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Posts posted by Domdab99

  1. 3 minutes ago, thebandit27 said:


    Yeah that's what I figured 


    Next time either keep your idiocy to yourself or have a backbone 


    Back on topic: RIP Mr. McNair




    the guy suddenly doesn't turn into a saint just 'cause he died. And like I've already said...it's not my job to educate you, Sparky. I stand by my statement. You don't like it, oh well. I'll have to somehow live with it.

  2. 40 minutes ago, T master said:



    Personally i believe it all starts in the trenches both on Defense & Offense & i would go with building the offensive line taking the best available linemen which looks like it could be (for me) the kid from Bama, Williams as my first over all pick I know it's not real sexy but given Dawkins, Teller, & Bodine being Okay we need a good RT & he fits the Billz !!


    If this is something that has already been posted my apology ! 


    But how do you feel about it impersonally? 

  3. 1 minute ago, John from Riverside said:

    I dont even eat his lunch for one specific play like this either.......its his overall volume of effort


    he quits on plays

    he wont block

    he cannot gain separation....which you expect because he is so slow but then he also cannot "basketball defend" corners from the play with his size and drag in balls away from smaller players either.....which he should be able to do really easy


    Basically he is a big guy that plays small


    This is I agree with...I do not want to see him back in a Bills' uniform

  4. 1 minute ago, John from Riverside said:

    Dom he makes no effort to get back to the ball......for a giant with long arms he should at least be able to make a TRY on the ball when it is tipped and not just watch it.....

    Then he drops balls that he high points and it hits him right in the hands


    There is simply no excuse


    Again, as someone who has played the game, he didn't have time. He's reaching for where the ball should be, it gets tipped, and he's leaning/falling back - he's not really that close to the ball. 


    But yes, I'd like to see more effort from him. 

  5. I'm not a KB fan, but he's getting roasted for the tipped ball play when he shouldn't be. He's moving downfield and toward the sideline - he's expecting the ball to be in one place - and it gets tipped, instead. His body is moving in one direction and he literally has no time to stop it and move in the exact opposite direction to make a play on the ball. It's bang-bang.


    I played receiver, and when a tipped ball like that happens and you're moving in the opposite direction, it's near-impossible to correct in time. 

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