru couldn't take advantage, but the theory is similar. I'm not 100% sure about this exact situation... But my experience in business is that you can put ANYTHING into a contract. As long as both parties sign it. What's Taylor's phone #? I could give him a ring and talk to him about earning another...
  21. You can call it weak but it's a real argument. What if that theoretical KC Cincy game (when bills would have forfeited) was in Cincy? Could well have been, and probably should have. Maybe they win that game. But NFL gave no chance for Cincy. You can say "outside of some Cincy fans", but that's still a large number of fans. Keep doing this over and over (my argument) and you alienate more and more fans from differing teams. I'm not saying that one incident = rigged, but it's another brick in the wall for the rigged crowd. This stuff keeps happening, it will definitely alter viewership. That's the point. Your argument is there is no immediate fallout so it doesn't exist, even in the future. That's short-sighted and intentionally obtuse. I'm not wrong just because you say I am🤣
  22. Ok so... WHAT? I didn't see this play until now. But obv that's a normal block "in the front" of the play. Well, it's preseason for the refs too I guess
  23. To play the devil's advocate here... If you take Hamlin's injury for example. Glad he is ok and of course health is most important, but from a competitive standpoint it: -Gifted KC the bye and an easy road to SB. They got the frickin jags. -Took away buf and Cincy chance at 1 seed (even though buffalo was in the 1 seed at the time and Cincy could gain it from winning as BOTH teams had already beaten KC in KC ) Realistically it had a MAJOR impact on competitive parity in the NFL and makes it *feel* rigged, especially to Cincy fans, even after Zac Taylor was so gracious in not forcing a forfeit. Realistically, the Bills should have taken a forfeit. What happened was not a good precedent for the NFL going forward. It's not about TV ads and contracts for today. It's about ruining the brand for the future. It's like a drug dealer pinching bags... You make more money today but chop yourself off at the knees for long term growth and earnings.
  24. I'm not against the premise. Truth is Davis was wr2 productive last year at 48/835/7 and it can only go up from there. We can afford a player Davis has been so far, but more than that: a contract now would be something that doesn't tie us up as it pertains to the cap. Then if he does break out, he's cheap, and if he doesn't break out, the contract won't be too big to move on from. Worked with Allen. Everyone said whoa! too big too early but after burrow get his contract, Josh will be 10th in AAV. 10th. And this is the first year of his extension. That's value
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