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Everything posted by Domdab99

  1. It's "shall," not "should." As an English professor, I'd like to point out that they do not mean the same thing.
  2. And for those of you wondering what the problem is or why they are protesting: http://people.com/crime/cobb-georgia-cop-we-only-shoot-black-people/ In the news this week.
  3. do you have a source for this? Show me the statute.
  4. I am not with you, OP. In this country, there is no such thing as a mandatory "pledge of allegiance." Colin Kaepernick - and any player, black or white - is using his rights as an American to protest obvious racial inequality - as they see it. Whether or not we agree with what they do or how they do it is beside the point. They have a platform to be seen, and I absolutely love that there are some kids watching football games, seeing these players respectfully call attention to an injustice, and that these kids are then asking their parents or friends or going on the internet and finding out more about why the players are not standing up for the Anthem. As a proud American who served in the Armed Forces, I believe that THIS IS WHAT I SERVED FOR. Not blind allegiance. We speak out and point out injustices and problems with our country. That's what being an American means. When I see people protest - as is their right - I feel pride. Even if I don't agree with the reasons why someone may be protesting.
  5. I heard it's because he's really Batman and is tired of having two jobs.
  6. Guys, trading a 3rd string LB isn't "tanking." Jesus.
  7. And I love how people are saying "trade Shady!" now, like any team will eat that contract.
  8. LOL you guys are hilarious. How do you know that they just let him retire to save face instead of cutting him because he's slower than a herd of snails traveling through peanut butter? Boldin wasn't going to be the answer. And we still have a better WR corp than last year.
  9. well at least we didn't have a hundred Tyrod threads and constant whining.
  10. lol you don't have to convince me that he's good...I know. that's why I think we can get a No. 2 and a body for him.
  11. I just don't get this. I wouldn't trade for Bortles for $400 and some new tackling dummies. He's atrocious.
  12. that's true lol but i'm too lazy to go scout every team...who needs a good DE?
  13. no tank...I just don't see Jerry being the last piece between the Bills and the playoffs this year, do you? obviously
  14. Not any of this ridiculous "trade Tyrod" crap. My trade? Jerry Hughes for a No. 2 and a body at WR or CB. With Shaq and Yarbrough coming on, lets skew young and get rid of a guy who really didn't perform that great the last two years...granted, it was because of Rex's **** scheme, but it's still worthwhile to get something for him. I like Jerry...but we really don't need him.
  15. hate to copy everyone else but hard to go wrong with Rice and Moss. Really thought the two Marks in Miami were pretty special, too.
  16. ahahahahaha...thanks, OP....great thread title...haven't laughed that much in a while.
  17. lol you must be blind...or Sammy's manager. those stats tell me we don't need Sammy
  18. in answer to the thread title....uh, no.
  19. lol who gives a **** what some random thinks?
  20. Really? Let's compare Mathews and Watkins three years in the league....
  21. lol you guys are ridiculous....Sammy was like a Ferrari...fast and shiny and always in the shop. Great moves.
  22. i trust them completely. http://www.wkbw.com/sports/bills/watkins-deal-stuns-the-masses-but-its-clear-now-the-buffalo-bills-are-all-in-on-the-future
  23. What makes you think one of those guys is a franchise QB?
  24. Doesn't necessarily mean a tank...Mathews is a No. 1 WR...still a bit thin at CB, tho. We have a lot of draft picks next year....
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