I have hope this new team will surprise us all and actually gel and be decent. However, I think there will be quite a few frustrating growing pains. Whether or not TT finally steps up and becomes a franchise QB will entirely be up to how well he can on page with Mathews and Jones. I also think he'll need some like Klay to step up and be a surprise speedster for him.
If Dennison can grow and actually play to the strengths of his offense, then the Bills might actually be decent...if instead, he tries and fit a square peg into a round hole, then we're screwed. I'm not interested in making TT a pocket passer. That's not what he is. We should be utilizing a lot of quick, short passes, moving pockets, and miss-direction runs. McCoy, Clay, DiMarco, and Tolbert need to lead.
On defense...who the eff knows? We will be reliant on a completely new secondary...and that may be disastrous.