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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. If one of those guys went down Shakir or Crowder would go in. I wouldn’t get hung up on the look of the physical chart. The Bills will put their best guys on the field
  2. When was the last time Jones played any non ST position for this team? Other teams used him on offense. We don’t. That’s one of my biggest issues
  3. Id have no issue with Jones if they occasionally used him on offense. The guy has speed. They never even let him touch the ball in the preseason. Put him out there and see what he can do. STs is nowhere near important enough in this era to have a guy that’s strictly a gunner. Get him involved in the rotation at RB a little. It’s not as if you are stacked with studs there. The only guys on my team that are ST only would be K/P/LS. If you can’t at least occasionally see the field in a real position (even in garbage time) then I’m cutting you.
  4. I know what happened and it’s easy to say it was a mistake….I would have kicked it out of the end zone. You have 13 seconds. You are the number 1 defense in football….Make a stop.
  5. I’d be all good with moving on from Moss. Definitely can’t see a team giving anything up for him but I’m good with 26/28/35. All 3 guys are better then Moss IMO
  6. This team is obsessed with ST. There has never been a time where kickoffs/Kick returns were less important. They are literally getting phased out of the league for safety reasons. You can basically just kick every ball out of the end zone. Punts are hardly any different. Most of the time it’s fair caught or a penalty is called. There are so few active game day roster spots available and we constantly overvalue STs guy. I’m not saying completely ignore it but it’s nowhere near as important as offense or defense. Especially in this day and age. The only guys on the roster that should be strictly ST are the K/P/LS. We constantly make guys that can help us score inactive (in favor of ST) And the worst part about it is, we aren’t even that good on ST. If it was an elite unit that was helping us win games, fine.
  7. Maybe other teams knew and this was why 2 punters went ahead of him in the draft? Oh well. Absolutely needed to just move on. Hoping for the best for the girl involved in the situation and if it ends up being misinformation then it’s unfortunate there was job loss and reputation damage but this organization doesn’t need that risk.
  8. As silly as this is…in the world of PR and media spins….it might look better to cut the guy before you even have another punter. That would kind of flip the narrative to say the Bills just don’t stand for it and that’s worth even more then the roster construction.
  9. This team has won 10 straight preseason games and then got shut out tonight. Score almost at will every week and just have nothing to give here. This is a distraction…just get this guy out of here and find another guy that can punt. Can’t and won’t be difficult. Not worth it. Hoping for the best for everyone involved but we don’t need this
  10. Why would they even have to wait? We need to make roster cuts. You aren’t required to explain why you are cutting a guy. 30 guys are about to be cut. It’s that simple
  11. This ***** honestly isn’t worth the aggravation. It’s a punter. Just move on, go get a veteran and try to win the super bowl. Don’t waste another min on this distraction
  12. With every passing hour I’m kinda thinking maybe it’s best to just end this thing. Cut him and just move on. If it turns out it’s all BS then that’s unfortunate (for him to lose his job) but at this point…just move forward and get rid of the dark cloud and distraction.
  13. McDermott said let’s start by talking about the thing with Matt but then every question he’s asked he keeps saying he’s not going to get into it.
  14. I’m not going to upset people that like the guy and want to feel a type of nostalgia but thank god. I’m not even sure this guy has watched a sporting event in the last 5 years. He’s completely clueless. Seems like a nice guy and I’m sure the over the top “Nerd” thing is mostly a bit but he just knows so little about sports. He will never once say anything that you need to hear sports wise. Good luck to him though. Seems like a really good guy.
  15. Wasn’t a drought team thanks to Tyrod lol
  16. I feel concerned that we are going to make a mistake and cut Crowder. That guy starts for almost every Bills team of the drought
  17. I’m kind of going off of what Moss showed last year. I feel like it’s fools gold with him. He’s ok but nothing special IMO. And last year I was kind of just done with him. He’s looked pretty good but at best he’s going to be the 3rd guy here. I certainly don’t feel like Moss is considerably better then Blackshear. I’d rather go with the younger, cheaper faster guy.
  18. I like Blackshear. I think you just find a way to keep him on the roster. If that means you lose Moss, so be it. Singletary and Cook are going to be the main guys anyway. Keep Blackshear as the 3, let him play ST and work him in here and there. That’s 3 guys they can make plays out of the backfield and you can really be explosive all throughout the game RB wise. Moss just looks way too slow for my liking and Duke..it’s a numbers game
  19. The aggravating part is somehow they will keep Jones. Which id actually be ok with IF they actually let him play RB at times. If the guy is going to be a no questions asked roster guy that’s active every week, you have to at least attempt get him involved on offense a bit. If he’s active every single game day, get him on the field in pre season to play a little RB. Make sure in a pinch if guys go down, they he can play his actual position. Guys that can literally only play ST should be limited to K/P/LS. There are too few roster spots. Jones has some speed. He made the play that sunk us in Houston. The guy literally plays every game no matter what. There were plenty of times in the last 2 years where we were super thin at RB. If this guy has to be on the team, then he needs to at least be the 3rd RB and an option incase of injury or rest.
  20. I’m actually good with this. I think I like Singletary Blackshear and Cook with Gilliam short yardage if necessary. Moss looks better yes but damn is he slow.
  21. I have been on a roller coaster with Moss: going between liking him a ton, being completely done with him and everywhere in between. It was nice to see him have a good day but man is he slow lol. It’s noticeable every time he touches the ball. He’s frustratingly slow. I think he will get used quite a bit in the preseason, maybe even to be showcased a little and then be a complete non factor once the games matter. I liked what I saw from Blackshear a lot and Duke looked strong on ST. You already know the other 2 guys are ahead of him here.. I see nowhere for Moss whatsoever when the cuts end.
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