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Everything posted by Domdab99

  1. everyone in the building knew Ivory was getting that ball there. How about stretching the field?
  2. why is McCoy going out on 2nd and goal?
  3. hint: when they're stacking the box, maybe don't run it right at them.
  4. well, at least the defense plays well
  5. lol look at that throw and catch by Rivers and Williams...imagine that
  6. at least Darnold, Mayfield, and Rosen aren't playing very well, either
  7. why, because I think picking up lame and not very good players is a bad idea?
  8. lol wtf are you talking about? You think I have an agenda against Trent !@#$ing Murphy?? LOL
  9. I've turned this off. Watching the RED Zone channel now. This team is awful and I'm !@#$ing tired of caring. 45 years of watching Bills football...this is the worst team I've ever seen.
  10. wow, pick up a guy who was hurt for the last 18 months and he gets hurt again??? WHO COULDA SEEN THAT COMING?
  11. I see no way the Bills score on offense today, None.
  12. lol KB trying the Shady turn around move, but he's running in water
  13. No real receivers for Allen no mentor until week 5 and it's Derek !@#$ing Anderson too many spots wasted on special teams-only players - and they still suck very few cornerbacks, a gazillion defensive lineman
  14. I'm so tired of this....when will this team show just a baseline of competency?
  15. At least Darnold's INT looked horrible
  16. Next time, open it up, I don't know, maybe when the game starts?
  17. seriously, how do you let them complete a 3rd and 18? I mean, why does this ALWAYS seem to be the case with the Bills?
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