I know it's been said before, but I think Taylor gets a mulligan for 2016. He had an awful head coach, a fired OC after two weeks, another one who comes inwho had never been an OC before, and an injury depleted WR corp. that left him with mostly scrubs. I'm sorry, but when Robert Woods (who is a pretty good No. 2) is your No. 1 WR for half the year - and Watkins is playing hurt the other half of the year - it's hard to blame TT for the Bills' 7-9 record.
This is the year he will have to put up or shut up. I'm a TT fan, but if he doesn't show marked improvement with a decent OC, at least two healthy starting WRs, McCoy, Clay, and hell, maybe Barnidge in the mix...then, yes, let's move on.
I'm hoping he steps up, because he's damn exciting and has the capability of being a very good QB.