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Everything posted by Domdab99

  1. OMG how disrespectful of Jordin Sparks to wear tights with holes in them while singing our Nation Anthem! #DeportJordinSparks
  2. Who cares if you're offended by it? So what? Be offended by it. That's you're right. But just saying "I'm offended" doesn't mean I have to stop saying or doing what I want. Neither do the players.
  3. I don't think they do all get it. They have chosen this way to protest because it is visible, peaceful, and effective. Writing their respective Congressmen does not get their point across to the masses.
  4. Guys, the players aren't protesting the flag. Or the Anthem. Rosa Parks wasn't protesting against the damn bus. While on a hunger strike, Gandhi wasn't protesting food. It's the injustice they are protesting. Duh.
  5. I really wonder about those on here who actually would take Seimen over TT. I mean, have you ever actually watched a football game before?
  6. Definitely...I was yelling "fake! fake!" when they were over the ball. No idea why I thought that.
  7. Betcha TT has a better QBR and QB rating at the end of the year.
  8. "Veterans didn't die for black athletes to actually use their freedom of speech!"
  9. How, exactly are they "disrespecting the flag?" I'm genuinely curious to hear your answer.
  10. The kid dropped three passes today...hope he's not a bust.
  11. How is not standing for the anthem disrespectful to troops? What kind of twisty meandering down a dark path do you have to travel to get there? I wonder if OP stands up every time he's watching a game on TV when the anthem is played. Or if he is instead laying on his couch in his underwear scratching his balls I'll take action up to $100 on that not happening.
  12. I think if the Broncos see Tolbert in and Shady out on 3rd and 6, they're thinking, "one less guy we have to cover - sweet!"
  13. Oh you poor little snowflake! Don't let the screen door hit you on the butt on your way out. Buh Buy.
  14. So what's DiMarco for then? Fine, keep a back in for blocking, but I'd still rather have Shady in than freakin' Klay.
  15. Really good win, but Siemen helped us out quite a bit lol
  16. I get the break part...but if he's not winded, why not have your best player in the game?
  17. 3rd and 6 and Tolbert is in the game for some reason. I keep seeing McCoy coming over the damn field on third down...that makes no sense to me. Anyone have a reason as to why you wouldn't want Shady in the game on third down?
  18. Dear OP: Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, even one as stupid as yours.
  19. Man, great defensive effort! Not sure how the Bills are scoring any points with this offense...it's all smoke and mirrors and Shady for -5 yards on first down.
  20. I'm just going to leave this here...
  21. Please show us where Kimmel got it wrong. The AMA and a host of others who DO know better said he was right.
  22. LOL I was trying to come up with a good response without it getting political, but this is perfect. I'm with Shady. And I hope every Bills player - black and white - take a knee on Sunday.
  23. Hey, I don't mind...I don't have to decide between watching the Bills and golf now. I just record the game and go golfing.
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