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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. The Cowboys were 4-1 with Rush and the loss was at the undefeated eagles…they have 2 FGs in 6 quarters with Dak. The media refuses to even let you say or think that they were better off. You can be a more talented player but not be better for a team. Sometimes guys just understand how to get the most out of an offense. It’s not always just physical ability
  2. In a Simpsons episode Homer dies and is doing things to try to get into heaven. Marge gives him a list of chores and he says I’m just trying to get into heaven, I’m not running for Jesus. And at that point Brian moorman was my favorite player. The irony is I barely watch the Simpsons anymore and I’m not even religious. Just made it in the beginning…had it for BBMB, stuck with it.
  3. Elam is going to create some tough decisions when White comes back
  4. The guy has been playing well. We have a lot of talent at CB. That’s a good problem to have but it’s also a logistical issue of playing time.
  5. McDermott is a great coach Monday through Saturday….he absolutely sucks on game day
  6. We never blitz this guy….we never stop them either. Maybe change it up
  7. Just right down our throats every drive. Typical have to be perfect on every drive on offense because you sure as ***** get no resistance by the defense
  8. One things for sure, this is the type of game we always lose. If we pull this thing out, ***** going to feel different in an amazing way
  9. 3rd and 13 from the 1 down 4…I’m probably signing up for a tie at halftime
  10. This defense is absolutely petrified to just play against Mahomes. Just play your ***** game and stop being such pussies
  11. Thank god our Offense doesn’t play scared in big games the way our defense does. Fraizer should get another HC job. I’d love it
  12. Might be able to kill them with a cook screen behind this blitz
  13. Every ***** big spot, we always end up the team that everyone feels bad for. “Oh hey, you guys were right there” just ***** 1 time you could actually be the other team. Jesus Christ. We might be down 3 scores the next time we see the ball now
  14. No matter how much you can visibly see ***** is different. We are just always going to be the Bills
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